Problem With Finspreads

Mariusz Wolek


Today finspreads platform made me furious while I wanted to close my position P&L +3100£ on Daily crude Oil spike at 20:47 while price gone up 8$ in a seconds! I clicked on Close and then I had window "processing..." then i had to login again and i saw phone sale only..
when I called was to late.. Pice dropped back 8$.
I know they have done it on purpose! They made impossible sale while customer wants to profit.
They stopped platform sale exactly when price gone up!
Can I made complain somewhere?
Thank you for advice

I just think that they are a bunch of thief s....
it was roll over some said. search google "elite trader" then go to 10% trading on the sublinks. read last 4 pages for some reference.
Im looking for helpful advice!!
Daily oil future in finspread has no roll over option and the contract expires at 19.30, just look at the chart...