Problem logging into Finspreads Advantage platform

How do you know as being in the US you are not able to have a spreadbetting account ?

I didn't trade yesterday but did three satisfactory ones on Monday. Prompt fills, etc.

I have just taken delivery of a new computer, not unpacked, yet, with Windows 8 in it.

I'll see how it goes with Fins tomorrow.
The new computer works very well with Fins.

What more can I say? I am nothing more than a spreadbetting trader and this site gives me what I want.

I was beginning to have doubts but kept them to myself because I was using an old computer with new software. Dragging and scrolling with the mouse needed a lot of patience, but that was where the fault lay.
waste of time

I'm using windows 7 and internet explorer 10 on desktop. Finspreads advantage was fine on Friday but since Monday I can log in but I only get a grey screen.
I contacted help desk and they suggested using other browsers.
Anybody using Finspreads Advantage (not City Index version) on internet explorer. Any advise would be helpful thanks.

Sorry but you are wasting your time with Fin and City, they will always tell you its your browser or something wrong at your end. The grey screen issue has been happening for years. I finished with them 4-5 years ago, and it was happenign all the time.
Grey screen that shows no open positions. Server issues. Will never use them again, quit 4 years ago with them and l'll never touch them again. As soon as you need to close something quickly everything dies. I hear those problems are still ongoing so glad l quit.
It won't be any better. Try Intertrader, IG or LCG

If you are getting better served where you are, what can I say? Good luck. But, I have never had a grey screen problem. That is not to say that they are perfect in all aspects but, my opinion is that, if I change to someone else, I won't know what I am getting until afterwards.

Maybe, when I was a lot younger, I would have had more patience but not now, probably why I go to the same shops and restaurants.🙂
If you are getting better served where you are, what can I say? Good luck. But, I have never had a grey screen problem. That is not to say that they are perfect in all aspects but, my opinion is that, if I change to someone else, I won't know what I am getting until afterwards.

Maybe, when I was a lot younger, I would have had more patience but not now, probably why I go to the same shops and restaurants.🙂

Believe me, l'm not young, l started this 16 years ago, and tried them all. Fin and City are the ones l'll never give another chance at. Gave em 3 chances after leaving to get it right. never again.
Believe me, l'm not young, l started this 16 years ago, and tried them all. Fin and City are the ones l'll never give another chance at. Gave em 3 chances after leaving to get it right. never again.

Does 86 in April beat you?😀

Good Luck, anyway.
There is something the matter with all you guys! One thing that I have no trouble with is logging in.
Why is it that I am so out of step? When Fins and CI went under one roof on March 24th I thought that there would be some teething problems. Nothing. I just went on trading as if nothing had happened..

BTW, in the mornings I trade with a different computer to the afternoons, when I use a beaten-up old Lenova laptop. that uses an out of date version of some system--not Windows.

Still. As I said before, if you are happy wherever you are--nuff said! Good luck to us all.