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Pure Pip Producer : style and expectations

Do you think it is possible to profit every quarter with trading?

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The rate of Darwins which have this type of « Mean Drawdown Reversal » could be low (?) but i think it’s a good signal to enter. Probably the best signal we could have.

Same statement for the exit.

To enter in the Darwin PDC on the first time the Darwinex Mean Dradown reduced was the good point of entrance.

The Mean Dradown past from -1.94% to -1.26%

It happened on september 18th 2020, 4 days after the IPO.

The price was at 112.45 and the current Drawdown happened around 117.00

It’s something, we should take care.

Probably, some skills with API and blablabla should be needed to monitore this on all the Darwins.... but i’m pretty sure that’s not a so bad idea...

And 100% sure that’s a better idea than to buy on a dip.
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To enter in the Darwin PDC on the first time the Darwinex Mean Dradown reduced was the good point of entrance.

The Mean Dradown past from -1.94% to 1.26%
Mean drawdown concept can't be applied to your darwin as mean drawdown calculation done on yearly average drawdown that need at least 05 year of trackrecord. It is meaningless to apply this concept on daily/monthly basis due to higher volatility.
i didn't really speak for my Darwin. I spoke in general. I mean, that Concept has to be explored deeply.

I can’t do that, i have to trade the markets. But some Darwinians People could explore it.

Instead of mentally masturbating about how is the better way to buy a dip🤷🏻‍♂️
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Up during the night and write. Maybe you have the night job now.
I had a job 25 years ago... that was horrible... i mean, i used to work for someone else than me 😅😅

I can’t do that.

That’s very dangerous for the personn i would work for.

I’m the Alpha Male of the Alpha Males.

you are not serious trader
You are right. I’m absolutely not a serious trader, that’s true. It’s because i don’t care about trading... that’s to easy for me.

Since 3 years, I do that like you eat and drink... that’s natural for me now 🤷🏻‍♂️

So i try to make it more difficult by speaking on forum and saying bullshits... but nothing change, i always win...

Because, i’ve trained to have the right mindset, i escaped the Matrix and i’ve studied the right domains.

Maybe one given day you could show us a track-record?

Because you speak here @Oleg but we can not see your results.

I could probably help you to have that kind of Equity Curve :

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The Volatlity Breakout dependence is like the Trend dependence, is like the Breakout dependence, is like the Technical Signal dependence, is like the Range dependence, is like the Indicator signal dependence, is like, is like, is like...

These kind of trading approaches (99.99% of the trading strategies) cannot have positive results on equal periods of time.

That’s really stupid because actually, the even definition of the word « Consistency » is to have positive results on equal periods of time.

Only a trader who has found how to extract himself from the dependence of a signal to enter in the market can have positive results on equal periods of time.

I don’t know in which language and how many time i will have to write this... 🙄
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So, i did it right now.

In june 2020 the problem has been solved. Then we had a lot of private tests and we finally started the trading account on july 17th, 2020.

Since that day and until the next trading day we should probably operate (the first working day of november), there is exactly 107 days.

Number of days past by the Equity Curve in Drawdown during these 107 days : -21 days

Number of days past by the Equity Curve at the High Water Mark during these 107 days : +86 days

Time Drawdown Scoring : +65

I'm watching only this. To maintain that score positive. Independently of what all the traders/investors think.

I am aware that it flays the buttocks of some.

But I don't give a fuck, actually...🤷🏻‍♂️

Update of this incredible Challenge ! (The hardest i have in trading.. so much harder than to be positive every quarter!)

Remember, the goal is to maintain this number of days positive. That's very hard. But i like hard Challenges... in order to write the History.

Since that day and until the next trading day we should probably operate (the first working day of december), we have 29 days to add to the 107 days...

So, we are now at 136 days since inception of the Real Pure Pip Production on the FCA Adjusted Risk Darwin/Darwinex Brokerage.

On these 29 days, we have past only 3 days at the Top of the Equity Curve and 26 days in Time Drawdown.

The update is now :

Number of days past by the Equity Curve in Drawdown during these 136 days : -47 days

Number of days past by the Equity Curve at the High Water Mark during these 136 days : +89 days

Time Drawdown Scoring : +42 days

Another hard Challenge is coming in a next post, very soon. Thus, i would have 3 Hard Challenges. I mean, you’ll have 3 things to pray everyday to make these things happen 😁

Currently, the positive quarters Challenge is the easiest challenge and the hardest is to maintain a positive Time Drawdown Scoring.

The 3rd Challenge is also very difficult, i would say that its the level of diffilculty is between both.

It’s coming soon. Stay tuned... héhé 😉
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About the last monthly performance (Risk -0.15/Gain +3.04%), i would add that it's about the process, not about the performance.

October 2020 has been a very good month because the Initial Risk taken to generate the performance has been very low (only -0.15%, to produce +3.04% of Pure Alpha Performance).

November 2020 is not so bad as well. The initial Risk taken to generate +1.45% of Alpha Pure Performance has been -0.81%.

initial risk november 2020.jpg

Actually, the -2.43% Drawdown occured after a huge first week of performance +2.60%. That kind of Drawdown is less important. It's just giving back some recent profits.

I have managed very well the US elections... but not so much the Pfizer vaccine announcement... Then, the last trade, we tried to catch a "Positive Black Swan". It didn't work on that time... the day we'll catch it, you will probably understand, that here, it's the Champions' League.

To those who were asking : "But what if Pure Pip Producer starts by losses at the beginning of the month?"

The answer to this question is the following :

It's totally possible to have a month which starts by losses... but the odds of this happening are lower than the odds of having a very low initial risk at the beginning of the month... because 1) i do not trade the markets on the last week of the month and 2) i use the first half of the week to rest and the other half of this week to prepare serenely the beginning of the month.

The game is to have the maximum of the odds from our side, and not to say what will happen or not.

Those who are always in the markets, fighting, haven't all the odds from their side.

Those who operate like we do could also have an initial risk at the beginning of the month lower.

It's just a matter of operate with all the odds from our side.

By "odds" most of the people understand "technical odds"... we aren't in that case. We are in the case of "Physical odds".

Something that systematic traders can not do at all... because even if their brains are rested and fresh, their job is only to repeat a decision they took long time ago, without the possibilty to use their rested and fresh brains...

So, this could be aply only to non-systematic traders.

Stay tuned for the 3rd challenge... one of the previous post gave me the idea about that... it's about something that also doesn't exist at Darwinex.

I've to check again If it's the case. If yes, this 3rd Challenge will be added to the 2 others.

Without all these Challenges, Darwinex trading would be so boring to me... hahahahaa😄😄
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With this post on SYO thread : https://www.trade2win.com/threads/darwin-syo-by-sersansistemas.238503/post-3168103

I've started to alert about this current Drawdown, it was on october 13th, when the Drawdown was around -4%.

Some ppl wrote that i would attack... some others understood that i alerted and also avoided the finally -9% drawdown of the SYO Red October.

The floating quarter was able to avoid 5% of this Drawdown.

So, the only words we could say is : "Thank you"

Now, i would like to show what happened on the Darwin SYO underlied trading account : https://www.darwinex.com/fr/account/D.51735

-25% in one month.jpg

-25% in 1 month !

So, please, don't come to say that's a good trading strategy... Nobody would believe it.
Fortunately, the Darwinex Risk Manager Algorithm did a great job... and has transformed the -25% into a -9%.​
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do you think i can maintain a DD at zero? 😂😂 what a joke... who could do that?

Recently, it seems that some ppl here, were shocked when i was at -2% Drawdown... like if i would never be in Drawdown 😂😂

We all know that to maintain a Drawdown at zero is strictly impossible...

But, are we really totally sure about that? 🤔

If a trader on Earth could meet this Challenge, don’t you think only Pure Pip Producer could be enough ambitious to do it?


So, here is the 3rd Challenge : Maintaining the Drawdown at Zero on the Darwin underlying trading account.

It is currently at -0.32%


This Challenge will be lost if it become more than -0.99%.

So we have now 3 huge high level Challenges strictly impossible to maintain for the common super traders, right?

1- All the Quarters Positive

2- The Time Drawdown Scoring Positive

3- The Max Drawdown at Zero

I think now you have enough Challenges to understand...

... to understand the Level i’m speaking.

You have now 3 lucks more to come to tell me i failed...

Lucky you!

I hope some smart ppl here understand why i push the level so high...

« One any given day, week, or month... »

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I sometimes double-check the info about the brokers I use, just to see if there's any update.
This is what I found on the FCA register this morning regarding Darwinex:

View attachment 291192
They just registered 2 new companies, right after shutting down the forum.
I hope this is not (again) bad news...
Probably, one of these company is for the Private Label ? 🤔

Because, it could be difficult to put in the same basket, the normal Darwins and the Private Label Darwins...

I bet on it...

The Mean Drawdown did it again! It past from -2.43% to -2.39%

mean drawdown 239.jpg

As we can see on this pic, the "Darwinex New Mean Drawdown" (it's like a Daily Drawdown Average) was, once again, reduced by this new way to calculate. Unless i'm mistaken, i do not see some others Darwins this happens...

It has become exactly the same of the Max Drawdown!

Soon, will it become better? 🤔
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