Practical examples of volume use on intra day US shares

Interesting chart, thanks Richard. I have a couple of questions if you don't mind.

Where would you have entered the trade? After the spike in the volume?

I would have traded the breakout from the top level of the consolidation. However I can see that in trading using the volume, it would have been possible to get more out of the trade by possibly entering it sooner.

My second question is the exit point - is volume used for this? Or do you revert to looking at the candlesticks and the patterns formed?

Glad you enjoyed it.

Your suggested entry at the break through the consolidation high would have been perfectly reasonable.
Where and why would I have entered and exited?
That I can't answer because I have specific rules for such set ups and I'm not going to write about them here. But also, my trigger for entries on my momentum set ups is confirmation by my micro-analysis of what is happening on level 2, T&S and market maker participation. That gets me into profitable trades earlier and often keeps me out of trades which look good on the chart (including price and volume) but which then fail. Such micro-analysis takes seconds and is a level deeper than simply price and volume
As I said I was in the City that evening and missed the trade (which was of a stock on my hot list) so I don't know for sure where I would have entered, but it would almost certainly have been before the break of the consolidation high.
Likewise the exit would have been a combination of chart and confirmation on micro-analysis. However it would almost certainly have been near the top at almost $55 because I would have seen the reaction of market participants as the price closed in on the whole number. From experience it would probably have been within 10c-25c of the top.
The instrument featured in the chart above post number 7 appears to be teetering on the brink and due for an imminent and spectacular collapse, and under ordinary circumstances I should not be surprised if it drops to the point where it started, but there is something not quite right about the price action that precedes it and the volume. I think the last bar is a feint, and that actually this is going to rocket skywards. This would be in line with the preceding rise. The final distribution on that top is not sufficiently great to warrant a fall. The trickling of the price track that follows is very decieving until you examine the action bar by bar. This is not weakness, but hidden stregth instead, cleverly concealed.

Soc, no disrespect but how did you manage to get it so spectacularly wrong using price-volume analysis?
Mr. Charts said:
The first image was at $52.50
The price reached almost $55 on the last image.
Not a bad move, huh?
Just seen this so can be accused of hindsight 😉

volume spikes drive up price. Falling volume leaves price consolidating not falling on lower volume (Accummulation)...note candles forming a support line with tails rising to closes on burst of volume catches your attention about 1830hrs. Spikes and reactions afterwards are always worth waiting for and watching
pratbh said:
Soc, no disrespect but how did you manage to get it so spectacularly wrong using price-volume analysis?
I didn't get it wrong, I just looked at it very fleetingly and posted. I went back one hour later and looked again. I then saw the hidden intent. I decided to leave it unchanged to see if any member would spot it and either contradict or agree. I did this as an experiment because last year something very interesting happened in very similar circumstances, with regard to member response. Last night I finally extended the post and gave my reasons to underpin the conclusion arrived at.
but what happens next ?


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leave it for now

chump said:
but what happens next ?

Profit taking in progress?

I would box in the high and low to form a consolidation box and set an alert for a break (up or down), and then walk away to look at another shareset up elsewhere.
"spectacularly wrong"
I don't think Socrates got it wrong at all.
As I said, I was in the City and didn't see this to trade it, but when I looked at it on the chart I also would have initially thought it more likely to fall than to rise. But I don't have an "opinion" about what "should" happen, I trade what is happening or about to happen if I have been alerted by my techniques before the chart move.
In fact, there is more to come on this stock and its behaviour, but I will not post if any more "non-positive" contributions such as pratbh's appear. I have seen exactly where they lead.
Humour and self-deprecation are fine by me, but I simply will not post on any thread, even one I start, if it starts to go sour, just as this thread originally did - and so many others on this board.
That's my choice.
Please keep posting Richard.

With regard to where the stock would go next - It's a hard call and in my opinion I would not trade it if I had missed the prior move. If you were still in the trade then it may be a different matter - I'd set a stop to lock in a certain profit and enjoy the free ride.

One other point....I find it interesting that the volume spike just after 18.00 was never taken out dispite the spectacular rise. I'd love to see the T&S for that huge volume bar.

Soc updated his opinion late last night. When he first wrote his comments, I was surprised to read that he thought the stock was going to fall. There was a breakout, followed by a springboard on low volume, then a hammer on huge volume. Subsequently Soc has updated his comments which I didn't notice (should have).

Chump, I don't see any reason of deleting my comments, mods can always delete them if they feel the comments were negative.

However, I won't post any more on any of Richard's threads (I usually don't). Hope that helps.
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One other point....I find it interesting that the volume spike just after 18.00 was never taken out dispite the spectacular rise. I'd love to see the T&S for that huge volume bar.

The volume spike on that chart looks like data error, it would be interesting to know what the stock was and the date of this action to compare on another data source. Just IMHO
Very good thread.

One question as I'm not a price/volume specialist. Was the volume spike and preceeding price action due to a stock overhang? When this was sold then the stock was able to contiune on it's overall trend?
My student checked when the spike occurred and it was not data error - when he told me about it I also checked for myself on esignal, and prophetnet and all confirmed.
I would not post using dodgy data.
I hope you don't mind, but I will reveal the stock and date when I finish posting on this subject as there is more to come when I get time.

You are most welcome to post on any thread I initiate provided it is not negative towards anyone else.
I don't "own" any thread, but if your choice is to be negative and continue such actions, then it is my choice if I decide not to post any longer on such a thread if it starts to deteriorate as a result of hostility.
I am not interested in your disputes with Socrates such as I have seen on other threads or the rights or wrongs, I am only interested in an exchange of positive contributions on the subject under discussion.
I am sure everyone would appreciate your positive contributions.
It's as simple as that.
I hope you don't mind, but I will reveal the stock and date when I finish posting on this subject as there is more to come when I get time.

Not a problem Richard, and just for the record this was not a sly dig to suggest that you would post dodgy data, I am far more direct than that.
It is possibly just me, but something looks wrong with the picture, ie what we are seeing is really not what it seems. Just a thought, I will leave the subject, thanks for the reply.
pratbh said:
Soc updated his opinion late last night. When he first wrote his comments, I was surprised to read that he thought the stock was going to fall. There was a breakout, followed by a springboard on low volume, then a hammer on huge volume. Subsequently Soc has updated his comments which I didn't notice (should have).

Chump, I don't see any reason of deleting my comments, mods can always delete them if they feel the comments were negative.

However, I won't post any more on any of Richard's threads (I usually don't). Hope that helps.
This will interest you Pratbh:~

Since you appear to be so concerned and surprised at what I say or do not say, there is no need for it, but just for my personal satisfaction I am giving you a full explanation, as follows:

I do not dither and hum and haw about the merits or the demerits of a particular instrument or otherwise, as I am invariably very busy, but I am able to multitask other things whilst trading. This is because I have the whole thing and myself within it totaly under control. Having said this, I am normally able to suss a chart in seconds. This is as a consequence of very long experience and a deep understanding accumulated and perfected over a long period of time. It does not mattter to me what the instrument is, or its price, or the timeframe in which the chart is displayed.

This ability to suss a given scenario as presented by a chart in seconds, which is super fast micro analysis, contains a very large element of subconscious element input. This subconscious element input is even faster than logical or deductive thought. It is invariably right., unerringly right, but it is separate to logical deduction and reasoning and acts as an adjunct to it. The result is like a two pronged attack, and not a single stab, are you with me so far ?

The chart presented looked so "clean" as to be deceptive, (as roguetrader mentions in his post above), that I attacked it with a single stab mode and posted. No sooner had I posted that I had the intuitive flash that my posture was not correct, but had no time to deal with it as I had to attend to an incoming call from overseas ( I only have two hands you know).

Later on I returned to it and pinned the fact that the plausibility of the facts as presented only served to disguise hidden intent to the contrary. I decided to leave it as it was for a very good reason.

Last year, Mr Charts posted a chart and challenged all of us to foretell what would happen next. I pounced on it within one minute of it appearing and assesed it correctly and was able to post the answer within the same minute. No sooner had I posted, than it was followed by (if I remember correctly) 11 posts. Only seven of these ventured to offer a view. And nearly all of these views coincided with the view (underpinned by my reasoning)that I had already headed the list with. This to me was very dissappointing and the reason was simply that I was prevented from observing members coming forward with views untainted by my header reply.

I will look for the relevant posts and the thread and come back with them for your interest.

So on this occasion I decided to leave the wrong assessment unchanged on pupose to see if anybody would venture to challenge or ask.

It now happens that you venture to challenge and ask within the comfort of hindsight.
I left it as it was and decided to alter it late at night when there are less poeple looking and when there is a minimal chance of anyone either being influenced by it or venturing to challenge any more.

I then proceeded to outline roughly the reasons for the alteration, and those are the facts.
Referring to the post above the relevant chart is to be found on the thread "No Indicators", the chart itself is post number 980, I have just been told. The original 981 having been deleted, and added later on. Thank you Scotty.
So, back to the chart of WYNN from Tuesday this week.
Yesterday I was doing a live course and, unsurprisingly, I had WYNN on my radar, looking to see if it produced a readable move - I didn't care in the slightest whether it was up or down, as long as it was readable. If it wasn't I wouldn't have traded it.

First c'stick doji, second also, indicated a lack of willingness to buy, then as support disappeared on level 2, I shorted - filled at 54.48
Covered 52.41, more than $2 south, when it hit the previous day's support and buying came in on level 2 as the hammer formed.

This stock is a Vegas gaming company and I get ironic pleasure out of making money from such stocks.............I must be one of the few people who have been to Vegas and not gambled a single dime.
I can recommend the Mandalay Bay - beautiful hotel - do haggle at the desk though, they ended up dropping the price by half when I argued.


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