If you are reading this thread and want your say in the consultation then do this...
1. Answer the ESMA's call for evidence on their Responce Form found on this page.
2. On the drop down tab enter "Individuals"
3. Under ‘Institution’ type ‘N/A’
4. Attach (upload) a brief or detailed complaint about the proposed margin changes. Using Microsoft Word or Excel.
(or any over pdf txt doc docx xls xlsx ppt pptx pps ppsx odt ods od format)
That's it your done. Have your say in under 5 mins.
You have until the end of the day Paris time on Sunday 4th February.
Edit: Closing date is end of day Monday 5th not Sunday 4th.
Edit: The esma site is back up and running now. But instead of requesting a submission in document form.
They are now only accepting a standard email (the address is in the link.)
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