Question 5: Reasons for Banning

Should we advise members why and for how long a ban has been imposed?

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Should we advise members why and for how long a ban has been imposed?

To expand on this question. It is clear to members when someone has been banned since the fact appears under their nickname. Some members, however, feel that they do not always understand why people have been banned particularly when they have not seen objectionable posts.

In addition some members entertain suspicions that people have been banned unfairly and would welcome more transparency.

Just a simple yes or no vote again for this one backed up by comments if you wish. Some people have already commented in the main thread about Site Guidelines and Moderating Standards. Note has already been taken of those and there's no need to repeat your comments here unless you want to do so. I would be grateful if you'd cast a vote though.

barjon said:
[To expand on this question. It is clear to members when someone has been banned since the fact appears under their nickname.
What about ducati998? He was apparently banned according to a member who raised this question recently in another thread but his status does not reflect this.

Moderator frugi did respond on that thread saying they were going to look into it, but nothing further was reported.

Unless there is total transparency and honesty what difference would it make asking this question?
I did look into it and resolved the situation in private with LION63. Ducati998 is not banned and never has been. There was some confusion about this matter as unfortunately LION63 was told, mistakenly, that he had been.
frugi said:
I did look into it and resolved the situation in private with LION63. Ducati998 is not banned and never has been. There was some confusion about this matter as unfortunately LION63 was told, mistakenly, that he had been.

Just to confirm that the above is indeed correct and Sharky has also confirmed that Ducati998 was/has not been banned at any point in time. He wrongly assumed that as he could not access the site he had been banned.

However, I would like to point out that the last time (yesterday) that I saw a post that had been made by The Bramble, it did not show that he had been banned. Unless I am told otherwise, he was definitely banned a few months ago. If that is the case, then something has to be done to ensure that the flagging of banned members is universal.
barjon said:
Should we advise members why and for how long a ban has been imposed?

To expand on this question. It is clear to members when someone has been banned since the fact appears under their nickname. Some members, however, feel that they do not always understand why people have been banned particularly when they have not seen objectionable posts.

In addition some members entertain suspicions that people have been banned unfairly and would welcome more transparency.

Just a simple yes or no vote again for this one backed up by comments if you wish. Some people have already commented in the main thread about Site Guidelines and Moderating Standards. Note has already been taken of those and there's no need to repeat your comments here unless you want to do so. I would be grateful if you'd cast a vote though.

Banning is about ego. Either the Moderator does it on his own inclination or he does it because some toady has complained to him .. in which case it is the fragile ego of the complainant/s.

Banning as I say is about ego. Consideration should be given by the Moderator as to whether the allegedly offending member has support from others and also whether he may simply have a viewpoint which explodes the puffed up fantasies of the huge numbers of dreamers at T2W who may or may not make a few bucks trading but certainly don't like any harsh truths disrupting their dreamscapes.

However, as matter of civilised behaviour by the Moderator, if a member is banned he should be told why he has been banned and whether it is for a just a period or for good.
fudgestain said:
..................However, as matter of civilised behaviour by the Moderator, if a member is banned he should be told why he has been banned and whether it is for a just a period or for good................


we do, of course, let people know why and for how long they've been banned. in case there's any doubt the questions about whether other members should know.


barjon said:

we do, of course, let people know why and for how long they've been banned. in case there's any doubt the questions about whether other members should know.


Jon, I take back that observation of mine. It wasn't clear to me whether or not a banned Member was told why and for how long.
fudgestain said:
Banning is about ego. Either the Moderator does it on his own inclination or he does it because some toady has complained to him .. in which case it is the fragile ego of the complainant/s.

Banning as I say is about ego. Consideration should be given by the Moderator as to whether the allegedly offending member has support from others and also whether he may simply have a viewpoint which explodes the puffed up fantasies of the huge numbers of dreamers at T2W who may or may not make a few bucks trading but certainly don't like any harsh truths disrupting their dreamscapes.

However, as matter of civilised behaviour by the Moderator, if a member is banned he should be told why he has been banned and whether it is for a just a period or for good.

Wells said , and let's not forget a toady's hurt ego may not be the only one in this game .