Pristine's Online & CD Seminar Series plus 2 others

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(1) Pristine's Online & CD Seminar Series :arrowd:
I am looking for recommendation on these Pristine CD seminars. I have viewed the samples from the websites and they seem a little mono-toned and boring. I know there is vital info within these cd's but the way they present it seems..... "dry". However, i have read his book, ie by Velez & Carpra: Tools an tactics for the Master Trader, and it is an excellent book and would recommend it to any trader. From what i have seen in the samples, it just looks like a copy of the book in a audio/visual format, which can be very effective if it was presented with the energy and drive like Antony Robbins would; in this CD seminar they seem a bit sleepy or tired when they speak.

What do you guys/gals think?
Anyone got it , and is it worth getting... even though i have their book already?

(2) Guppy Traders Seminars Series :arrowu: :?:
To a different perspective is this series. Having looked at the samples he, although Australian (which i have nothing against) and looking like a mad professor, seem more interesting and more interactive in that he asks you to try and read sample trends and then checks them with his results to see how you did. I think this can be a very effective way to teach (being a teacher myself). His website looks like it's been done by an 11 year old (very basic) but, his principles look good. I have not looked into Guppy Trading Methods yet, but looking at these sample intrigues me dwell further into his methods.

Is he any good?
What is HIS CD seminar like.... worth buying.

(3) Mastery Group Seminar Series
And lastly this one by this "Samurai" Dr. Richard McCall who is the author of the international best-selling trading-psychology/discipline book, The WAY Of The Warrior-Trader. A great book i would recommend to accompany the books like the "Discipline trader" and "Trading in the Zone". There is no sample i could see so i wouldn't know if he is going to be mono-tones like Oliver Velez from Pristine (no disrespect to his trading methods though, i just think he can't present or broadcast his methods verbally..... unless he changes in the full version.... but that would be rubbish marketing for his CD's as he definitely put me off). He too has interesting methods in discipline.

Anyone know about this one?
Any good and worth buying?

Thanks to everyone ......
Thanks for that.

Seems like Pristine has many neg'tve views. I read someone saying that their methods have been derived from other people and are not all original..... come to think of it it does look like Nison's work on candlesticks to name one.

Guppy seem well known in Australia and is respected there... didn't find any -ve views though which is good for him.

The same goes for the "Samurai Trader" of Dr McCall. Some good reviews from him on the discipline side of things..... I may go and buy the 3disk cd set from this website..... ANYONE WANT TO STOP ME???!!! Is there some thing i should Know first??

Thanks again Neil your links where very helpful 🙂
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One of the problem with reviews is that, often people will only leave a message if they wern't happy. It is harder to get freely given positive reviews than it is to get complaints - people like to moan.

Max44, you said...

However, i have read his book, ie by Velez & Capra: Tools an tactics for the Master Trader, and it is an excellent book and would recommend it to any trader.

Yet if you read the review on that book on the same site, you will get a very different picture - they absolutely hate it.

Personally, I also like the book and am glad I bought it.

I also have a number of their CD's. I don't care if they have used other ideas or everything is entirely new. All that matters to me is can they explain their profitable trading methods in a way that I can understand.

Let's face it, there is very little new under the sun. It is just that some people can make it work better than others. Just look at the number of traders there are on this site. I am fairly sure that many people have the same knowledge, but some of the traders turn that knowledge into a very profitable business. Others who have the same knowledge, consistently loose money.

I don't know about you, but I would be very happy to spend some time with some of the top traders on this site, even though I may 'know' everything that they do, 'cause I obviously don't act on that knowledge in the same way they do.

Anyway, concerning the question about the CDs...

You sure don't get Tony Robbins 😉

In my opinion, Oliver Velez is a better speaker and easier to listen to than Greg Capra. But don't expect 'dynamic' from either of them.

The style is of course similar to the book, but better explained (well in the CDs I have seen anyway). The CDs concentrate more on the actual trade, it's execution and management.

Again, I am happy that I bought the CDs - I got my money's worth anyway 😀