Qualifications for Trader


Junior member
Hi, is there any qualifications that can help you become a trader. I have already an Msc in Finance but I've been turned down from all the big bank's graduate shemes, so anything that can give me an edge is appreciated it.Thanks
My guess is the big uk banks arent hiring - if they are they taking the best of the best (no disrespect intended). Have a look at the prop firms like Futex or Schneiders its always an option.
My guess is the big uk banks arent hiring - if they are they taking the best of the best (no disrespect intended). Have a look at the prop firms like Futex or Schneiders its always an option.

Thanks man and don't worry I've been turned down down so many times that nothing touches me any more. It was sth that I read in some other thread, that maybe an FSA qualification may help.
Hi, is there any qualifications that can help you become a trader.

1) Have a good head for figuring and be able stand on your own two feet
2) Courage
3) Determination
4) Perseverance
5) Patience
6) Discipline
7) Be able to sit quietly and think without interruption for very long periods of time
8) Be able to focus the mind and to maintain it focused for long periods of time
9) Be able to make precise and accurate decisions at the speed of light
10) To be the very antithesis of those who seek get rich quick schemes, 'systems', pretty coloured lines, indicators, magic numbers, pretty patterns and any or all other short cuts.

Just to name a few..

All IMHO, of course...
I suspect that big banks are not hiring, exceptionally PHD students, tip..

CF30 qual would help, do you have a numerate first degree?

Also have you any internships under your belt??
I have a Bsc in Economics from the university of Piraeus in Greece and an Msc in Financial Economics from the univeristy of Exeter.
But no interships, nothing basically I have realized that I have no chance(after 4 months of searching I ended up working in Harrods), so I am start looking in prop houses like Futex or Schneider.
Seems a difficult one, you have arrived at the wrong time... all you can do is keep looking and get your CV out there, if you are a top student have a look at a further degree in a numerate degree or economic related...

All the best..
im finding it impossoble to get a job in trading, ive tried all the props and banks out there, i just did a BA in entrepreneurship.
Traditional academic subjects usually fair well when applying, subjects such as Maths, Physics, History, Chemistry etc etc. they do look for pure perfection, A*-A grades at gcse, straight A's at A level, and usually a 1st class degree, and even further down the line, Master's and PHD.......

Applicants to internships have these grades, and these who perform on the internship secure the jobs.

When looking on the floor, it is usually public school boys with Oxbridge backgrounds, if you can't get an initial interview in the next year, it may be time to further your education or go it alone.
im finding it impossoble to get a job in trading, ive tried all the props and banks out there, i just did a BA in entrepreneurship.

suhaib, why didn't you apply with a sucessful track record Pnl of past six months, assuming you are consistently pulling money out of the market and are confident enough to pay atleast their desk fees.
Teach people to be an Entrepreneur : it is possile I think. But you would need to be an appentice to other Entrepreneurs I would suggest.
A university professor (assuming he is not an entrepreneur himself) would not possess the skills to teach the subject.
Napoleon Hill mentioned somewhere that "Knowledge is not power. Application of knowledge is power". He used universities to prove the point.
Hi, is there any qualifications that can help you become a trader. I have already an Msc in Finance but I've been turned down from all the big bank's graduate shemes, so anything that can give me an edge is appreciated it.Thanks

Blackpele, this page about the trader's work might answer your question (read the section "Becoming a trader: what career path"). The page appears to have been written by a trader.
This page which lists finance jobs in the UK might also interest you, but you probably checked out this one already.
Hope this helps.
My guess is the big uk banks arent hiring - if they are they taking the best of the best (no disrespect intended). Have a look at the prop firms like Futex or Schneiders its always an option.

Hi Claudia,

Hope you well.

What are the qualifications required to become a Trader.

Is it Bcom Economics?

Please advise

My email is [email protected]