Problem with Trading System from Gamebookers


This platform is also on: Partybets, ladbrokes, 32red and maibe other.
I play fixed financial odds trading from gamebookers since february this year,i am a winner so far. I started with 10 euro and now i have 1600. The problem is that now they don't let me to bet more than 10 euro. When i bet more, the bet is pending for approval for 10 or more seconds and it fail when is a winning bet.
Does anyone have similar problems or others?
Can we do something about this?
The vast majority of bookies are going to limit the amounts of consistent winners. If they didn't, they would soon be out of business. Since you have figured out how to beat them, they have limited the amount you can bet with them. You should try betfair financials. They have ftse100 20 minute contacts and wallstreet 30 contracts.
The vast majority of bookies are going to limit the amounts of consistent winners. If they didn't, they would soon be out of business. Since you have figured out how to beat them, they have limited the amount you can bet with them. You should try betfair financials. They have ftse100 20 minute contacts and wallstreet 30 contracts.

'If they didn't, they would soon be out of business' f**k them, they do ilegal things, they must be closed. Are undeniable proofs against them and all we can do is nothing? Others may lose tens of thousands, the system is only for them?
Spread betting companies are like casinos. They are for entertainment purposes. It is probably pretty easy to arb Gamebookers vs igindex or something site like that, but your time is probably better spent doing something else, then trying to rip off Gamebookers.