I refer you back to the link in my earlier post 118 which goes to HMRC papers.
CG56105 describes spread betting and concludes “ ...no assets are acquired or disposed of and no chargeable gains or allowed losses arise from spread betting.”
BIM 22017 describes a professional gambler and confirms that his betting income is not taxable even if it is his sole means of livelihood. It also draws atttention to related activities that may require his betting to be included in the whole and taxable.
These papers are not drawn out of thin air. They are the guidance HMRC give you.
Barjon I believe you have mixed articles up and using them incorrectly in your reference.
Getting CG56105 out the way first as it falls under the capital gains manual and spread betting is not subject to capital gains tax.
BIM 22017 falls under the income manual but you have referred to the incorrect article. This article is for gambling and bookmakers. Under the category of "Meaning of trade: exceptions and alternatives: contents" there are 15 articles and each pertain to a different type of exemption and classification. In the case of Bim 22017 , it refers to the professional gambler and has no mention of spread betting. Bim 22020 on the other hand is directly referring to spread betting. here is Bim 22020 wording:
"To be taxable, the spread betting wins must come not merely from an opportunity presented by a trade, they must arise from the carrying on of that trade. Whether or not a particular spread bet is taxable will depend on the terms of the contract and the economic substance of what is done."
Now if you browse spread betting market makers like CMC and IG to name just two, they mention it is not subject to capital gains but further mention that tax treatment depends on individual circumstances (this translates into income tax for those who trade as their sole income)
The devil is always in the detail and i think you are curve fitting the rules to suit your argument. Why would HMRC state that the professional gambler is exempt from tax while also stating that spread betting is only tax free when it is not in context to being a professional trader. They are not mutually exclusive
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