Post your P&L

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Thread starter has spoken. We should re-name this the Glory Trade thread.

I think more appropriate that it be called the "Final proof that 99% of the prolific posters on T2W don't actually trade thread"

Obviously - anyone that calls 2 x 10c day trades and one $37k trade that is currently $1k in profit 'glory trades' must be having a very hard time trying to get their heads around the trading game :whistling

Shame you weren't as fast in posting a few trades as you were in deleting your post !
I think more appropriate that it be called the "Final proof that 99% of the prolific posters on T2W don't actually trade thread"

Obviously - anyone that calls 2 x 10c day trades and one $37k trade that is currently $1k in profit 'glory trades' must be having a very hard time trying to get their heads around the trading game :whistling

Shame you weren't as fast in posting a few trades as you were in deleting your post !

I keep a semi-public log of my trades (good and bad) as I take them.
I just don't feel the need to do it on this board, its a bit too rough and tumble for me.
I sympathise with you not wanting to post your income 🙂 My remark wasn't aimed at you or Monty, I admire you posting anything here.

EDIT - No more messages. My remark wasn't aimed at anyone (except Blackswan) OK. Must be my time too.
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I keep a semi-public log of my trades (good and bad) as I take them.
I just don't feel the need to do it on this board, its a bit too rough and tumble for me.
I sympathise with you not wanting to post your income 🙂 My remark wasn't aimed at you or Monty, I admire you posting anything here.

No worries - I think it must be time of the month for me right now... 😀
It's a shame this thread has degenerated even further into handbag swinging. Do you all want to start again - in which case I'll do a severe clean up - or shall I close it?


It's a shame this thread has degenerated even further into handbag swinging. Do you all want to start again - in which case I'll do a severe clean up - or shall I close it?



Just close it as it is a political subject,some don't want people to prove what they claim and are trying to have swings at TD .Shame!
Thought so.
You're just a hot air cowboy.

D70, do us a favour and shut up for a second.

You just took the bait.

I'll reel you in, in a minute.

Nicola, it has nothing to do with "glory trades". You can tell that from the size and P&L of the people actually bothering to post.

The reason I said I'm leaving this thread should be pretty clear if you read back through things.

Whilst this thread had good intentions, it is, with hindsight perhaps the worst idea I've ever had (and I've had a few in my time).

I must need my head read thinking that a thread with the intention of showing how much money people make on a daily basis, could be anything other than a recipe for disaster, on a forum full of people struggling to make money.

And with that in mind, it doesn't surprise me that a few of the more bitter and resentful posters are particularly loud on here.

So, where does that leave those that want to contribute?

It leaves them jostling to be heard among a small minority of people that have never contributed a single worthwhile post. People that have never made a moments effort to actually help anyone but are quick to mouth of about how everyone else is sh*t.

Barryb once reffered to Montmorency as a "10p spreadbetter". Ironic then that Mont puts his P&L up there for everyones scrutiny. That's several thousand pound profit I'm counting but his detractor can't even post a single days P&L.

It's almost funny.

In a sad kind of way.

As for you Rothschild. You're a bit of a pain in the a*se but then you should have seen me back when I was in Primary school.

And that brings me back to you D70.

If you think I started a thread called "Post your P&L" and I couldn't back myself up as a profitable trader when I'm called to task, you're a bigger moron than I thought.

Yesterday I was - £255. (White background is yesterdays statement - I didn't screen grab it before it was marked to market)

Today I'm up £722 (black background image is today)

I'm not making huge sums of money. I know that only too well.

But I can keep posting P&L. Every day. Every week. Every month 🙂

You want to do a few rounds with me? Let's see what you got.

And in the meantime?

Don't ask me how I'm doing again.

I'm no longer going to answer to anyone that doesn't have the guts to at least play in the same ball park.

Step up to the plate. Or find another thread to disrupt.


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