Pro,Upda or Share ?

Trader 2

I am pleased to hear build 267 is functioning so well, not to mention relieved that all my time and effort has not been wasted. Updata undoubtedly made a huge mistake in releasing Trader 2 in such a bug ridden state.
Trader 2 was an absolute disgrace and I shall never touch another Updata product again as a result. The words "merchantable quality" come to mind.....
Updata Proff II sofware actually lost me a few hundred pounds because I didnt notice that the screen had "frozen" , one of many problems encountered in just a few weeks of using this package.
In terms of daytrading this software is a nightmare!
I certainly hope that Updata can resolve these issues promptly!

Splurge we would all be interested to know the details! Can you publish an email address??
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Thank you all!

It has been great, the way that you have given me all this advice. I hope it has given others help and comfort with their Updata system. But! I think this is also a warning shot across the bow to Updata. I think they have learned a lesson from all of this. YES! and I hope they watch their high prices in the future too!
Trader Pro 2

For those people who wish to contact me and verify certain issues have been resolved please do so by emailing me from my profile at the bottom of the board.

I am all in favour of those people who are Updata Trader users communicating together to get a system that is fault free and is as good as we all want it to be.

I am in contact with the development team and I would appreciate it if you would contact me with any issues so I can ensure they know about the problems quickly.

Dont get me wrong. I am not putting myself forward as a Users Group coordinator, however I do believe we should 'club' together to get the package we want doing the things we need it to do.

I am based in Essex so if there is anyone who wishes to get together on this please let me know.

I believe that Updata are desperate to get their software among the best again and it is in our interests to make sure they do.

I have a suggestion. How about I introduce a new forum specifically for Updata Trader users to discuss the development of the software. Perhaps we could then get the developers themselves to participate in the forum to support their product. What do people think? Also it would be very easy to set up a mialing list for Updata users again to discuss Trader.

If we can help in any way to resolve existing issues, it has to be a good thing.

Trader 2

Excellent idea

I am sure that any software developer would like to have a forum to aid development and to ensure they keep in touch with what the end user is looking for.

Would this be something that is specific to Updata or would it be expanded to include other packages.
Hi Splurge, it would be specific to Updata.. but we could open similar forums for other trading platforms if there was the demand. Let me know! You can always posts your comments and suggestions for the site in the feedback forum. I check it every day. 🙂

Was a feedback point setup for trading platforms, that is as suggested for Trader II? Had a look round site but unable to locate todate.

Needless to say, I have trader II but disappointed with outcome so far and may be looking for alternative shortly. I am presently using build 301 and after 4 attempts have managed to get it up and running.

From what I have read (Naz) I may even try Level 2 and nasdaq, whats is there to loose by trying?
Hi Dingers

Youre absolutly right come and join all of us who got fed up with the Uk and trade Nasdaq level 2.
Updata are crap

We have been using Updata II since they prerelease last April. and it seems to get steadily worse. The last release 275 or 301 as they like to call it is marginally better than previous versions.
We could give you a list of bugs that that would be unproductive in a BB. We have moved over to the US and started in a gentle way with who charge 1 cent per share so 100 shares is $1. We are working our way up to the heady heights of NAZ who showed us how to use level II Nasdaq and are currently getting the hang of esignal.
I would recommend all UK traders to start looking at the US to see what they are missing.
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Hi Lucy and Mick

I'm glad to hear you are steadily getting there.Good luck.Have a nice Christmas.
Just started using build 301 of TP2 and I have sent these emails already to Updata.

most recent...

1. Candle width select when switching from an end of day chart to a different intraday chart is incorrect. It does not correctly remember that the width for intraday charts should be 1 min, 2 min etc...

2. A saved chart when re-opened only shows half of todays candle. Time period has to be reselected to adjust this.

3. trend lines drawn on an end of day chart sometimes get corrupted when you zoom intraday to 1 or 2 days period.

4. When charts are first opened (saved or unsaved) the intraday data is missing for all days apart from todays data. Have to close the chart and re-open to get full intraday data (say 5 days worth). This also means that saving a workspace which has charts on it is useless as you have to re-open all the charts in this space.

8. File save does not work on charts and also "always ask" causes chart bug.

9. Sometimes when you switch a chart intraday the most recent candle shows a very large wick. chart has to be closed and re-opened to get rid of this glitch.

10. end of day chart not updating realtime (known reported major problem).

and first email after install.......

1. Your old saved charts will not load as the analytics have been completely rewritten (for the better). Charts now load faster and Chart tracker function is excellent. I had to play around with the chart colour scheme to get them looking OK.

2. Make sure your tradlist is setup correctly with the trading times as this affects the way the charts are stored. I got an email off Updata with a working tradlist.

3. After installing I recommend deleteling the old prestel.udb file and letting the system start from scratch.

4. Saving charts has a bug. Do not use the "always ask" save on exit display option as there is a bug.

5. Fibonnaci option for charts has been taken out of this version but you can put it back by editing uanalytics.ini file with the line MODE=1 after the [VERSION] line.

6. You may have to re-install prestel citifeed if you get a data feed error.

7. There is a bug in charts as currently the chart is not updating realtime say on a monthly view (1 day candlestick or line). Updata promise a fix real soon.

8. I had to delete my old workspace file and start from scratch again setting up columms in watchlist etc.

Hope this helps

My last post was pretty negative but I think if Updata sort out these charting issues they may finally have a system worth the money. The latest build 301 does seem to be better for charts. Prestel feed is still an issue as they do not seem to correct large glitches in prices caused by early morning wide spreads. They could at least clean up their end of day data like sharescope do. Currently at the end of each week I have a program to import OHLC data from sharescope into Updtata to clean up the price history for about 50 UK shares which I watch closely.

Having read the above 2 posts, it appears to me that the phrase I once used :- "Updata and quality control and customer service are mutually incompatible" - seems as correct today as when I penned it first in April with Trader Pro2 first issue.

Product testing seems to be carried out by customers... shades of the unlamented British Leyland..

Windows XP?

Unfortunately Chartman , you appear correct.

Anti crash software? Rubbish. I've had it crash 3 times back to a blank screen with a white cursor. And in a loop on startup where it checks disk files, asks you to restart , gives a number of options and then just loops endlessly (at least 8 hours overnight) checking the disk, asking for options, restarting.......

And what is worse it appears not to be recoverable.. the Microsoft support desk are aware of the poroblem...

If anyone is using it, take care when acting as Administrator when changing settings. If you do, then restart before doing anything else.. that seems to solve the problems..

It will be nice when it is sorted...doubt they've beta tested it intensively on realtime systems..