Profitable Cyrox Scalper Journal

Hi Lord Flasheart,

I hope not to be rude, but I am not interested in proving anything/calling live trades. I am not exactly making huge money from my trading and I am not looking to sell/promote anything here, just post my results to keep myself accountable.

If that makes me 'un-genuine' then so be it.
I trade the EURJPY market using an approach based on Cyrox Simple Scalping.

I hope to show that it is possible to make profit using this approach on a daily basis.

I will post my weekly results here. I trade a live account and my current trade size is 50,000 (half a lot).

Let me know if you have any questions.


the reason I ask is that you appear to be doing this for your own motives,hence your site.IMHO anyone who is trying to gain from othes should prove himself first,is that too much to ask
Hi again Lord Flasheart,

I guess it comes across like I am trying to sell or promote Cyrox Scalping, but it is in fact nothing to do with me. I do not receive any reward for 'advertising' etc - it is just word of mouth for Trollman at Cyrox, who I have found to be very helpful.

My own personal blog just about pays for the annual domain fee with a bit of google ads, which I am sure people are fully aware of.

Finally, I would just say that my trading is no where near good enough for me to start preaching to others how to trade. Maybe if I start pulling in 4/5 figures a week I will think about proving myself and helping others, but until then I am just going to post my results for others to see.

Enjoy the lovely weekend.

19th - $124 profit
20th - $35 profit
21st - $393 loss
22nd - No trading
23rd - No trading

Week total: $234 trading loss
After a couple of months off, I started back this week. Trading small with 10k.

July 5: +$11 / 10.3 pips
July 6: -$2 / -0.1 pips
July 7: +$3 / +3.6 pips)
July 8: No trading
July 9: +$5 / +5.3 pips

Total: +$17 / +19.1 pips
12th to 16th July 2010

12th - +$3 / 4.6 pips
13th - +$11 / 10.5 pips
14th - +$8 / 7.1 pips
15th - +$9 / 9.5 pips
16th - +£11 / 11.1 pips

Total: +$42 / 42.8 pips (av 8+ a day)
I increased to 20k trades this week. Perhaps I jumped up too early as my discipline fell apart and self destruct mode kicked in on the Friday.

19th - -$48 / -20.7 pips
20th - -8 / -1.5 pips
21st - +$20 / 9.9 pips
22nd - +$3 / 1.7 pips
23rd - -$164 / -67.7 pips

Total: -$197 / -78.3 pips
Another bad week for discipline is gone.

26th - +$32 / 15.9 pips
27th - +$10 / 5.2 pips
28th - -$253!

Total - $211
You seemed to be doing well before, think back, repeat, off you go.🙂

Good luck:clover:

Not being sarcastic, I know it's horrible to lose but I am sure you will be winning again soon.