

I recently subscribed to which gives free access to EOD Data for Charting and Screening. I have been very impressed with the software and have requested their free 7 day trial over a week ago for their Intraday / RealTime capabilities. Unfortunately, I have not received a single response back from the company after numerous requests. I wanted to see if anyone has a contact for ProRealTime with direct contact information as I have not received a response from their generic Email address requesting the trial? I have scoured my resources to locate a telephone number but the only one I came across was not in service from the United States. Personally, I have never received this type of service, or lack there of, and I don't want to pay for 3 months of service if I can't get a respose back on requesting the trial period. Again, I am very impressed with the software, but can't seem to get anyone to return my request to test the software / service before paying for the subscription. Any assistance that you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Doubled600 said:
I recently subscribed to which gives free access to EOD Data for Charting and Screening. I have been very impressed with the software and have requested their free 7 day trial over a week ago for their Intraday / RealTime capabilities. Unfortunately, I have not received a single response back from the company after numerous requests. I wanted to see if anyone has a contact for ProRealTime with direct contact information as I have not received a response from their generic Email address requesting the trial? I have scoured my resources to locate a telephone number but the only one I came across was not in service from the United States. Personally, I have never received this type of service, or lack there of, and I don't want to pay for 3 months of service if I can't get a respose back on requesting the trial period. Again, I am very impressed with the software, but can't seem to get anyone to return my request to test the software / service before paying for the subscription. Any assistance that you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Try "[email protected]" I have been using their system for several months and despite the difficulties in contacting them I think it is a good service.

Hope this helps
Thanks Crawsthorne. That has been the generic Email address I have been using. Seems like the delayed response is standard from them. Are you using the Free service or the realt time feed? From what I have used from the EOD free service, the software seems excellent, but I want to expand to intraday charting and scanning. It is just a little frustrating that I want to use and probably pay for their service but they are in no rush to respond back to me.
Doubled600 said:
Thanks Crawsthorne. That has been the generic Email address I have been using. Seems like the delayed response is standard from them. Are you using the Free service or the realt time feed? From what I have used from the EOD free service, the software seems excellent, but I want to expand to intraday charting and scanning. It is just a little frustrating that I want to use and probably pay for their service but they are in no rush to respond back to me.

I use the real time feed for forex which is excellent and allows you to develop your own indicators. I had to email them twice to get my trial going, but once I subscribed I have had 2 technical questions answered in 24 hours. The sales team may have a backlog from the christmas break which is longer than you have in the states.

I have no connections with the company, but I can recommend the software.
I've been using Prorealtime for about 6 months for live charting, and whilst the package is pretty good (with the exception of Point & Figure charts), their customer service can be a bit hit and miss. They've probably responded to about half of my queries - the rest they seem to ignore, even when asked a second time.

I suppose lack of customer service is the payoff for having a good charting package at a cheap price. Most equivalent packages are almost twice the price.

I was thinking about switching over to Updata TA, but you can only draw charts using Mid prices instead of trade prices, so when bid offer spreads are a bit skewed at start/end of day you get really odd looking charts.

Alas, I'll prob stick with Prorealtime and it's half-hearted support.
According to the girl I spoke to recently, all emails sent from UK users to "contact@prorealtime" go to her; and she's recently taken over from someone else; so maybe replies will be more forthcoming in the future.

When they do reply, they're usually very helpful!
Actually one thing I meant to add in all fairness to them though, is that the product is absolutely fantastic.

The support is the only thing letting them down.
I've subscribed for about 2 years to the realtime service.

The software looks good and has good features, however their customer service is a bit short of the mark.

I was having troubles with the volume scans on the LSE, and have just discovered that their "volume" data isn't the the whole LSE feed, only the stock traded on the orderbook. (ie maybe 20% of total on smalled stocks, 70% on bigger stocks perhaps)

I have pointed this out but they don't seem to appreciate the significance, and aren't in a hurry to fix it or change their feed. :-(