Prepared for a speed ban?

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You just need to be going fast enough for the second flash to trigger when you're past the last white line. It's round about 140mph I believe.

I think the reason you didn't receive a ticket is because they were not motorised bikes. Nice legs BTW.

The cameras at Beeston have changed location - so watch out!!!
TheBramble said:
The cameras at Beeston have changed location - so watch out!!!

Tony, surely you don't mean to suggest that I still speed?

TheBramble said:
It's round about 140mph I believe.

Is that right? I would never have guessed that person involved was travelling at that speed......160mph , perhaps. 😉
Is there still a large camera saboteur element knocking about ?

I remember reading about these people a few years back.
Much as I'd wish to loathe Baby on Board stickers for the usual sarcastic reasons, unfortunately there is a good reason for them: to alert the emergency services following an accident that there might be tiny overlooked body lurking somewhere in the carnage. I also thought parent and child parking spaces were discriminatory until I was told that they have extra space on each side for the removal of prams etc. without denting the neighbouring car and are not necessarily nearer the shop than ordinary spaces.

As far as cameras go you can't beat a Road Angel and the new Talex looks good too. That is unless you have a metalised windscreen like me 🙁 Time for an external antenna methinks.
Don't worry all. It won't be long before the "weakest link" in the car-driver equation will be taken out. I expect this century to see human drivers being banned entirely from being behind the wheel, with cars controlled by computers, sensors and the GPS network.

Experiments in California have shown that this proposal is easily possible, with cars joining and leaving "car trains" on motorways automatically.

As a keen driver I don't relish this idea, although on long journeys it'd be nice to be able to take a break and let the technology take over.

The best way to stop people from speeding in cars would be to install a sharp metal spike in the steering wheel pointing up at the driver's face...... :cheesy:
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Much as I'd wish to loathe Baby on Board stickers for the usual sarcastic reasons, unfortunately there is a good reason for them: to alert the emergency services following an accident that there might be tiny overlooked body lurking somewhere in the carnage

Frugi, I think this is just marketing hype. Firstly how many people do you know that remove these signs each time they do not have their "baby on board"? Surely if this is a safety device then this is very irresponsible behaviour. Also if the car is crunched so badly that the sign is necessary there is as much chance of emergency services noticing a baby seat as there is of them noticing a sign. It is just another thing that gets pushed in baby shops for new parents to get all excited about and spend their money on. I think it is more some sort of symbol of virility. My verdict is still execution.
I was given a courtesy car while in for servicing. As I travelled along a dual-carriageway, an automated voice said "you are speeding. please slow down" followed by a soft beeping.
I had inadvertently speeded above 70mph !!

its only a matter of time before any speeding will be automatically relayed to police, dvla and insurance companies via mobile phone networks.
the future is already here.
its only a matter of time before any speeding will be automatically relayed to police, dvla and insurance companies via mobile phone networks.
the future is already here.

When that happens I shall move overseas again, if not before.
trendie said:
I was given a courtesy car while in for servicing. As I travelled along a dual-carriageway, an automated voice said "you are speeding. please slow down" followed by a soft beeping.
I had inadvertently speeded above 70mph !!

its only a matter of time before any speeding will be automatically relayed to police, dvla and insurance companies via mobile phone networks.
the future is already here.

as good a reason as any to drive bangers...

i just wish i could have my 1986 ford fiesta back from the grave.. she served me so well
You can bet good money that as soon as the government/big brother/whoever gets round to fitting any device that restricts speed or driving behaviour, a nice little niche of "technicians" will pop up who can remove or disable said devices for a small (or not so small) fee, whilst leaving the impression that the device is still working properly.

I know of a man who finds it remarkably easy to disable the speed-limiting device on most German cars (restricts them to 155mph). And it can be done simply with a household item that costs pennies, so I'm told.

Besides, as Salty says, I don't plan to even be in this country by the time it happens (not to say that it wouldn't happen in my intended destination, of course)
Since it is poetry day - according to another thread. Here is an answer from Edwin Brock.

Five Ways to Kill a Man

There are many cumbersome ways to kill a man.
You can make him carry a plank of wood
to the top of a hill and nail him to it.
To do this properly you require a crowd of people
wearing sandals, a **** that crows, a cloak
to dissect, a sponge, some vinegar and one
man to hammer the nails home.

Or you can take a length of steel,
shaped and chased in a traditional way,
and attempt to pierce the metal cage he wears.
But for this you need white horses,
English trees, men with bows and arrows,
at least two flags, a prince, and a
castle to hold your banquet in.

Dispensing with nobility, you may, if the wind
allows, blow gas at him. But then you need
a mile of mud sliced through with ditches,
not to mention black boots, bomb craters,
more mud, a plague of rats, a dozen songs
and some round hats made of steel.

In an age of aeroplanes, you may fly
miles above your victim and dispose of him by
pressing one small switch. All you then
require is an ocean to separate you, two
systems of government, a nation's scientists,
several factories, a psychopath and
land that no-one needs for several years.

These are, as I began, cumbersome ways to kill a man.
Simpler, direct, and much more neat is to see
that he is living somewhere in the middle
of the twentieth century, and leave him there.
rossored said:
I know of a man who finds it remarkably easy to disable the speed-limiting device on most German cars (restricts them to 155mph). And it can be done simply with a household item that costs pennies, so I'm told.

wouldnt be a hammer by any chance would it?
Twalker said:
Frugi, I think this is just marketing hype. Firstly how many people do you know that remove these signs each time they do not have their "baby on board"? Surely if this is a safety device then this is very irresponsible behaviour. Also if the car is crunched so badly that the sign is necessary there is as much chance of emergency services noticing a baby seat as there is of them noticing a sign. It is just another thing that gets pushed in baby shops for new parents to get all excited about and spend their money on. I think it is more some sort of symbol of virility. My verdict is still execution.

I agree with everything you say, though lean towards a slighly less benevolent penalty. I was only playing devil's advocate, and very reluctantly at that 🙂
I find them insulting (are they accusing me of driving less carefully when there isn't a baby on board, and if so, which is bad enough, should a baby be considered more precious than any other human? If so why?), utterly pointless (now "Bengal Tiger on Board" might be worth mentioning) and worst of all a convenient though poor excuse for the displayer to drive badly. Well done, you had a kid, I mean what are the chances of that it's so rare these days. Must have taken an superhuman amount of graft, skill and dedication so of course I want to hear about it. Not.

Good poem BTW.
Besides, as Salty says, I don't plan to even be in this country by the time it happens (not to say that it wouldn't happen in my intended destination, of course)

The destination would need to be somewhere suitably third world ( but with internet connection ) where one can live in peace and quiet without nasty little men and women from the government intruding on one's life and where the government is just poor enough not to be able to afford speed cameras and other loathsome gadgets.

Somewhere nice where a little bribe or two would be socially acceptable.
frugi said:
Oops just missed a RH entry. 🙁

I didn't, but it doesn't look like its going to work out at this precise moment

FetteredChinos said:
wouldnt be a hammer by any chance would it?

Nope. It would be a piece of chewing gum wrapper, no less.😆