ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Just going to say that under normal circumstances the FOREX market is exciting. It's a bummer that these toads have ruined it for all of you. I am an ER nurse, so an adrenaline junkie anyway; when trading is open on whichever continent, it is a rush to see how fast the prices move. Scary when trades go against you but exhilarating when it's going in your favor.

Jan (and other EVGers) you can open a practice account and try your hand at trading the markets. doesn't seem to have a time limit on their practice accounts but you need to do more research before you fund it with real money. I have been running a forexoma practice account alongside my TD Ameritrade live account for three months (I opened it when I couldn't get in to ProphetAxe) and they haven't blown me off yet. Might be a good place to start. For research you can go to I've had some tips from there that have paid off in spades. T2W is obviously the best site if you need input from others that are familiar with any specific problem (Pousa for instance); I have this site bookmarked now :)

I wish I could fix this for everyone :(
I am not quite following your comments here to Jan. What is wrong with buying physical silver (as opposed to paper silver) and having it in your possession. I do not buy through another person but buy directly from the authorized dealer here in Canada. The Canadian Mint only has 4 authorized dealers in Canada.

Well we all know metals prices will keep going up forever, just like property.
I wonder if all the nefarious business associations of Mike Dillard and Robert Hurse are the reason Branson refused them an interview on Necker Island?
So like I said there havn't been any mistakes, no rogue traders, no missing stoplosses, this was planned from day one. You have been conned by a bunch of marketing guys fresh from their previous scheme.

Kevin Clarke said some people made money that day of losses for most EVG members. Could it be that The House and all the investors that took the other side of that trade that day took all the money? Maybe Mike's money from the commission was with the house? Either that or I'm giving Mike some good ideas, who knows?

With the lack of transparency and the linked associations of the people behind the scenes, you don't have a chance to have your own risk covered.

A shell game except no table, no street corner and much bigger stakes.
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You forgot his Bellingham, WA office listed on the past FB page too

Okay this is unreal! I cant wait to see what Mike says... I kept waiting and waiting to fund my account and never did...damn i feel sorry for you people...i knew this **** was going to happen deep down, but i was fooled too at first by EVG just glad all i lost is my membership $...all of em are complicent...i will say the **** green smoothie boy said made me laugh "yogis can hold their breath for hours", renaming Zen and just repeating the same slides over nd over saying the same thing...effective brainwashing :(
The light came on for me when the JOint Venture thing came out ...i was like oh **** this is a scam...cant wait to see this unravel...feel sorry for the brainwashed people who lost their money cause i know the people that can afford to loose 10,000 never ever would touch profit Max or EVG for that matter
- lesson learned
I'm curious, whats wrong with joint ventures if you dont mind?
Hi, I've read of most of this thread and I will admit that losing 60% is a large red flag and certainly "alot" of things don't feel right but is there any hard evidence here? Is this Joaqim Magro Almeida just a director/name for hire for ibc's that are created for privacy and tax avoidance for the real owner? I thought these ibc's were common for individuals with lots of money? or perhaps I misunderstood.

Also did a search for "senen pousa" -dillard -evg looking for everything before evg and you come up with pretty much zero

The Affiliate Manager Strategist - Issue 7 - AC Certified Blog
Money Fun Life! Go for It... - The Outsider Code Review of Senen Pousa
Opinion: The US$1 trln bailout is a bad idea that will fail |
The Outsider Code | Advertising Strategy
I few blogs but no info really. how does one create such a large scam with no detractors? is this -60% his coming out party? I've seen the post from evg about someone was a member for 2 yrs and now thinks he might not be what he says he is, but without anyone with actual loses (other than the 60% loss) coming forward its all speculation about his past and perhaps cant be pegged to IIC alone? I pretty new at this so dont throw me off a bridge if it doesnt make sense. also it would be good compile all the useful info in this thread into a single post if anyone knows where all the good stuff is. it would be a shame to lose all this work. especially since this site and this event seems to be only source of raised pitchforks vs senen pousa thus far that I have found. ? Is it possible to delete all sources of info about yourself on the net?

Truth In Marketing You Need to Know!
this guy Aymen is listed on the outsider code with senen pousa's name not really sure who he is but this post was never followed up on.
I think this guy might be him. not sure if he is relevant.
Aymen Bergi | LinkedIn

Also IIC also has the quant forex trading software which seems to be making money as least as far as the comments I seen on evg. It seems like there may be things raising red flags but everything doesn't add up. is it a scam and he is also selling successful forex trading software?
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Hi, I've read of most of this thread and I will admit that losing 60% is a large red flag and certainly "alot" of things don't feel right but is there any hard evidence here? Is this Joaqim Magro Almeida just a director/name for hire for ibc's that are created for privacy and tax avoidance for the real owner? I thought these ibc's were common for individuals with lots of money? or perhaps I misunderstood.

Also did a search for "senen pousa" -dillard -evg looking for everything before evg and you come up with pretty much zero

The Affiliate Manager Strategist - Issue 7 - AC Certified Blog
Money Fun Life! Go for It... - The Outsider Code Review of Senen Pousa
Opinion: The US$1 trln bailout is a bad idea that will fail |
The Outsider Code | Advertising Strategy
I few blogs but no info really. how does one create such a large scam with no detractors? is this -60% his coming out party? I've seen the post from evg about someone was a member for 2 yrs and now thinks he might not be what he says he is, but without anyone with actual loses (other than the 60% loss) coming forward its all speculation about his past and perhaps cant be pegged to IIC alone? I pretty new at this so dont throw me off a bridge if it doesnt make sense. also it would be good compile all the useful info in this thread into a single post if anyone knows where all the good stuff is. it would be a shame to lose all this work. especially since this site and this event seems to be only source of raised pitchforks vs senen pousa thus far that I have found. ? Is it possible to delete all sources of info about yourself on the net?

Truth In Marketing You Need to Know!
this guy Aymen is listed on the outsider code with senen pousa's name not really sure who he is but this post was never followed up on.
I think this guy might be him. not sure if he is relevant.
Aymen Bergi | LinkedIn

Aymen and Senen are two different people. They were partners in the Arbitrage Conspiracy. This was really hyped up and all the big internet marketers were involved in promoting it to their lists.

Here are some links that you might find interesting.

The Outsider Code by Senen Pousa | Facebook

The Outsider Code Review-Senen Pousa

Aymen of Arbitrage Conspiracy Unleashed-Makes $100,000 + Per Day NET - YouTube

Aymen of Arbitrage Conspiracy - YouTube

Aymen of Arbitrage Conspiracy Unleashed - YouTube

Aymen of Arbitrage Conspiracy Unleashed - YouTube

Here is a link to a video by Jim Yaghi, who was on the payroll of Mike's through Magnetic Sponsoring. He prepared a PPC program to be sold through Magnetic Sponsoring. You will see half way down the narrative, that he says he was invited by Mike Dillard to attend the Arbitrage Conspiracy conference in Vegas and represent Magnetic Sponsoring.

1000 MLM Leads Per Day Challenge (Jim's Coffee Adventures Part 2)

Senen Pousa: The Outsider Code Review - YouTube

The Outsider Code (Trans D Tropin) Health and Wellness - YouTube

I think the above is enough to cast doubt on the professionalism of Senen. Hence the reason I did not go ahead and join IIC.
Hi, I've read of most of this thread and I will admit that losing 60% is a large red flag and certainly "alot" of things don't feel right but is there any hard evidence here?

The proof of of Elevation Group and Senen Pousa offering a very, very safe broker directed investment with only 1-3% loss per trade (only a couple trades per month promised) that turns out to lose people upwards of 60% in a single trading day isn't hard enough evidence for you?

Also IIC also has the quant forex trading software which seems to be making money as least as far as the comments I seen on evg. It seems like there may be things raising red flags but everything doesn't add up. is it a scam and he is also selling successful forex trading software?

Forex trading Quant software has high risk, and if you read the disclaimer he asks you to sign I'll bet you'll see that you have a risk of losing most or all of your investment. Most Forex traders lose money. That the Forex software Senen uses hasn't lost much yet doesn't mean it won't.

Mike Dillard and Senen Pousa are marketing pros (not investors) that know human psychology and how to get you to buy something. Investing is best done only if you understand exactly how each investment works and to buy it from those that specialize in doing it and are not hiding in some shell companies with non-disclosure agreements to protect only the brokers. Otherwise, you'll end up in risky investments that only give money to the people selling you stuff.

Don't be so trusting. There are charming and likable predators out there to take your money with some very tricky and legal sneaky offers designed to make them get rich quick instead of you.
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ok we've seen the statement with the losing trades that did all the damage. how about someone post up to the thread a statement with the trades prior to the losers. that would be interesting.

Also IIC also has is it a scam and he is also selling successful forex trading software?

There is no such thing as successful forex software, these guys conned into believing a load of get rich quick rubbish. You fell for it and lost your money, accept that and stop denying the painfully obvious.
Its' probably be said before but if you google Mr K - Kip's scam is all over the place where he's being investigated etc. It blew my my mind too when I received that email about the mysterious Mr K. Balls Mike - Balls. And seeing Robert Hirsch in the you tube posts about scamming internet marketers doesn't seem too coo; either. Didn't he become Mike's CFO back in early March right before the Prophet Max plugs?
Hi, I've read of most of this thread and I will admit that losing 60% is a large red flag and certainly "alot" of things don't feel right but is there any hard evidence here? Is this Joaqim Magro Almeida just a director/name for hire for ibc's that are created for privacy and tax avoidance for the real owner? I thought these ibc's were common for individuals with lots of money? or perhaps I misunderstood.

Also did a search for "senen pousa" -dillard -evg looking for everything before evg and you come up with pretty much zero

The Affiliate Manager Strategist - Issue 7 - AC Certified Blog
Money Fun Life! Go for It... - The Outsider Code Review of Senen Pousa
Opinion: The US$1 trln bailout is a bad idea that will fail |
The Outsider Code | Advertising Strategy
I few blogs but no info really. how does one create such a large scam with no detractors? is this -60% his coming out party? I've seen the post from evg about someone was a member for 2 yrs and now thinks he might not be what he says he is, but without anyone with actual loses (other than the 60% loss) coming forward its all speculation about his past and perhaps cant be pegged to IIC alone? I pretty new at this so dont throw me off a bridge if it doesnt make sense. also it would be good compile all the useful info in this thread into a single post if anyone knows where all the good stuff is. it would be a shame to lose all this work. especially since this site and this event seems to be only source of raised pitchforks vs senen pousa thus far that I have found. ? Is it possible to delete all sources of info about yourself on the net?

Truth In Marketing You Need to Know!
this guy Aymen is listed on the outsider code with senen pousa's name not really sure who he is but this post was never followed up on.
I think this guy might be him. not sure if he is relevant.
Aymen Bergi | LinkedIn

Also IIC also has the quant forex trading software which seems to be making money as least as far as the comments I seen on evg. It seems like there may be things raising red flags but everything doesn't add up. is it a scam and he is also selling successful forex trading software?

Is a large red flag? What would be a larger red flag?
A 100% loss?

Senen is an utter con man and a fake and his trader Keving sounded like a boiler room chump. This was an orchesterated con right from the start.

Even if we imagine for a split second that this was not a con (highly improbable) Kevin Clarke's reaction to his losses displayed idiocy of the very highest and most epic proportions. Not even an amateur trader like me could be that effing stupid and emotional.

So quite clearly, he is either a reckless amateur who cannot control his emotions or it's just a freaking fabricated piece of **** excuse to try and explain why they lost the money they lost.

And by the way, the members of IB Capital are now Dutch Capital Ltd and Worldwide Venture Capital Ltd of which our Emadi Echadi is again the company director.
Smoke and mirrors..
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OK, I have had it and it's time. I am amazed that Mr. Dillard has not addressed the Pousa issue. As with previous posters, I am starting to think this has been a giant con ... no companies, no rogue traders. Here is what I propose:

24 hours for Dillard to publicly address the points in my post below. If he does not do so by the close of business on Friday. I will be filing a complaint with the SEC To Provide Us Information About Fraud or Wrongdoing Involving Potential Violations of the Securities Laws

I hope you will all join me. It's the least we can do.

I first found this thread while scouring the internet for any information on Pousa and Pmax. My girlfriend had joined The Elevation Group and wanted to invest with Pousa. I was leery of EVG and after reviewing some of their info felt it was likely a load of bs but had to admit some of their ideas were good and perhaps they were trying to do something good for people (while making a buck which I have no problem with). I participated in their videos and webinars with Pousa and had all the alarm bells going off and became determined to find something tangible that I could use to dissuade her from investing. Although I am truly sorry for all of you who have lost money, I am thankful that she was spared a similar fate due to last week's fiasco.

What intrigues me now is what will Dillard and gang do? I still have my doubts about them, but it seems to me, they could redeem themselves and solidify their reputation and intent to further people's ability to invest. If I were Mike Dillard, I would:

1. Come completely clean with members on his investment and loss/gain.
2. State unequivocally whether or not he or EVG received any compensation from Pousa's membership fee or from any monies EVG clients sent to the trader (commission or percent of future profits)
3. Enable an independent audit of the trading fiasco and any possible cross ownership of brokers, introducing brokers, and trading entity.
4. Demand from Pousa that any EVG member who wished to have their fees returned to have them immediately remitted. The money lost in trading is gone folks and that ain't comin' back.
5. If #4 is not complied with, EVG must initiate legal proceedings against Pousa on behalf of it's members.

If the above are not done, then I would have to come to the conclusion that EVG is a scam. Mr. Dillard has some serious liabilities to have been on video introducing and recommending investments with Pousa. He wrote that he had done due diligence and would trust Pousa with his life (I read that post myself on EVG ... good thing he only trusted Pousa with his money)The fact that he then deleted member posts with information that may have deterred people from investing with Pousa could be quite damning. I am prepared to give Mr. Dillard and EVG the benefit of the doubt ... and that they too were taken in by Pousa's nonsense in the sad belief they had found something good for their members. We shall see.

Of Pousa and the trading outfit, there are no excuses for these poor excuses for traders and investment gurus. Anyone that has lost money with them and keeps the rest of it with them in hopes that they will make it back is a fool.

I know. I trade FX for a living. The trader (Kevin, I believe) went rogue. His career is and should be over. Pousa had the idiocy to say Kevin made an "executive decision" to increase the risk to make back the loss. What a joke. Kevin made a bad trade and went past his stop level which was 2% of funds. At some point he likely thought "If I double up here, it just has to move back a bit in my favor, and no harm done." When the loss increased to the point where he was well past the stop and his actions would become indefensible, he likely thought "I am screwed so badly, my career is likely over. The money I am managing is not mine, I can risk it all to get back to even and save my job and if it works, I can go to work tomorrow and no one will be the wiser." He has no respect for risk management guidelines or someone's money. The only reason the loss was "only" 65% is that the day turned from an accounting perspective and there was no way to hide the loss any longer.

He's a rogue trader and that's all there is to it.

Let's see what Mr. Dillard and EVG do ... they have to show their true colors either way.