Proposed changes to the forex forums


We'd like to get your feedback about an update to the forum structure. Since forex is the busiest forum on the site, we'll start there - and if we proceed with the changes the idea will be to roll out similar updated stucture for the other markets too.

The proposal is to move the forex forums into it's own category - just as forex is a forum in the 'Markets' category. The updated list would be: (NB - sub-forums are listed in brackets)

FOREX (category)
- Forex Discussion
- Forex Brokers
- Forex Education/Resources (Software/Data Feeds/Books/Seminar-Tutors)
- Forex Journals

Additionally we may have some or all of the following:

- Forex First Steps
- Forex Strategies (Spreads)
- Forex Daily News & Analysis
- Forex Trading Systems (Free/Commerical)

This would mean moving all existing threads across all existing forums into the most appropriate forum in the new structure. The idea is that it will then be easier to browse the forex forums (esp for newbies) and all forex information is kept in one place - which should be of more benefit to the forex trader.

Please let us know your thoughts about this revised plan. If the general consensus is that it's a good thing, we'll start the process right away. Also whether you think the additional forums are desirable - or overkill. Thanks.
Agree, there's huge scope for a forex area. Need more expert input too for us wannabes.

Let's get it on!
Sounds like a great idea to have all information regarding a specific subject in the one place. I vote aye!

Sharky said:
Thats positive - thanks. Do you have any thoughts on the additional forums?

Hi Sharky,

for me, I think that your proposed list of sub-categories sound about right. No need to make things over complicated by having too many sub-categories.
Of the possible additional sub-forums, I think that with forex, having a specific sub-category for economic news releases is a good idea, as economic data plays such a massive part in shaping and driving forex prices.....
Sounds good!

I think the list you have proposed should be sufficient as has been pointed out you don't want other kill.
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don't get into familiar lack-of-knowledge forum trap which caused many fx forums to lose atractiveness. FX is about knowledge and not about chit-chat between countless wannabe traders. Trading forum without participation of those in the know is mostly useless.

Establish pro forex traders sub-category where only professional fx traders (thus those who earn for a living by trading, be it private or else) would interchange opinions, experience, tactics etc. There is nothing less appealing for a pro than to be bombarded with counless disinformation posts of those that don't know yet - it's no win situation.

Instead, offer pro traders to interchange posts and allow those with less knowledge to lure, learn but not to interfere with opinions.

How will you decide who's a pro? Well, every member knows if he is constantly profitable. You will need to believe to member's honesty at start. False claims will be revealed very soon.

No hard feelings novices please, this is also for your own good. Do you want to chat or to (l)earn?

thank you
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Good feedback, thanks Zagreb. If the general consensus believe that having such forums where pro traders choose who may participate, whilst everyone else merely watches, is beneficial then I don't see why not. But one step at a time - first let's deal with the question of existing forum structure. Does the updated structure serve the needs of the community better - and does that include all or some of the 'additional' forums listed separately above.
FOREX (category)
- Forex Discussion
- Forex Brokers
- Forex Education/Resources (Software/Data Feeds/Books/Seminar-Tutors)
- Forex Journals
- Forex First Steps
- Forex Strategies (Spreads) - Forex Trading Systems (Free/Commerical) ~ combine ~
Forex Trading Systems (Free/Commerical)
- Forex Daily News & Analysis ~ Forex Daily News, Economics & Analysis

all of the above are fine

I don't agree with Zagreb, by definition a forum is 'open debate', many people learn by
challenging so-called experts, asking 'dumb' questions, being challenged themselves
and hopefully, learning from 'pros' who participate — and of course — 'chatting'.
Zagreb can create a Members' Board/private forum if he wishes.
There would other avenues for sharing/teaching/learning on the other sub forums, but a group of active traders are more apt to interact when the exchange is on the same level, jmho, there would be a big audience that will like to lurk and learn from the sidelines, any questions could be fielded on a different thread and explanations/ setups given in the off hours when the trader has the chance to compose a serious response.

jmho, cheers

Thanks for the feedback so far. Seems to be universally considered a positive move. Any other viewpoints?
Sharky said:
Thanks for the feedback so far. Seems to be universally considered a positive move. Any other viewpoints?

I agree with the proposed changes and especially the suggestion of a pro traders forum. We could learn a lot from reading their exchanges.

Following this discussion earlier in the year, we've finally got round to expandeding the forex section of the forums as so:

- Forex (category - NEW)
-- Forex Discussion
-- Forex News & Analysis
-- Forex Strategies & Systems (NEW)
-- Forex Brokers (NEW)
-- Forex First Steps (NEW)

Existing threads have been moved into their most appropriate forum.

If you'd like to comment on the changes, feel free to do so in this thread.