ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Is there anyone else who still haven't received their withdrawn funds from IB Capital? We sent the withdrawal form 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago, got a confirmation that the funds had been taken out of the account and that our balance was 0 a week later, and still haven't received the funds at our bank.
Got the activity statement on Mon showing the withdrawal. Not expecting anything for at least a week, if at all. 😗clover:
Is there anyone else who still haven't received their withdrawn funds from IB Capital? We sent the withdrawal form 2 and a 1/2 weeks ago, got a confirmation that the funds had been taken out of the account and that our balance was 0 a week later, and still haven't received the funds at our bank.

Bug them again and be doubly sure you gave the the correct SWIFT number. ~7 days is what it's been taking, assuming they have not folded up their tent and left. Good luck.
So what happened here? @MaccoMan got deleted?

I know how tricky it is to maintain a controversial thread ... and I don't like getting into other people's business ... but you broke all my links! ... and the pages and pages of notes I took on this thread are totally ruined. I kinda want to throw up.

Anywayz ::

1. Was I @MaccoMan?

Nope. I'm only ever me ... no sock puppets.

2. There was something off about those posts of his ... it's most unusual for a victim to be upset about my arrival. He wants them all raped ... but he's not gaga for mean jokes? That doesn't make sense.

3. There's this feeling amongst the victims that these d-bags are sitting around with your money ... laughing it up. They're not. These aren't "rich" people ... these aren't people with true wealth. They are tiny people ... with tiny shortsighted minds ... and they leverage themselves into slavery. They NEED the next hit of other people's money ... or they face total destruction.

You have suffered from your losses ... but you can recover your life. They can't have a real life ... they are doomed to hate and suffer. So chins up ... the joke's on them.

4. @MaccoMan questioned why Mikey D-bag would tell me about the commissions ... another strange comment by him. Like I'd make that up while lawyers are swirling around like dust! A false quote? Even if you're not familiar with my work ... that's not logical.

Mike talked to me for the same reason that they all do ... because I'm a permanent fixture ... and they have no choice. I'm going to print his whole response to me here ... for the record ... something I wouldn't do to someone I didn't feel was LYING str8 to my face.

Begin quote ::

"Here's the short version...

I bought a membership to ProphetMax last summer to see what it was all about. I went through the content and loved it. About five months later I was introduced to Senen for the first time, and was given the impression by him that I was speaking to someone extremely wealthy and successful in the investing world.

In January, I flew out to Brisbane to look him in the eye and feel him out. Everything went fine and he appeared to be someone we could trust, so we decided to do a promo for ProphetMax in February which was approved by our legal team before hand.

Everything went great, our Members loved his content and I personally invested in his Managed FX program.

On May 16th, everything hits the fan. My account dropped by 63% in a day, along with everyone else's.

We wait days for an explanation from Senen, and when he finally speaks, he and his head trader Kevin Clarke, chalk it up to, "human error", and that's when the alarm bells started going off for us.

We flew our SEC attorney and his team down for a day and went through the entire timeline.

Based on their decades of experience, they smelled foul play.

The next day, we contacted government regulators in the US and AU, whom we've been working closely with ever since.

At this point, we have two goals...

1: To find out the truth. Was this legit, or were we all duped?

2: To get everyone's money back.

At the end of the day, I lent my credibility to the wrong person and it blew up in my face. There's nothing I can do to change that, but I can do my best to make things right, and that's what I'm attempting to do.

On June 22nd, I filed a class action lawsuit against Senen and his related parties. I am paying for all legal fees, and 100% of the money recovered will be distributed to our Members.

The Feds are following the money trail and making progress with the related banks. We expect to hear an announcement from them in the next week or so.

We made $750,000 in commissions from the sale of ProphetMax, and we're in the process of putting every penny of that into a trust with our law firm so it can be redistributed back to the EVG Members who joined ProphetMax. We don't want a penny of it.

If you have any questions or want any more details, let me know.


... end quote.

Y'all forget about revenge ... it will eat you. It's about protecting the next batch of undeserving victims ... it's about not letting it happen again.

No fight worth fighting takes less than three years ... dig in.
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Salty - would you say Dillard's response was guarded....circumspect.... I mean did you notice he didn't mention the "due diligence" he said he did but didn't do? This was just his statement, not a Q&A between you two, right?
Salty - would you say Dillard's response was guarded....circumspect.... I mean did you notice he didn't mention the "due diligence" he said he did but didn't do? This was just his statement, not a Q&A between you two, right?

We had a back and forth exchange ... I asked numerous follow up questions ... none of which were answered to my satisfaction. I don't appreciate being lied to ... it's better to just ignore me.
Ok. I have been following this for a while but have yet to weigh in as I am not involved directly or indirectly. Obviously there is a lot going on here. But at the core, its pretty simple, I think. Maybe this is an oversimplification, but perhaps getting back to basics is what is needed here after 250+/- pages of discussion.

1) Isn't it a pretty big problem that this Dillard character is promoting investments of this sort (and making a fee) without a license to do so. I personally hold a Series 3 license. Futures trading is not my primary business and I very rarely do business that would require it. But rarely was enough for me to attain that licensing. From my standpoint, it is one thing to provide education about general investment concepts, and another thing entirely to promote specific investment opportunities that you stand to profit from. The latter requires a license. And from what I can tell from readily available public records, Dillard does not have one.

2) The big complaint against Dillard seems to be that he did not do the due diligence that he represented he did and which lead him to declare that he trusted Pousa with his life. The first thing one would do in investigating an investment proposition would be to verify proper licensing. Dillard clearly did not bother to do this given that neither Senen Pousa nor any of the entities in play appear to be licensed with the appropriate authorities in Australia or elsewhere. Furthermore, in his own lawsuit, Dillard admits that he requested audited financial statements, but never received them. So he promoted an investment on the basis of past performance (a no-no to begin with) without even ever verifying past performance?! Why? Don't be confused. He and Robert Hirsch stood to make (and apparently did make) a lot of money from doing so, regardless of performance.

3) From what I gather, Dillard possesses little to no investment experience. So he is in his late 30's, made a little money, read some books about what to do with it and got his picture taken with a couple of rich people. That hardly qualifies him to advise the public on investing, much less charge for his advice.

My heart goes out to those who were duped in the PM scheme and also those who are out $97 per month or whatever it is to EVG. I am not now, nor have I ever been a member of EVG, but reading the Dillard/Hirsch copy on the EVG site, it is easy to see how people could be persuaded to send them money. They know how to write copy and they play to people's hopes and fears. Dillard wraps up his "About Us" with some very "I have a dream..." style rhetoric. All very moving. Unfortunately, Mike Dillard and Robert Hirsch are pros at one thing and one thing only, and that is separating honest people from their hard earned money.
We had a back and forth exchange ... I asked numerous follow up questions ... none of which were answered to my satisfaction. I don't appreciate being lied to ... it's better to just ignore me.

Here's the question Salty, why would Dillard give you a comment or any information knowing that you are against MLM scammers and their top tier groupies? He knows he can't use you as a dupe or conduit of information for your blog, The Verge or us, knowing you'll question everything. And I don't think Mike is into confessions. Why did you get a personal face to face with Mike when even the duped EVG people can't get that?

Just trying to figure out the motivations here.
Why did you get a personal face to face with Mike when even the duped EVG people can't get that?

I can't exactly answer that because I don't know. But I can tell you that it's not unusual. My emails don't get ignored. What is kinda unusual is that he would give me his normal PR spin when I'm just as much a high level insider as he is ... he knows I know for a certain fact that the PR spin is BS. It's a risky waste of breath to try and feed it to me. Far more common would have been for him to give me the full scoop on Senen ... trying to divert me with horrid {but true} gossips. He didn't. He was quite controlled.

I think he's, rightly, terrified about government action.

Me and Mike go back {in a bad way} ... so it was kind of an odd postion we found ourselves in there. He was trying to convince me that he's an idiot ... but I refuse to believe it because I know that he's not.
Why would Dillard go the Financial route with The Elevation Group after seeing the disaster with Kip Herrige and Wealth Masters?

And right after the Senen implosion he was pushing Kip Herrige as a financial genius that could triple your money with his picks that had yet to pay off!?

The guy seems to throw crap in all directions at once!!

I don't know who writes Dillard's email copy,but I'll give them credit for being highly gifted in selling the viewer. Dillard is an above average presenter too. Can't understand why he doesn't go legit with something that is not MLM or a sham. He wastes his talent.
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Hi, I'm a prophetmax member, I have searched through this thread and although the question has been raised, I have not seen any clear answer on what is generally advised regarding withdrawing funds from IB capital without releasing them of any liability.
I have been holding off doing this just to see what the best action would be but its dragged on long enough now and I want to get the funds back.

Should I just sign the withdrawal form and cross out the text about releasing liability?

Will they accept that?

Has anyone had any other legal advice about this particular aspect of withdrawing the funds they can share?
Hi, I'm a prophetmax member, I have searched through this thread and although the question has been raised, I have not seen any clear answer on what is generally advised regarding withdrawing funds from IB capital without releasing them of any liability.
I have been holding off doing this just to see what the best action would be but its dragged on long enough now and I want to get the funds back.

Should I just sign the withdrawal form and cross out the text about releasing liability?

Will they accept that?

Has anyone had any other legal advice about this particular aspect of withdrawing the funds they can share?

I removed all my funds (they arrived in my account within 3 days after request, for those who wondered about the delay, but that was a month and a half ago) except for 20 euros... and I never signed anything else as I did not close my account.
They have sent me their email (three times) to demand that I close my account, but I just did not answered.
I don't know if it will help...
I removed all my funds (they arrived in my account within 3 days after request, for those who wondered about the delay, but that was a month and a half ago) except for 20 euros... and I never signed anything else as I did not close my account.
They have sent me their email (three times) to demand that I close my account, but I just did not answered.
I don't know if it will help...

Leave the 20 euros in and the account open. They want to wind down operations so they can start over elsewhere. It's the Hydra Monster. Cut off one head and another pops up!! At this point, folks who leave their accounts open at IB Capital are helping!!
So a question for the group. I am another of the scammed and found T2W way too late. I have a basic understanding of FOREX but, obviously, no depth at all. I find I am not built for the trading in this market on my own. I do my own stocks, but on average, they are a much slower moving beast and I generally buy to hold with occassional puts and calls. Ok, so are there any legitimate managed forex services? Everything I have seen since this expensive lesson feels slimy. I am interested in another investment class, ie FOREX, but not interested in the day to day. It very well may be that this means stay away, but I am not looking for these spectacular gains, just a mere 20-100% a year 😆. Perhaps another thread that I can be guided to?

Is there such a legitimate company? Despite the debacle with ProphetMax, I still believe that FOREX could be a profitable investment platform managed by a skilled trading group. Am I naive?
Hi, I'm a prophetmax member, I have searched through this thread and although the question has been raised, I have not seen any clear answer on what is generally advised regarding withdrawing funds from IB capital without releasing them of any liability.
I have been holding off doing this just to see what the best action would be but its dragged on long enough now and I want to get the funds back.

Should I just sign the withdrawal form and cross out the text about releasing liability?

Will they accept that?

Has anyone had any other legal advice about this particular aspect of withdrawing the funds they can share?
They will accept with it crossed out.
Yes, but how did you withdraw the funds - did you use their withdrawal form with the liability release and required signature at the bottom?

Holding your money hostage to get them off the hook for liability is illegal. There are plenty of dirty words for this, but coercion comes to mind.

In any document you sign, cross out the parts you don't like, and sign it. If you want to your own terms to it then add to it. The worst that would happen is that the other party won't agree, but just keep that in mind for future reference whenever you sign your name to something, especially contracts! =)
Just wondering if there is anyone who has a recording of the original webinar, or the follow-up webinar, held by MD that introduced PM and did the big sell? If so, I for one would appreciate the opportunity to have a copy or at least to view it again. Anyone who does have it - it would be great if you could upload it to a drop box ( ) so it can be shared / viewed by all. Drop box is free. Thanks
Is there such a legitimate company? Despite the debacle with ProphetMax, I still believe that FOREX could be a profitable investment platform managed by a skilled trading group. Am I naive?

You are being extremely naive, you're setting yourself up to be scammed. There is no such thing as free money.