ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Yes, able choose risk level within 'My prophetmax'

I believe you are referring to the "lessons" in MyProphetMax and the stock trades that you would be placing individually. It may also refer to Quant and I think you could set the risk level on Quant (but I am not a Quant user, so don't know for sure). I don't think you had anywhere you could set your risk level in Managed Fx. If that is incorrect, please state where you could change that.
I believe you are referring to the "lessons" in MyProphetMax and the stock trades that you would be placing individually. It may also refer to Quant and I think you could set the risk level on Quant (but I am not a Quant user, so don't know for sure). I don't think you had anywhere you could set your risk level in Managed Fx. If that is incorrect, please state where you could change that.

Yes you are correct. No way to set risk with prophetMax.
Let's look at IB Cap. They are registered in NZ. Section 5 of the FSP Act states anyone who manages investments must be registered. There would be zero chance of IB Cap providing POA paperwork to their clients, allowing GFM to trade their account without them being registered with the NZ authorities, or being granted an exemption by the NZ authorities on the basis they hold similar registration or license in their jurisdiction.

Registration details, or the applicable exemption are gold in this industry. Highly unusual that they would have them, and not display and promote them on their website. Still I've seen stranger things over the years....

Until a client can confirm exactly where they wired their cash it's probably not worth further speculation.

Did anyone ever answer where money was wired to? It was to a bank in the Netherlands
Level 1
My prophet max
10 Action plan (part 1)
Step 4
I am willing to risk up to ? % of my total portfolio in a single investment.

Jan, the purpose of Level 1 was to collect information about your financial position to know exactly how much money you've got and also to condition you to the impending losses by asking you how much you are willing to lose.

There was no way to control risks in Level 3 where actual trading was supposed to happen. Speaking of which, was there any trading actually done on our accounts?
The funds were collected at the IB Capital bank account with ING Bank in the Netherlands. IB Capital was opening accounts for US clients while holding no registration with the US CFTC which is a must for all US and non-US brokers servicing US clients - being therefore in clear breach of the US law and the international regulations. I suggest all victims let the Chief Compliance Officer at ING know about it by sending an email at [email protected] . If the funds are still in that bank account, IB Capital won't be able to transfer them further, so there would be a chance to recover these funds.

Did that about 3 weeks ago...hopefully it was one of the actions that helped topple their tin shack empire and cause IB to ask for funds return so they can close the ING account. If some brave person leaves their funds in they wont be able to close the account. Would love to see if money was sent to Senen from this account. Would love to know who recieve my forst 25% performance fee as GFM at that time had not been disclised as Broker.
Money wired to ING bank in the Netherlands; beneficiary of course IB Capital.

which ib capital precisely?

the ib capital that started life being mauritius incorporated? stripped of their license fxmarkets ltd which turned into ib capital lp

or the uk started shell entity ib capital fx llp which turned into ib capital fx (nz) llp

see the problems everyone causes by just saying ib capital?
which ib capital precisely?

the ib capital that started life being mauritius incorporated? ie fxmarkets ltd which turned into ib capital lp

or the uk started entity ib capital fx llp which turned into ib capital fx (nz) llp

see the problems everyone causes by just saying ib capital?

I laid a formal complaint with IB re statements being in the name of the wrong entity and demanded statements in the correct entity stating that I have invalid statements from an entity that does not even is their response which I have not accpeted and waiting for their reply....silence so far. I have reserved my right to dispute statements once they are in the name of the correct entity.

"Your account was opened with IB Capital FX and all papers you signed are from IB Capital FX. As you may be aware the trading software is not owned by us but we are a licensed holder of MetaQuotes. This agreement is in the name of IB Capital FX. In December 2011 our company underwent a restructuring and our former company (IB Capital LP) was overtaken by our new entity that you signed an agreement with. The software still holds the previous name which we chose to keep, thus the statements have the old entity name on them, even though you receive them directly from IB Capital FX."
"thus the statements have the old entity name on them"

that was very pro of them, worthy of looking after and trading elite money then 😆
The funds were collected at the IB Capital bank account with ING Bank in the Netherlands. IB Capital was opening accounts for US clients while holding no registration with the US CFTC which is a must for all US and non-US brokers servicing US clients - being therefore in clear breach of the US law and the international regulations. I suggest all victims let the Chief Compliance Officer at ING know about it by sending an email at [email protected] . If the funds are still in that bank account, IB Capital won't be able to transfer them further, so there would be a chance to recover these funds.

Just now sent my email to CCO at ING. Thanks for the tip!:clap: I've already pulled my money out. Asked for a freeze in order to recoup 63% loss. A freeze requires a court order but thought I'd try anyway.
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The funds were collected at the IB Capital bank account with ING Bank in the Netherlands. IB Capital was opening accounts for US clients while holding no registration with the US CFTC which is a must for all US and non-US brokers servicing US clients - being therefore in clear breach of the US law and the international regulations.

SENEN - THE BUCK STOPS WITH your own words "you are opening an account with a financail institution which will deal directly through a platform which is HSBC London which has a STP connection which means that transactions go straight through to the liquidity provider. There is no breach of the Frank Dodd act. The attorneys involved have looked at that. There is no breach whatsoever. "
Hey thanks to everyone here for all the work you have done on exposing this! Taken me days to get through it all!

I got sucked in too... I like to believe in the 'good' of people, and yes I am feeling really ****ty right now for falling for it. I only paid membership to PM- not invested any funds thank goodness! Thought would do more research before doing that- and hey presto - here you all are! Phew!!!!

I, like others, did try to do my homework on PM and EVG but way back at end of last year all I could find was those f****** stupid and annoying videos of people supporting the whole scam... but with the clever tactic of drawing you in by the headlines of ' EVG group is a scam' etc. I knew something wasn't right but I still carried on with it regardless! Perhaps we were all under some sort of mind control!?

I got out of EVG months ago... mainly due to the fact that I just couldn't find the time to go through all the 'lessons'! I managed to get out in time to be refunded my membership for that at least.

Oh boy... what a mess! So sorry for the peeps who lost big money. That's the worst of it- we were led to believe only small losses could occur. We live and learn.. hopefully! Have joined the FB group to add my voice.

"And look everyone... watch carefully... in this hand, I hold a class action lawsuit that I've personally started to make you feel like I actually give a **** about you.... and then in this hand, oh.. well don't look at that because that hand's completely dirty from me being the one that actually promoted this piece of crap to you...... so look, back over here (wave wave) at this hand with the lawsuit...yes, isn't that exciting?? We're all together, see? See? I am on the same team as you, definitely on your side and going to bat for you....... what's that? how much was the commission we earned?? oh, don't worry about that, look again at this hand, see the lawsuit??"

What a complete joke. Any investor or member who thinks he's doing this for the collective benefit is a fool.

He's distracting people by doing this, giving people reason to feel like they're somehow part of his team, and on his side.

PEOPLE ----- this is the guy who told you about a scumbag he "trusted with his life" and that you should invest in this. He bellowed "100%+ returns" all over the place, and applied massive pressure and marketing tricks to force you to sign up.

He did not do ANY DUE DILIGENCE as has become painfully clear in this forum.

Don't fall for yet another scam, which is what this effort is. Do not forget who it was that induced you to invest with this scumbag. You would have never known about Senen had it not been for EVG. Do not let them step away from the responsibility they have in this.

Even if he spends a million dollars on legal fees he's still ahead with all the commissions he would have earned. This is like Goldman Sachs being fined $10 million dollars for doing illegal trading that netted a billion dollar profit. Cost of doing business.

I cannot believe that people are so naive to think that he's doing this with any regard or concern for investors. He is just trying to save his own reputation.


Hold EVG accountable, they became responsible in this the moment they took commissions and pumped this thing like a boiler room stock scam. AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IT HAS TURNED OUT TO BE!!

Exactly, do not cooperate with Robert Hirsch or Mike Dillard, get your own lawyer and go after them personally. It is your only hope.
If anyone watched Senen's little JV program on his "millionaire circle" around minute 17 or so he mentions writing up an email, someone sending it out to their email circle and Senen writing that person a check for $20K three days later. Wonder if this was Mike Dillard? I also remember from an early gathering Senen saying something about someone (a ProphetMax member) writing an email to Senen to introduce him to Mike Dillard and if I recall correctly, Senen said he paid that member a check for $600,000. Now his "society of advocates" has a 30% commission with a 10% 2nd tier to it. If 1000 people signed up at $2K each, 30% equals $600K and 10% equals $200K, so maybe the $20K doesn't refer to Mike, but $200K would be more in the realm of what is listed as available. Does anyone else remember that gathering conversation?

I do - aren't you glad you didn't sign up to refer people to IIC! But disclosure about the money received by EVG would have been appropriate-
Tracy, such scams flourish because victims don't report them to the authorities. For one, you have too lost your hard-earned two thousand dollars to these conmen.

Why don't you demand a refund from Pousa and if refused or ignored, report it to the ASIC (whereas it is illegal for businesses under the Australian law to deny refund requests): .

Also, why don't you report Mike Dillard and the Elevation Group to the US CFTC (File Complaint or Report Suspicious Activities - CFTC) and SEC ( for providing unlicensed financial services?

I will - am gonna- but it's taken me forever to read through the longest forum thread in my lifE!!!!! It's early morn here now- so will check you links asap. I will get on it!!!!!

Deron5x, while you make some valid points regarding risk of trading and the need for balanced and factual marketing, there are other points that demand further comment.

No brainer; Sennen & IIC (or the snake oil salesman as you put it). They have an obligation to comply with the corporations act in Australia, and in my opinion they have not. The marketing on the ProphetMax website alone was grossly misleading and deceptive, I can only imagine what else was said to potential victims in the webinars. The buyer was subject to misleading and deceptive marketing, along with being provided unlicensed financial services (arranging to deal) by being induced to;

1. Open an account with IB Capital; &
2. Provide a POA to Global Forex Management to trade the account.

If scam is too harsh a description, then we'll call it "unlicensed financial services". Sennen has received some dud advice (If he sought any at all), if he thinks his involvement is a "mere referral". It looks like he's the only one located here in Australia, and our FSR is probably the tightest in the world. He will be the easiest target for Australian victims to instigate action against.

If IIC and Sennen were licensed and had everything in order, your above statement may be correct. The fact is that Sennen and IIC were / are not licensed and in my opinion are involved in the provision of unlicensed financial services. Sennen may well find he is liable not only to return membership fees, but also provide full remedy for indirect loses with the broker due to the provision of unlicensed financial services.

Is it only possible to put in a complaint about investment intelligence if you live in Australia? I live in Cyprus and am not sure where to go to make a complaint. Corruption is quite common here and ib capital have links with bank of Cyprus, ironically my bank!
while i think everyone does feel desperately sorry and feels great empathy for those that lost large amounts of money at the hands of these marketers. the mind completely boggles at their willingness to be sucked in by the likes of dillard and pousa.

hardly anyone seems to have researched properly before diving in. this thread would have been easily found via google, to freely ask questions. understandably there are more of you here now, noticeably so after the events that unfolded.

pousa is exposed and now surely knows the game is up. if he actually shows at the webinar please don't fall for any plea to put more money in. that's the only reason he'll show is he knows you fell for the marketing once, so he'll try one last squeeze to see if the pips squeak. do not cave in. do not give them any more of your cash! same with dillard, and any marketing ploys he rolls out in the wake of the prophetmax debacle.

good luck 👍

Very true he did ask for more money and even went on about his new bank and how amazing it will be provided you can deposit the large amounts of capital. I hope he is never able to have any bank. I didn't find this forum from my search and I did google. I wish I had. All seems so obvious now from reading this.
I, like others, did try to do my homework on PM and EVG but way back at end of last year all I could find was those f****** stupid and annoying videos of people supporting the whole scam... but with the clever tactic of drawing you in by the headlines of ' EVG group is a scam' etc. I knew something wasn't right but I still carried on with it regardless! Perhaps we were all under some sort of mind control!?

SENEN - YOU SAID - "you can do a search on google and you won't find anything and thats not necessary a bad thing. What is good is that you wont find anything negative about Senen Pousa and Investment intelligence Corporation cause we have always done the right thing by members"
