Proprietary & sales trader urgently WANTED

So, to see if I understand... your operation is basically taking advantage of mispricings between IG and the underlying... but you want to have lots of accounts so you're not detected?

I do believe you have uncovered the plan:clap:
On your blogspot site it mentions as German address:

The IWE Partnership GmbH & KG
BildeStrasse, 4, Koln 04523 DEUTSCHLAND

TheIWEp: Payment Solutions

One small problem however is that Köln doesn't have such a street.

Stadtplan |

The little problem of non-existing addresses aside I may be having a blonde moment but I really don't get it.

They want € 150 from us, that are in our name at MF global etc, meaning that they can't access that...

So what do they get out of it if it's a scam...

Our address put on the blog is wong because we forgot ament our signature used for our beta test
just be informed that we are situated in the Neumarktgalerie on richmodstrasse in koln.
Sorry for the confusion as you are in germany, you can visit them.
For people who want to visis me in paris, we are on boulevard davout 32, in paris 20.

All the best
general manager of TheIWEp
Might actually do that one day.

How does one find you there at the Neumarktgalerie, under your name

The IWE Partnership GmbH & KG

I do hope you are out of blonde period because as MF Global IB we do earn money and of course thanks to our partnership we can recomment some structured investment on which we share profits because there is no risk then losses. Do hope this explanation convince you and take you out of your blonde period.
So, apart from joke, everyone is welcome.

On your blogspot site it mentions as German address:

The IWE Partnership GmbH & KG
BildeStrasse, 4, Koln 04523 DEUTSCHLAND

TheIWEp: Payment Solutions

One small problem however is that Köln doesn't have such a street.

Stadtplan |

The little problem of non-existing addresses aside I may be having a blonde moment but I really don't get it.

They want € 150 from us, that are in our name at MF global etc, meaning that they can't access that...

So what do they get out of it if it's a scam...
I do hope you are out of blonde period because as MF Global IB we do earn money and of course thanks to our partnership we can recomment some structured investment on which we share profits because there is no risk then losses. Do hope this explanation convince you and take you out of your blonde period.
So, apart from joke, everyone is welcome.

In fact min required is £ 150 not Euros 150, pound is the currency used by our british friends.🙂
Do hope this explanation convince you and take you out of your blonde period.

Haha nice reply Gil.


But just to clarify once more, accounts we fund are in our name ?

Ie only we have access to them and only we can take money out ?
A truly dynamic and enterprising operation like yours should work out of a caravan.
I do hope you are out of blonde period because as MF Global IB we do earn money and of course thanks to our partnership we can recomment some structured investment on which we share profits because there is no risk then losses. Do hope this explanation convince you and take you out of your blonde period.
So, apart from joke, everyone is welcome.

yes but the exact name is

The IWE PartnerShip GbmH & Co.KG 00003 ( 3 for identify our rank of partnership)
we are hosted in serviced office and i will move in our own space in October. We will still be in Koln.

If you make around in paris , i am in paris 20, bvd davout 32.

But in paris we oly want remote traders but you can visit us if you want
"Some mixed or maybe should i say structured trades done on both accounts could allows you earn money with no risk. Incredible but true."

Mmm........does SALLY WURBLER work on your team?
Haha nice reply Gil.


But just to clarify once more, accounts we fund are in our name ?

Ie only we have access to them and only we can take money out ?

no but before starting anything with we will demand you to sign our co branded protocole with MF global, we aslo have the protocol with IG Markets and BetOnmarkets.
We work like CTA, but we do not need have the controle of your account, and we do not need it.

Haha nice reply Gil.


But just to clarify once more, accounts we fund are in our name ?

Ie only we have access to them and only we can take money out ?


Maybe they need a proper trader like your good friend Depth Trade ????:clap::clap::clap: Has to be worth introductory commission of 150 surely. Can see DT be good trading the Bobl or Bund
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Maybe they need a proper trader like your good friend Depth Trade ????:clap::clap::clap: Has to be worth introductory commission of 150 surely.

Nice one Claudia


Iwe, thx for the replies.
I dunno guys and gals.

Can anyone come up with how this could be a scam if they do not control our funds ?

(Just due diligence, Gil, no blonde moment resurfacing at the moment at least.)


I mean pretty unconventional and all yes, but as I don't see how they can scam us if they don't control our money I don't see how it can be suspicious ?
Have to agree and the original post was very good but but but - 150???? why. Lets all put 1 eur each and be a collective remote trader. Seriously Gil why 150 its almost insulting.