seems everyone's a cynic , i don't mind saying that i get predictions wrong, i got 8 predictions wrong out of 15 since posting here sunday 10th feb, but the 7 i got right, and they are still verifiable on a 10 min chart. netted 360 pips
150-190 pips on the gbp/jpy alone. i was in the gbp/jpy trade and posted as it was making its move, verifiable go look.
if i think a trade is going one way there will be only one
prediction, if i think a trade could go both ways i will state a start point for long and short and an end point where it could possibly end up for both. my aim isn't to get you into a trade
but to get you to the doorway, and to let you know if i see something around the corner.
the corner being anywhere from half hour to 4 hours long
i will have a whole bunch more predictions this week
hopefully in some kind of jpeg graphical form much more
easily verifiable.
ok here's a long range prediction euro/usd.. just look on your
daily charts, on 11/22/07 it was at 1.4950ish ,1 month later
12/21/07 600 pips lower..on 1/15/08 again within 50 pips of
1.4950..1/22/08 it was 550 pips lower,
02/01/08 again 1.4950....8 days later 02/08/08 450 pips lower
and now we are on the way up again towards that resistance level, approached only three times in the last 4 months.
who knows if in the next 10 days it will reach this level again
but if it does the last 3 times saw between a 600 and 450 pip drop after it hit the 1.4950 level.
this advise is not for the cynics in here who have already
seen this, but for those who may want a little help.