Possibility of internship with this record & extra work?


Junior member
Hi Everyone,

As the thread said I am looking (as are many more) a trading internship next summer after graduation.

A quick summary:
Degree - economics and maths (Ireland) expected 2:1 (graduate 2010).
Just finishing 8 month internship in a known asset management firm.
Previous summers, worked for a high street bank and was top sales person.
Doing summer school in LSE in advanced maths and econometrics.

Outisde Work:
Reading: Preadtors ball, market wizard and trading in the zone.
Practice: After these 3 books I will set up a real account but will keep reading books by John Forman etc. Got these from T2W (thanks for the help).

With this background would anyone be able to tell me what my chances are of getting an internship trading next summer please?

I know its early for inquiring about this but I like to get there early and work out how to best approach this with so many other applicants, hopefully with the advice of people here as I have founud T2W very good for help.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. This thread was previously posted in another forum but received no replies, hoping to receive some here.