I have been trying to find out more about Laure.
As you guessed, I contacted SkillLeverage as well.
Here is the exchange :
to Skill Leverage
can the girl trade?
We are interested in hiring the girl to join our hedge fund.
Did she make 30k on 100 clips/day? over how many days?
was her trading consistent? what were her losing days?
Can you provide her trading metrics?
Top traders are difficult to deal with: any advice on how we can maximize her abilities?
Re: can the girl trade?
Originally Posted by Skill Leverage
Me :
How long did she trade with you?
And, is she hot?
Re: can the girl trade?
Originally Posted by Skill Leverage
Thanks mate!
all the fuss on an ugly: why ?
Me :
Boss is obsessed with the ugly's "attitude".
I f**g hope we don't have to hire the ugly.
Re: ****
Originally Posted by Skill Leverage
who the hell are you, and why do you keep messaging me? She's not ugly, she's just not hot. And I don't know if she can trade or not. Leave me alone, for ****'s sake.
I informed him we would still be looking to meet the bird.
Skill Leverage is a loser.
Thanks for standing up to the bird.