Posh London Videos

kill yourself



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Hi Enjoy my new Millennium Dome Video


Still enjoying the videos but you may need to hire a new camera man or lady???

Very shaky up and down - side to side - tipsy turvy...

If you don't mind me saying so the camera focuses on you too much rather than the subject matter. I appreciate this is all very personal and do not wish to cramp your style but for what my two pennies worth you need to up the production quality some what... :idea:

Keep up the good work... 👍
There are two things in life that I hope to achieve before I die:
1) understand women
2) understand the purpose of these videos
There are two things in life that I hope to achieve before I die:
1) understand women
2) understand the purpose of these videos

In any serial event - the first trigger is the most important...

Hi Present you my new Posh London Video,filming posh things.

Similar to serial murderers - by the 10th kill the murderer him self does not know what is the intention of his act. eg: Yorkshire the ripper started by killing prostitutes because they were immoral and then continued killing a nurse who was not. Mixed up kid that he was...

However, there is always are reason to the madness just simply that normal people aren't clever enough to work out the logic.

Similarly - these videos are now a fully serialised show and I doubt anybody would miss an episode...

Rushing home on the tube after a hard days work I wonder what the Posh London Video will present tonight??? :cheesy:

Well not really but close enough I guess... 👍

Living life on the edge. I like to see one when Posh London Videos does a base jump off the White Cliffs of Dover... Rock on dude. :clap: