Pretium Securities

They do give give the trades a chance and yes, they have traded to my instructions and risk profile. I have more than you mention on account but didnt give the go-ahead to trade until the relationship was properly established. I suppose it depends on who you end up speaking to and wether it clicks or not. If you want i will let you know the guy I first spoke to if you send me a message.
They managed to lose 20% of my stake in a few weeks - half of it in commissions. I am not convinced they know what they are doing. It's the usual thing with the so called professionals in that, give them a Bull rally and they will make money, but in any other scenario they haven't a clue. I would not recommend them to anyone.
I'm 17% up since I started investing with Pretium on August 6th 2009. Equivalent to a c90% annual rate of return. Early days yet but pretty impressive. They do have over 40 brokers there so if anyone wants an introduction to mine, let me know.
I wouldn't want to get into disputing whether anyone has, or has not, made money with Pretium. I would only say that because of the commissions (which I notice have just risen) the odds are against you. No disrespect, but I am suspicious of people who appear on these boards defending these type of companies ...why seek out forums if you don't have an axe to grind?
They managed to lose 20% of my stake in a few weeks - half of it in commissions. I am not convinced they know what they are doing. It's the usual thing with the so called professionals in that, give them a Bull rally and they will make money, but in any other scenario they haven't a clue. I would not recommend them to anyone.

20% of mine also..they let losing trades go on and on, and as soon as somethings going your way, they cut out for a few points just to cover their commission, and perhaps a little for you. Then I had their "director" looking at my account..he was alot better, losing just a megre 5% before I got out.
In the same time I was getting almost 50 points per week on my own in the evenings. I just wanted somebody who was supposedly professional to do this full time.
Biggest mistake I ever made..I'll make it back though on my own, commission free!!
20% of mine also..they let losing trades go on and on, and as soon as somethings going your way, they cut out for a few points just to cover their commission, and perhaps a little for you. Then I had their "director" looking at my account..he was alot better, losing just a megre 5% before I got out.
In the same time I was getting almost 50 points per week on my own in the evenings. I just wanted somebody who was supposedly professional to do this full time.
Biggest mistake I ever made..I'll make it back though on my own, commission free!!

Sounds like the same thing that Montague Pitman were doing, some guys posted here about losing half their account in commission alone plus the remainder in trading losses.
I'm 17% up since I started investing with Pretium on August 6th 2009. Equivalent to a c90% annual rate of return. Early days yet but pretty impressive. They do have over 40 brokers there so if anyone wants an introduction to mine, let me know.

What's his name please mate? They have been contacting me and it is a service I could use but I would need to pretty sure that I was the one in control rather than them off making moves willy nilly.
binlid - if you want to be in control then you might as well just trade on your own and not have to pay hefty commissions. I realised I was probably just as good at spotting trades as they were - I could hardly have been worse. People who have been using these companies since the start of 2009 have more chance of being up because it's been a bull rally and losing trades eventually come good. Just remember, these people can only trade in one direction.
I was called yesterday and offered their Index pairs algorithmic black box trading program. They emailed their brochure showing performance from June 08 to oct 09 and it looks to me like the program only works during high volatility. Their best months were oct 08 and march 09 with 6 losing months out of the 16.
Why dont you just use a decent brokerage like Hargreave Hale or Charles stanley or Brewin Dolphin or Cazenove?
There are plenty of decent firms out there so why bother with all these silly little children and their attempts to emulate their heroes on the film Boiler Room. People who are so thick that their conception of the 'greed is good' philosophy is that it means lying to people and stealing their cash under the pretence their precious 3 years experience is somehow worth paying for.
This site sadly proves there is always one idiot who will make these types of boiler room operation successful and there are a lot of arrogant wanna-be's who also slate all private client stockbrokers, some of whom are very good.
Incidentally, pairs trading is a form of arbitrage trading between two assets whose mean is consistent 95% of the time, such as a gold ETF and a gold stocks fund. Occassionally these two means will vary and it is possible to take a long and short position to reflect the historical likliehood that these two will return to their historical mean. You need about a million pounds to make it worthwhile as we are talking very small percentages. next time some fool rings you with a pairs trading model I suggest you ask him to explain the concept and ideology behind the system. More than likely it will be two shares in the same sector with absolutely bugger all corellation.
The point is, if you dont know what you are doing then go and enquire at a respectable firm and get a decent broker to help you.
They are broakers and thats all they do. I had a managed account with these guys which within 6 months is down by 50%.
You have to understand the motivation of these guys - they want to place trades, because thats where their income lies. No trades - no income. Its all about risk and return, and CDF's are very risky ...but the broakers have no risk in it what so ever.

Perhaps there have been those that have made money with Pretium Securities but my experience over the six months has been very poor.
They talk talk talk but it is all hot air - they just look at the recommendations from big investment banks and follow the suite - any idiot can do that, i am sorry!

You want my advice - stay out of them!
The pitch is a bit different. they actually show you the recommendations in real time so they can't fudge the trades. it"s more transparent than others I have seen. When I opened my accounts I explained the way I wanted thr risk/reward to work and they have stuck to my instructions. It's reasonably flexible so you can have as much input as you want. Im showing profit at the moment which obviously im happy with.

As a new totally investor would you recommend this company, I would have to follow there recommendations, Thanks
As a new totally investor would you recommend this company, I would have to follow there recommendations, Thanks

If you read the above posts on this thread you will see that pretty much nobody recommends them.
I'm 17% up since I started investing with Pretium on August 6th 2009. Equivalent to a c90% annual rate of return. Early days yet but pretty impressive. They do have over 40 brokers there so if anyone wants an introduction to mine, let me know.

Hi Yes
I am interested in who your guy is?
Hi just thought I'd let you know that I got a call from them about six months ago and was sceptical at first. I did demo trade their recomendations for about six weeks and was impressed.
I checked them out thoroughly then decided to give them a try.
I deposited five thousand into my ig account and filled in the forms to allow them acess to trade on my behalf.
As it turns out it was a good move, my account is now worth almost sixteen thousand pounds now.
Not too bad in such a short timeframe.
Check them out for yourself, let me know how it goes.
Hi, Glen
Do you have one trader if so I am interested in who your guy is

Thanks Ian
Traded with pretium for a while , i have to say absolutely awful , no qualified analyst, so god knows wqhere there ideas come from lost approx 8k in 4 months .steer clear.
Traded with pretium for a while , i have to say absolutely awful , no qualified analyst, so god knows wqhere there ideas come from lost approx 8k in 4 months .steer clear.

Hi. Nicko

Thanks for the info sorry for not responding quickly but have been a way and am now away for two weeks I as yet have not put any funds with Pretium.
Sorry for your loss again thanks dogrot
Hi. Nicko

Thanks for the info sorry for not responding quickly but have been a way and am now away for two weeks I as yet have not put any funds with Pretium.
Sorry for your loss again thanks dogrot

Are you seriously thinking about giving them money after all you've been told?
Are you seriously thinking about giving them money after all you've been told?

hi guys,

I have thought that Pretium is a good company too, but it is not true at all. By the way they do check this website quite often and even if you gonna say to them that on the T2W you have read that Pretium is scamming people they will say "they are the competitors" - this is not true. I am still trading through them, but my positions are secured both ways as I am still thinking that I can recover some of my loses. Oh by the way, they are loosing me 40K and they have managed to waste it in 3 months. All the brokers despite that may seem to have some level of theoritical knowledge have not got a clue how to trade in volotile conditions. I have gone over to them as I did not want to trade myself as the markets were a bit wobbly, that was a terrible mistake. This is a genuine post guys i can send you some print screens of my accounts if you do not believe me. Anyway this is a worning to you, If you want to blow away your money very quickly them you are welcome to trade with them.
There are courses out there maybe top dog trading or fx boot camp or even futex that is a bit more expensive, but lengthly if you got enough time, but advisory brokers are generally believe are only interested in their own profits..
Pretium Securities lost me £20k in 5 months, £7k in various charges.They have no ideas, no qualified traders as far as I could see. CFD is hard enough without cowboys losing your money.
Stay clear.🙁🙁