That's good to hear. I had a few problems with them and the extra decimal place slowed me down when I was putting in stops prior to entry (I can see you don't have that problem 😛). Also had problems getting filled and slipped - they didn't really suit my style. At times I have trades for <1 minute and they couldn't really accommodate my style so I went elsewhere.
What does one gain from posting p&L?
Who do you trade with Masquerade, if you don't mind me asking?
I have Oanda desktop, any new platform takes getting used to. I miss the alert on Alpari. But Oanda have live online help which can be useful at times, here's an extract of todays conversation:
OANDA: You're welcome.
OANDA: Thank you for chatting with us.
OANDA: Have a great day.
ME: thanks and you, I hope to make a lot of money
ME: it may not be so good for your company, but I hope they'll survive
OANDA: OANDA is not affected by client profit or loss, as we hedge all net exposure (earning revenue on the spread). So I hope you make money as well.
ME: Thank you, it is good to hear.
What does one gain from posting p&L?
Why is Rothschild anti Dante?
What a disaster.
Spent all f*cking morning puking most of that Bund on this relentless move.
Not too bad overall as my entries were much higher and todays loss is from mark to market. Still, I didn't see this coming thats for sure.
Sold another unit of GBP/JPY but thats moving way too fast which is a shame. Didn't want that down here already.
Missed a sell limit in Crude by 13 ticks too.
Oh well, that's trading for you.
On the plus side, the S&P has pretty much sliced through this cobweb of s/r. I cut one unit just ahead of 1092 because I'm trying not to play like too much of a tw*t today.
If I can get an updated screenshot out later near the EOD I will but I'm off to watch 24. Third season, baby!
I think you have the wrong end of the stick.
P&l does not equal your glory trades.
Post your last months trades and we would be getting close to what this thread is about (unless I have the wrong end of the stick).
With the upmost respect DT,
ps. Nice trades.
Mine so far for today
How did you go today ?