
ohlcv said:
- it is browser based, which raises 2 issues:
- does a chart window ever get taken over when you click a link in another browser?
- are there ever resource issues when you have many browser windows open?

No, charts are never taken over when you click a link. IMHO it's not really browser based. It's a java applet started from a browser window. You can close the browser window after starting the application.

I do experience resource issue's. In my experience virtually every Java application results in some resource issue's. I've to admit however that prorealtime is definately one of the better java applications. With prorealtime open and some other resource demanding applications running I sometimes do experience slowness and freezes. With only a few simple browsers running I experience no problems wrt slowness and freezes.

rols said:
I've been using prorealtime for a while now and there are pros and cons...
I originally started with it for two reasons
(i) it can be run on Macs
(ii) IB had been having problems with data feed and i wanted an alternate feed.

Customer service is not great. Emails take days to get answered, if at all. Data feed seems reliable and charts look and function well.

There are several other aspects I should like to point out from my experience which they have still not addressed.

1. The proscreener (scanner) does not function with futures which renders this feature useless for me in the main. When I asked them why, the eventual answer was that they didn't think it was something their clients wanted!

This also applies to the 'top movers ' screener which has many candlestick patterns and variable timeframes. Again not for futures....

I expressed my disappointment about this and i was told they would code me some candlestick pattern indicators. I sent in my list but again no response. Not great for $500 a quarter.

2. They say it functions well on Mac. Well this is not strictly true. if you have Mac running on anything less than Tiger then you can't use Java 1.5 and things will continually freeze. Even if you do have Mac OS 10.4 there is a known issue with the new Java and Macs which Apple haven't sorted out. (too busy with their video pods perhaps) Hence any excessive demands on the app and the whole thing freezes. This is a bit alarming if you are trading live off the charts - especially in a slow market!

3. However if you get a PC or two (dirt cheap from Dell) then it works great and the backtesting tool is excellent for looking at strats and the continuous DAX data for ex. goes back many years.

4. I've been looking at Metastock recently and this is an excellent program for FX. If only I could link this up to IB?!

cheers rols.

im currently using ensign windows as my quote platform with the iqfeed. it s pretty much the most reliable quote platform ive ever used - no idea if it works on a mac though.
RCI i mistake it. where is? please teach me

RCI code is

Function RCI(price As Range) As Single
Dim n As Long, i As Long
Dim x As Single
n = price.Count
x = 0
For i = 1 To n
x = x + (Application.Rank(price(i), price) - i) ^ 2
Next i
RCI = 600 * x / (n ^ 3 - n) - 100
End Function

can't run ProRealTime 😕
Continuous Contracts

Hi Folks
i've been checking out prorealtime and there one thing i can find very little info on their site is that relating to their data (i'm interested in EOD) and their customer support can be sluggish in replying and don't always give the fullest of answers.

I've a few questions that i wondered if anyone knew the answers to:
1. How reliable is their EOD data?
2. How do they calculate their continuous contracts, are they simply cash, or are backadjusted?
3. How reliable is the backtester?
