Quant Manage

It is truely a pleasure to have this discussion with yourselves. As stated previously, there is no trading desk and therefore no regulation due to the fact that it is a non-profit training programme with no commercial aspirations. We would also like to again point out that Quant is a consulting and services operation primarily in the retail industry therefore financial services are not their target market. Bringing members of the financial services industry together to provide education to junior traders has generally received positive feedback, we have since recommended our client to exclude Trade2Win from their target audience as obviously your members are of an educated nature that no further information or guidance programme from industry sources is required.

Well we've already had one 'managed fx' scam this week.
We do again need to point out the fact that Quant is a consulting and services operation primarily in retail with no trading operations. The fact that a non-profit training programme was to be run via a licensed methodology using industry third parties by default make the comment of regulation a nonsensical point, however we do appreciate you confusion on the subject.
pboyles, thank you for pointing that out, we will contact the web developers and hosting company immediately as they have obviously made an error. The site was in development and should not be active. Indirect trading advisory does not actually constitute a requirement for regulation, however due to the lack of clarity Quant did not approve the release of the service seeking to stay primarily with retail operations. We thank you again for pointing out the hosting error, your help is very much appreciated.
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We're out of Turd-O-Shine. Pass me the chamois, we'll buff the b|ugger and see if that don't make it sparkle.
Erm any advisory services are subject to the whole RDR shebang, son. You should therefore at the very least have FSA registered employees.
TheBramble, that is one of the most amsuing comments we have seen for a very long time, excellent. This must be why Quant were so skeptical to approve the release, everything makes sense, eventually.
TheBramble, that is one of the most amsuing comments we have seen for a very long time, excellent. This must be why Quant were so skeptical to approve the release, everything makes sense, eventually.
Genuinely pleased you’re amused as I‘d like you to take something positive away from your interaction with t2w.

I took it as a typo and not a subliminal ‘am suing’. And If you want sceptical you’ve really come to the right place. They’ve all passed through here at one time or another. Some more than once.

In many ways, testing your script on t2w is a really good way to sharpen up your edges and get some decent feedback on how to modify your ‘offering’ to the wider market place. We’ve given you a great deal of advice on how to do so and I hope that it is appreciated.
We could not have asked for more insightful feedback, it makes a pleasant change from retail. Quant are actually a retail operation, they do not have any presence in the markets nor any commercial product offerings relating to trading. Their retail operations are large however, some of the sites have around 250,000 retail products and we are told that they moved all development and production sites over to new high-performance enterprise hosting recently. We do appreciate all your comments, I will see what I can do.
I am the official statement checker around here. Ask anyone if you don't believe me. So I would suggest refraining from making unsubstantiated claims unless you can provide statements or equivalents. I am also an IT coolroo. If you want to talk about high performance systems, I will be happy to oblige.
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I believe you can find the links from the website, being in external marketing it is not our area of expertise although it is always good to know of an IT guru, we may take you up on that offer. There are physical product sales which are small in number so you would be correct, that would be a bit much, I understand the rest are outsourced via other retailers and operators. We may be going off-topic here though.
Anyone who gets involved with an unregulated financial service like Quant Manage is going to lose their money. Just look at the Senen Pousa thread on T2W for a perfect example.
To clarify as the points made are factually incorrect, Quant are a retail and IT operation, they do not have any presence in the markets nor any commercial product offerings relating to trading. They do not provide any financial services however we do understand your confusion on the subject.
ah! you been a busy boy and removed it all haven't you.

unlucky for you it's still all in web cache 😆


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They do not provide any financial services

Then explain why the registration for QMFOREX.COM ? Are they retailing currencies like selling Euros to the public ?

Quant Management Ltd
145-157 St John Street
London, London EC1V 4PW

Domain Name: QMFOREX.COM
QMFOREX.COM site is now down,

and still down 👍

what i'd like to know is who sanctioned the nic change of these clowns, and helped hide what they were about! their nic was QuantManage. they've some how been allowed to change their nic to LTMktng 🙄