Portfolios (S&P500, Nasdaq100. DAX, US Stocks)

The market declined in the last 2 days.

Stock Portfolio

RTK, SIRI and LF reached the emergency stop.

I will buy:

RTK with emergency stop at 2,54.
SIRI with emergency stop at 3,01.
LF with emergency stop at 8,55.

The amount of money that I will use:
$ 4000 USD

I am going to change the stop.

EXS1 with emergency stop at 68,02
Quantity: 20 units.

SPY with emergency stop at 149,71
Quantity: 16 units.

SSO with emergency stop at 66,31
Quantity: 30 units.

UPRO with emergency stop at 101,47
Quantity: 17 units

QQQ with emergency stop at 66,03
Quantity: 29 units.

QLD with emergency stop at 56,07
Quantity: 37 units.

TQQQ with emergency stop at 53,48
Quantity: 36 units.
The following two tables shows the last closed trades


I will stop to manage these portfolios because the whole procedure is time-consuming and exhausting.

However, I will continue to manage portfolios in the forum, but with only one market timing portfolio. I'll start next month.