ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

This is the thread I've lurked on the most.

I'm surprised at the lack of information available. Especially about "Kevin Clarke".
Is this a pseudonym? So many "Kevin Clarkes" show up in people searches - how do we narrow it down?

The U.S. number given to contact him is (302) 604-7803 - a Georgetown, Delaware (Sussex County) number provided by YMAX Communications, Corp. (MagicJack) that can be answered from anywhere on the globe with Internet service!

Has anyone ever talked to him? Does he exist? How old is he? How long has he been trading? Where did he learn to trade? What's his track record? What certificates or licenses does he hold?

I ask all this because I want to pin him down and verify he's not just a straw-man Senen Pousa created.
SheWolf had this nailed from day one. See posts #1-8 - Feb to March.

It looks like their bank account (with St George bank in Queensland) has been frozen pending an investigation into fraud.

In addition to having his accounts frozen and restricted in his movements by the Australian watchdog (ASIC), the word is out that Senen will soon be hit with CRIMINAL charges.

I hope he wears lots of underwear because they are just going to lurve such a fine upstanding boy like him in the Queensland jails. (He may finally get to really experience those 4 hour long orgasms after all. 😆 He will certainly be doing lots of DEEP breathing exercises.)

If anyone wants to increase their chances of getting ALL THEIR MONEY BACK,
the first step is to contact the Autralian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in Australia and make a formal complaint about Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation Pty Ltd and ProphetMAX.

It doesn't matter where in the world that you are based, you are all entitled to lodge a complaint and register for a refund.
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Interesting. Where would the money for refunds come from? IIC only collected membership fees. The real "trading" money went to the Netherlands and then on to the US and then God knows where. It is not in Australia. I am sure Senen knows how to find it, but surely he is not about to tell anyone.
....I am sure Senen knows how to find it, but surely he is not about to tell anyone.

If Senen doesn't, "Kevin Clarke" would. He's the one nobody has ever talked to, had lunch with, or seen - apparently.

Where does "Kevin Clarke" come from? What is his background? Where did he work prior? Where does he pay his taxes?

Interesting. Where would the money for refunds come from? IIC only collected membership fees. The real "trading" money went to the Netherlands and then on to the US and then God knows where. It is not in Australia. I am sure Senen knows how to find it, but surely he is not about to tell anyone.

A quick search of the IB Capital NZ LLP reveals that the Director is:

JOAQUIM MAGRO DE ALMEIDA, Portuguese Citizen, bearer of Portuguese passport number H679148 issued on the 16th August 2006, valid until the 16th August 2016,
by Portuguese authorities – G. C. de Lisboa, Portugal, SCI of Lisbon, with
resident address at Rua Ana de Castro Osorio, 4-6 Esq., Damaia de Cima,
2720 Amadora, Portugal

Should not be too hard for the authorities to find him (and any missing money).

I am sure that Senen would also be in close contact with him. (He has 70 million reasons to do so) and both share Analytics ID: UA-4681494

URL Registrant for is listed as Clarence Fleming of
63 Greyfriars Road, CANNOCK WOOD, WS15 7KX in the United Kingdom
Telephone: +1.07908127953
Email: [email protected]

It's possible Mr. Fleming can enlighten us about Global Forex Management and the existence or non-existence of "Kevin Clarke".

If Senen doesn't, "Kevin Clarke" would. He's the one nobody has ever talked to, had lunch with, or seen - apparently.

Where does "Kevin Clarke" come from? What is his background? Where did he work prior? Where does he pay his taxes?

STHe sounds like a New Yorker to me, or east coast USA]
In addition to having his accounts frozen and restricted in his movements by the Australian watchdog (ASIC), the word is out that Senen will soon be hit with CRIMINAL charges.

If anyone wants to increase their chances of getting ALL THEIR MONEY BACK,
the first step is to contact the Autralian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in Australia and make a formal complaint about Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation Pty Ltd and ProphetMAX.

It doesn't matter where in the world that you are based, you are all entitled to lodge a complaint and register for a refund. hand side to "Lodging a Misconduct Report"
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Interesting. Where would the money for refunds come from? IIC only collected membership fees. The real "trading" money went to the Netherlands and then on to the US and then God knows where. It is not in Australia. I am sure Senen knows how to find it, but surely he is not about to tell anyone.

The membership funds have been frozen and transferred to ASIC bank accounts for safe-keeping.

When Mr Pousa is facing very heavy fines by Australian authorities (ASIC), then serious criminal charges and a lengthy prison sentence, Mr Pousa will become very co-operative.
"I hope he wears lots of underwear because they are just going to lurve such a fine upstanding boy like him in the Queensland jails. (He may finally get to really experience those 4 hour long orgasms after all. 😆 He will certainly be doing lots of DEEP breathing exercises.)"

Yea, I wonder how "zero-pt conscience" he will be with his new BF in jail, Bubba. 😱
In addition to having his accounts frozen and restricted in his movements by the Australian watchdog (ASIC), the word is out that Senen will soon be hit with CRIMINAL charges.

I hope he wears lots of underwear because they are just going to lurve such a fine upstanding boy like him in the Queensland jails. (He may finally get to really experience those 4 hour long orgasms after all. 😆 He will certainly be doing lots of DEEP breathing exercises.)

If anyone wants to increase their chances of getting ALL THEIR MONEY BACK,
the first step is to contact the Autralian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) in Australia and make a formal complaint about Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation Pty Ltd and ProphetMAX.

It doesn't matter where in the world that you are based, you are all entitled to lodge a complaint and register for a refund.

Is this just a rumor Shewolf? Where did you get the info?
Well she was right about the accounts being frozen and that was a few months ago. If only everyone had questioned Pousa and Dillards claims in the same way.
In addition to having his accounts frozen and restricted in his movements by the Australian watchdog (ASIC), the word is out that Senen will soon be hit with CRIMINAL charges.

Shewolf: Can you tell us where you got that info? If privileged, just say and I won't push.
Does anyone know what has happened to Kevin Clarke, does he still work for Global Forex Management, I see they are still up and running, despite my asking them re Kevin Clarke they never respond. There was an address for Kevin Clarke in the UK. If anyone has any information would be great to hear it, I can only assume he is the one person that knows exactly what happened!

I see that Joel Friant is still going with 5xTrading, I am at a loss to know how these people are still getting away with it. I did make a complaint about this but it is still there to join and it is an exact replica of the prophetmax managed fx.

I still cannot get my head around how so much money can be stolen, go missing, whatever and still we don't know what has happened over 3 months on. How on earth could I have been so stupid ;((