Prince Phillip: a credit to our nation


Well-known member
Today a church service marked our Prince's 90th birthday.

As a proud British patriot, I think our Prince is a credit to our island nation.

Our Prince has inspired the peoples of England, Scotland, Ireland and Whales no end.

I strongly believe the Royal family is Conservative voting. On this basis, I declare my voting credentials to be the same as my Prince.

God Save the Prince and his wife.
He is a stupid and embarrassing old baffoon with the diplomatic skills of Joseph Mengler, and the quicker this country gets rid of him, his wife, and all the chinless hangers on (Dukes, Earls, Knights, Lords etc...) and the whole idea of top down patriarchal power, hereditary privelege and crown perogative and grows into a modern 21st century forward thinking meritocracy where rights are accompanied by responsabilities andthat believes it's best days lie ahead not in harking back to war..the better.

Up the revolution, Up the workers !!

Today a church service marked our Prince's 90th birthday.

As a proud British patriot, I think our Prince is a credit to our island nation.

Our Prince has inspired the peoples of England, Scotland, Ireland and Whales no end.

I strongly believe the Royal family is Conservative voting. On this basis, I declare my voting credentials to be the same as my Prince.

God Save the Prince and his wife.
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Today a church service marked our Prince's 90th birthday.

As a proud British patriot, I think our Prince is a credit to our island nation.

Our Prince has inspired the peoples of England, Scotland, Ireland and Whales no end.

I strongly believe the Royal family is Conservative voting. On this basis, I declare my voting credentials to be the same as my Prince.

God Save the Prince and his wife.

these damned foreign princes, coming over here from Greece, and marrying our princesses. who do they think they are?

theres never a strong tory immigration policy when you need it!
.... get rid of ..... the whole idea of top down patriarchal power, hereditary privelege and crown perogative and grows into a modern 21st century forward thinking meritocracy where rights are accompanied by responsabilities andthat believes it's best days lie ahead not in harking back to war..the better.

Up the revolution, Up the workers !!

Hmmm! Has there ever been any example of this "Utopia"?
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He is a stupid and embarrassing old baffoon with the diplomatic skills of Joseph Mengler, and the quicker this country gets rid of him, his wife, and all the chinless hangers on (Dukes, Earls, Knights, Lords etc...) and the whole idea of top down patriarchal power, hereditary privelege and crown perogative and grows into a modern 21st century forward thinking meritocracy where rights are accompanied by responsabilities andthat believes it's best days lie ahead not in harking back to war..the better.

Up the revolution, Up the workers !!

How dare you.

Our Prince represents everything that is good about Britain. If you do not like our Prince, then I suggest that you leave the country of our Prince and his Wife and go to somewhere like Pakistan.

Also, leave our Duke and Earls alone. They make our country great. They put the Great into Great Britain.

By not supporting our Prince, you demonstrate that you are against our soldiers, since they love our Prince. That makes you a traitor, which is why I mentioned Pakistan (who hid Bin Laden and lied about it). This is why we should stop Pakistan developing nuclear weapons.

God Save our Prince and his Wife.

P.S. And if you do not believe in God, at least you can Save him without God. But I would try and believe in God, since he probably exists. But God could be a she too, for political correctness reasons.
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How dare you.

Our Prince represents everything that is good about Britain. If you do not like our Prince, then I suggest that you leave the country of our Prince and his Wife and go to somewhere like Pakistan.

Also, leave our Duke and Earls alone. They make our country great. They put the Great into Great Britain.

By not supporting our Prince, you demonstrate that you are against our soldiers, since they love our Prince. That makes you a traitor, which is why I mentioned Pakistan (who hid Bin Laden and lied about it). This is why we should stop Pakistan developing nuclear weapons.

God Save our Prince and his Wife.

P.S. And if you do not believe in God, at least you can Save him without God. But I would try and believe in God, since he probably exists. But God could be a she too, for political correctness reasons.

😴 Please, TraderPattern, don't be tiresome. The Royal Family is a feudal throwback and, what is worse, it is multiplying like a family of rabbits. Having a republican mentality is not treason and a large porcentage of British people do not support the monarchy, except financially, of course.

Besides, what on earth does Pakistan have to do with it?
How Very Dare you

Lol, your post was the most amusing thing I have read on here for a long time, thing is though - I can't be arsed arguing with you - you are an idiot. Just curious though, as this a trading forum, have you ever thought of posting something, oh I dunno, like trading related ?

How dare you.
How Very Dare you

Lol, your post was the most amusing thing I have read on here for a long time, thing is though - I can't be arsed arguing with you - you are an idiot. Just curious though, as this a trading forum, have you ever thought of posting something, oh I dunno, like trading related ?

I think I know who TradePattern is 😉
Me too. He's teh queen, teh drama queen.

No I am not the Queen.

Here is why
1) The Queen is not a pro trader but I am -- I made £582,768 last year after paying my taxes. Goldmon Sacks wanted me but I said no
2) The Queen is old but I am young
3) The Queen is ugly but I am beuatiful

All of you who do not support my Prince are traitors and should go to Libya or Syria.... or Wales.
.................The Royal Family is a feudal throwback............

They may be a feudal throwback, split, but people seem to need some sort of figurehead that they can place on a pedestal and give their allegiance. Republicanism has the disadvantage that such a figure, President, is inevitably tarnished because of the political connection and the a'political figurehead we have serves the purpose to much better effect.

The massive crowds lining the streets at the latest royal wedding, the TV viewing figures and the Hello magazine sell out, maybe shows that the monarchy are still held in high esteem even though many of those same people might think that the monarchy is an anachronism.


ps: and I bet if the Queen decided to visit you for tea you'd get your best bib and tucker ready to wear !!
No I am not the Queen.

Here is why
1) The Queen is not a pro trader but I am -- I made £582,768 last year after paying my taxes. Goldmon Sacks wanted me but I said no
2) The Queen is old but I am young
3) The Queen is ugly but I am beuatiful

All of you who do not support my Prince are traitors and should go to Libya or Syria.... or Wales.

Let me test to see if you are a pro trader. Give me a trade signal to buy or sell. I will see if you know how to trade.

I don't support your prince and I am staying right here.
Let me test to see if you are a pro trader. Give me a trade signal to buy or sell. I will see if you know how to trade.

I don't support your prince and I am staying right here.

This guy is just trying to wind everyone up. He's noy worth the time.
Let me test to see if you are a pro trader. Give me a trade signal to buy or sell. I will see if you know how to trade.

I don't support your prince and I am staying right here.

I will not disclose my secret trading signals. They took me 2 months to develop. But they are on sale to selected clients at a cut-price of £27,325.99. Only Lords, Ladies, Sirs, Dukes and Dames are allowed to buy them. My Prince and his wife can have them for free as did the Duke and his Duckess of Cambridge (marriage gift).

If you don't support my Prince, you must leave and go to a terrorist country like Libya or Pakistan. You don't deserve to live in the land of my Prince.
I am a terrorist and I am coming to steal your money and make you my kitchen b!tch