Prop firms


Hello it's Mr Soul, I stopped by t' pick up a reason....

anyyyhow. Ima 20 year trader,split up between mkt making at SLKC for 10 years in the 90's to trading directly for one of the largest institutions, as an agency execution jockey( or fill in whatever fits)-

The future is bleak for the orderflow dependent sap as the ever so 'arrogant' buyside has continued to devalue the individulas that help built the whole concept of 'direct electronic trading. Fortunately I have continued to form opinions , mostly ss term/intraday strategies, so my brain doesn't melt into cement while waiting for that next ever so important and chersihed order.

All that said, I am in touch with a few , what appears to be, established,non chop-shop proprietary trading firms. There is no doubt I am joining one soon enough. Without mentioning any names, I was wondering if members of this forum may provide me with the good, the bad and fugly-regading current options out there.(Keep in mind, its not a fishing expedition as I am likely already to join one in particular-
Hopefull y'all don't see this post as crass, or azz, or...etc

Ain't it strange I should change,

Hello it's Mr Soul, I stopped by t' pick up a reason....

anyyyhow. Ima 20 year trader,split up between mkt making at SLKC for 10 years in the 90's to trading directly for one of the largest institutions, as an agency execution jockey( or fill in whatever fits)-

The future is bleak for the orderflow dependent sap as the ever so 'arrogant' buyside has continued to devalue the individulas that help built the whole concept of 'direct electronic trading. Fortunately I have continued to form opinions , mostly ss term/intraday strategies, so my brain doesn't melt into cement while waiting for that next ever so important and chersihed order.

All that said, I am in touch with a few , what appears to be, established,non chop-shop proprietary trading firms. There is no doubt I am joining one soon enough. Without mentioning any names, I was wondering if members of this forum may provide me with the good, the bad and fugly-regading current options out there.(Keep in mind, its not a fishing expedition as I am likely already to join one in particular-
Hopefull y'all don't see this post as crass, or azz, or...etc

Ain't it strange I should change,


Have you thought of applying to First New York given your history?
Interesting suggestion. I hadn't thought of them in a long time.
Anyone know about :
SMB , G2, or Bright ?