Quantt’s betting journal

the bet for 20180115 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Dallas @ Boston
Anaheim @ Colorado
loss and the bet for 20180116 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

St. Louis @ Toronto
San Jose @ Arizona

and the bet for 20180117, (since I am going for a drinks in the early afternoon with some current and ex co workers, which usually results in strip joints, late night and taking the next day off) is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Montreal @ Boston
Pittsburgh @ Anaheim
loss and a win and the bet for 20180118 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

St. Louis @ Ottawa
Arizona @ Nashville

No bets form 20180119
win and the bet for 20180120 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Dallas @ Buffalo
Arizona @ St. Louis

No bets for 20180121
win and the bet for 20180122 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Detroit @ New Jersey
Tampa Bay @ Chicago
loss and the bet for 20180123 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Florida @ Dallas
Columbus @ Vegas

No bets for 20180124
win and the bet for 201801235is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Boston @ Ottawa
NY Islanders @ Vegas

No more bets until Tue 30.01.2018 due to the all start break
OK, this is going to be the last bet, since the casinos are catching up to the fact that there are more goals this year compared to the last few years, so they are lowering the odds, which makes this unprofitable in the long run...

the bet for 20180130 is the following games to go over 4.5 goals:

Montreal @ St. Louis
Chicago @ Nashville