Prop firms- do they take swing traders?+ questions about IBs


Established member
most of what i hear is that they don't really want swing traders, more day traders.

say if i was to do 1-2 trades a week would they take me?

(same question for an IB)

+ does anyone work in an investment bank? what sort of things do they invest in? are there large trading floors etc? do they like day traders/swing traders for pretty much any market?

I've been recently to Savi Trading.
They allow you to keep positions overnight if they are not stopped.
They have 2 programs.
One is for training and trading and second one is for traders which want to trade for them immediately.
First one cost 3600 Gbp for 4 months.
For second one they wand some kind of deposit of around 7000, but you can trade immediate on live and with 3 lots (Forex) or 3 contracts (ES). At this account you split immediate profit with them 80:20 in your account.