Professional home traders wanted for new arm of trading firm

Principal Trader

Junior member
Are you a talented, consistent, professional home trader looking for a new and interesting challenge? Is the idea of trading other people’s money and leveraging significant extra income from your existing activities an exciting and attractive proposition? If so this could be an exciting opportunity for you. Our company, a spin-off of an established trading firm (established 1999), has a variety of trading permission and is regulated by the FSA and CNMV with membership to the National Futures Association. We require a consistent, talented trader to take on the role of senior trader with a view to managing a rapidly growing fund.
Key requirements include:
• A personable, reliable and co-operative attitude
• Consistency
• Commitment to success
• Minimum c.5% return per month
• Solid and demonstrable track record (minimum 24 months)
• Effective Risk management
The chosen applicant will be expected to trade their own equity via one of our platforms so as to link into the managed accounts. All current spreads will be matched or bettered.
All trading can take place from home if preferred and working hours are extremely flexible.
It is intended that remuneration will be performance based and equity participation is a distinct future possibility for the right person.
To find out more about this opportunity please forward a CV and a breakdown of trading records.
Please Note: We are not a prop firm and no financial outlay is required on the part of the candidate at any stage. Trading records essential. UK Applicants only.
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I have been informed that it is not permitted to link contact details and thus my email address has been removed. Please therefore send me a quick PM and I wlll furnish you with the necessary information.

My apologies for any inconvenience.

Kind regards,


Are you a talented, consistent, professional home trader looking for a new and interesting challenge? Is the idea of trading other people’s money and leveraging significant extra income from your existing activities an exciting and attractive proposition? If so this could be an exciting opportunity for you. Our company, a spin-off of an established trading firm (established 1999), has a variety of trading permission and is regulated by the FSA and CNMV with membership to the National Futures Association. We require a consistent, talented trader to take on the role of senior trader with a view to managing a rapidly growing fund.
Key requirements include:
• A personable, reliable and co-operative attitude
• Consistency
• Commitment to success
• Minimum c.5% return per month
• Solid and demonstrable track record (minimum 24 months)
• Effective Risk management
The chosen applicant will be expected to trade their own equity via one of our platforms so as to link into the managed accounts. All current spreads will be matched or bettered.
All trading can take place from home if preferred and working hours are extremely flexible.
It is intended that remuneration will be performance based and equity participation is a distinct future possibility for the right person.
To find out more about this opportunity please forward a CV and a breakdown of trading records.
Please Note: We are not a prop firm and no financial outlay is required on the part of the candidate at any stage. Trading records essential. UK Applicants only.

hi.. interesting offer.

my goal making 10%-30% return per month.
I am not 100% sure of this offer. If we put up our own account as a PAMM 'head account' in order to manage funds on your companies behalf. Why would you ask for 24 months statement. And why would someone with that kind of success, trade with you if they have to fork out their own capital as a head account for your PAMM success. There are many other places with alot of exposure for FREE that would do that and they wouldn't have to cut, cut in half for you.

I am just not sure I get it really?
I am not 100% sure of this offer. If we put up our own account as a PAMM 'head account' in order to manage funds on your companies behalf. Why would you ask for 24 months statement. And why would someone with that kind of success, trade with you if they have to fork out their own capital as a head account for your PAMM success. There are many other places with alot of exposure for FREE that would do that and they wouldn't have to cut, cut in half for you.

I am just not sure I get it really?

I'm not so sure about it myself although I can understand the requirement for 24 months of records. It is possible to achieve the performance stated over a few months but consistently is difficult. In fact in my opinion to acheive 5% per month (80% compounded per year) year after year means taking on a fair bit of risk. Most of the famous highly capitalised traders can make around 35% on a yearly basis. My goal is 3-4% per month, as I am not moving 10's of millions around at a time, and I'm happy making that. I still want to be in business in 5 or 10 years time so I try to reduce my risk as far as I can.
Fair comment. Perhaps I should have detailed the setup a little more clearly.

24 Months is crucial. We need to be able to see how people have faired during the worst months of the credit crunch and we need to see that trading style is suited to that sort of volatility. Also remember as an FSA approved company we can't just pick and chose which trading months we show, we have to show all of them. As a foot note to this point (this does not apply to you guys) you would not believe how many people contact us for this position with claims of 30% PCM and yet they have no records, or they did it one month trading 10p a pip.

With reference to trading our platform. We have arrangements with a number of brokers, some of which are mentioned above. All of them have the facility to trade numerous, client accounts through one portal. The idea being that you assess the total equity being traded and calculate the percentage that you wish to trade accordingly. So why trade one of our partner platforms? firstly it means less work for you as you can execute a trade across all accounts simultaneously and second it helps with some of the regulatory issues, the obvious one being "Front Running". That said there could even be issues with you trading your own money whilst managing other peoples if it weren't done this way. I would like to point out at this stage that one of the reasons we feel that this is an attractive proposition for someone who is already trading their own funds is that with the exception of calculating your risk differently you can do exactly what you are doing already but leverage additional income through commissions on the managed funds. Finally, on this note we would be able to match or better any spread that you currently have as we get institutional rates. Therefore you would invariably be better off anyway.

So in summary, less work, smaller spread and regulatory compliance.

With reference to generating 5% each month. We are assuming that whilst our ideal candidate is a successful trader and is managing his or her own funds they are not trading £1-2M. I agree 35% annually is very good for a fund but these guys are trading significantly more equity. We would expect liquidity to come into play at some stage but certainly it would be a struggle to get 35% annually with £1M if indeed one were not able to get 5% PCM with £100K. Of course there are a number of variables here, trading style not to mention risk. I have people on file who trade at 5% and think it low risk, I don’t BTW and others who trade their own sizable accounts at just .25%. If indeed you are generating 3-4% Per month with very low risk then we would be very interested in speaking to you. .

I appreciate that there are concerns that need to be addressed and questions answered but if you have a good solid trading background with records that can be substantiated we will gladly address all of them one by one.
Thanks PT that does answer most of my concerns. I should be relocating back to the UK in a few months so I may even send you an email myself at a later point in time.

With regards to liquidity it does depend on the instument traded of course. However I don't think there should be a meaningful difference in returns with trading 100K or 1 million. Get up to an account of 20 million or so and then it is a different story. If only...........
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20M is the goal but that is a long way off. Still I know of a few poeple who have done it in under a year. Realistically we have about 2m that we could attract in the immediate term but we need to ensure that everything is working well before we would even consider accepting equity at those levels. I would hope to have a strong trader in place by the end of the year but do please keep in touch.
GammaJammer, thank you for the kind words. Everything has been very carefully considered so I am glad that came accross.