Post your stock---I'll tell you where its going!

Hope I provided some good insights to your stocks.

My personal stock picks for right now:

RKR.V (Rokmaster resources corp).
Chart looks GREAT and its got good news that just came out yesterday.
This one is defn' heading higher in the next coming weeks.

FROI (PharmaRoth Labs)
They just recently filed a notification for fda approval in ths US for their "natural" diabetes drug called sucanon that is produced in Canada. Chart looks like it has "big" potential.

BRAV (Bravada International)---I already sold my shares, it had a fantastic run!!! I might buy some more later.
Maker/Producer of Sales and popularity are picking up.
But the chart does not look that great at this point anymore. Wait some time.
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Hey what yould u think of AZEM.L (az electronics) I see its dropped alot and was thinking its done well for so long a bit of bad press and it dropps its bound to go back up?

Hey what yould u think of AZEM.L (az electronics) I see its dropped alot and was thinking its done well for so long a bit of bad press and it dropps its bound to go back up?


Sorry, I have no access to stocks traded outside of N.A.
Hello Dick,

Just seen this. Reco's without analysis is useless to say the least as it gives opinions without reasons(sorry James). I will safely assume that the person calling them is doing analysis but has forgotten to post their findings so i'll give you an example of the basics (and my opinion). It would also be great if the person giving opinions could also give more analysis as to their findings.

Anyway, I've posted an example which has taken typically 20 minutes to quickly go over with some examples.

mrw.l - Morrisons

If it breaks and closes below 245 it'll go down to 179
Im more bearish this space
What do you think about MU and EXPE for the rest of the week?

MU: Headed back to $10 and possibly will break through above and beyond
next week unless the market tanks.

EXPE: A little more likely to head lower but its stuck between $65 60 for now. Buy at 60, sell at 65.
Where do you think IIJI is headed?

IIJI---I don't know about the longer term (depends on what the company does, Im not gona look into that) but Japan is undergoing major fiscal and monetary reform and its stocks are HOT. Having said that, I would sell this stock as of today actually! This is oversold and will much more likely be headed down or sideways in the weeks to come!

You were right on GGX.V

I mentioned GGX.V a wekk or so ago and you said it would need news and it would go up, well today it's up 15 % after news.

Thanks !!!
Sorry I miss quoted you, my humble apologizes.

"GGX.V---Likely to go higher in the next few weeks. Has some potential for a 'big' move."

What do you think of Apple - APPL ahead of its Q4 2016 earning report in end of Jan?

Thanks in advance!
Hey James interesting thread and very generous of you, any chance you could enlighten us numpties on how you make your calls , any help would be much appreciated, I also started a thread 10% low low risk returns in 'stocks' forum would love your views /help over on the thread in one of your bored moments . Cheers
Post your stock I'll show where it's going

Hello Dick,

Just seen this. Reco's without analysis is useless to say the least as it gives opinions without reasons(sorry James). I will safely assume that the person calling them is doing analysis but has forgotten to post their findings so i'll give you an example of the basics (and my opinion). It would also be great if the person giving opinions could also give more analysis as to their findings.

Anyway, I've posted an example which has taken typically 20 minutes to quickly go over with some examples.

mrw.l - Morrisons

Current price - 272

10 years of data shows that:

Lows to 147 in March 2003 gives a 46% downside risk

12 month (recent) lows - Feb 13 of 248 gives downside risk of 8.5%

Highs to 337 in May 2007 gives an upside (potential) gain of 24%

12 month (recent) highs - March 2013 give an upside (potential) gain of 4%

Market index tracking:
Market lows in Oct 08 of 211 - downside risk of 22%. Market index has risen subsequently recently by over 80% since its lows in 2009. Over 12 months the index (ftse100) has risen by 7% (year comparison)


MA 20,50,100 all up and looking strong on a recent upward trend. Only recently confirmed (within 1 month) but following on from a downward trend from around Oct 2012 and then also continuing back from that on a downward trend from March 2012. This upward trend(recent) could be a repeat of Sept 12 through to Oct 12 whereby it flagged up as false. If this repeats Morrisons will continue tracking downward. If not then will continue up but have already missed a 10% move since Feb 13.

Concerned with possible false signal on upward trend. Only confirmed recently and too soon but yet have already missed a 10% move. Also have overall concerns with the index it sits in and the current and strong rise seen of late.

Yearly revenues increasing by around 8% (average) over last 5 years
Net income is also on par with this and earnings per share has also increased year on year.
Book value is 216.

Based on book value it is overpriced but in general we could ignor this if everything else stacked up.
Yearly revenues are looking great so in principle would be a good long term buy (years as appose to months).

Based on the simple equations above I wouldn't invest any more of my time on this one but instead continue to look for something with more meat on the bone. Ideally more upside gain and less downside risk or put simply the above but in reverse.

I would look for more potential gains than potential losses.

NB: Naturally as we all (should) know, markets can go up and down and the above is certainly not an endorsement to either trade or not. It is just my interpretation on how I do basic calculations to interpret whether or not a certain stock is worth looking further in to.

I won't be in on this one. (short or long)

Hope this gives some basic ideas to which you can expand on as much as you like (or debate either now or later). Of course, if it rises, it still represents a poor trade for a long. If you see something that I have missed then please feel free to correct me or add further.

All the best,
hi Lee great post any chance you could pop over to a thread I started ' 10% return low risk ' love to hear your views and any help would be much appreciated. Cheers
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