Profitable system???


Hi all

I have been back testing a system that has produced the results below, the problem however, is that I got these results by going through all the historical data a day at a time, using excel to manually create the charts,(not exactly the most exciting time of my life!). Having done this for the past few weeks I am now well and truly p 😱 ed off with it, hence the reason for this post.

Is there anybody with access to and experience of back testing software that would like to work with me in fine-tuning the system to see just how profitable or unprofitable it is?

I can provide the basic concept of the system, all the historical data necessary and have a few ideas to improve profitability and decrease losses. The system is very simple, using only price and time with no indicators.

Data tested between 01/05 and 09/05

Daily target: 20 points
Daily stop: 26 points

No of wins: 140
No of losses: 43

Total points won: 2800
Total points lost: 1118

Max consecutive winning trades: 13
Max consecutive losing trades: 3

Transaction costs: 915 (calculated @ 5 point spread per trade)

Overall total: 767 points

If you're knowledgeable about backtesting and would like to help develop this P.M. me. Hopefully a few of us could put our heads together and maybe create a good system.
If you send me a PM with an outline I'll test it against futures data and provide you with the spreadsheet and code etc.

For example a 5 point spread isn't neccessary if you trade futures.

back testing

JonnyT said:
If you send me a PM with an outline I'll test it against futures data and provide you with the spreadsheet and code etc.

For example a 5 point spread isn't neccessary if you trade futures.


have a look at and aske them poitely to write you the code for a backtest or if youre programme minded you van write it yourself . It takes minutes after all the very easy programming is done !


Hi all

I'd just like to thank everybody for there input, shame the system didn't turn out to be as good as initial tests suggested.

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