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[PORTFOLIO] Darwinex Portfolio Journal by Gargamel

@Gargamel I'm curious as to how you choose these darwins, serious question NSC has been trading since May 2015 yet he only has ~$8,800 of his own money on the line, isn't that a red flag for you? If his trading was great surely he would want to maximize gains? Also his underlying strategy has had a 89% DD since inception, that's a bit high even for my risk tolerance.

I'm not trying to have a go at you here, more curious than anything and maybe provoke some more thought on that darwin.
@Long Term My thoughts are scattered in many posts here and you can read them in my profile.It is all there.
I had similar ideas like you when started at darwinex,but with time you start to see through thick fog that darwinex created intentionally or not.
Many traders stop looking at their own trading account and concentrate on behaviour of their darwin,Fine example of this is ULI,darwin of a trader that is one of owners and operational boss of technical side of darwinex.
Here is one of my posts you might find interesting: https://www.trade2win.com/threads/portfolio-whatsthatguy-investments.238938/post-3173069
Some traders are also investors in their own darwin.
@Long Term My thoughts are scattered in many posts here and you can read them in my profile.It is all there.
I had similar ideas like you when started at darwinex,but with time you start to see through thick fog that darwinex created intentionally or not.
Many traders stop looking at their own trading account and concentrate on behaviour of their darwin,Fine example of this is ULI,darwin of a trader that is one of owners and operational boss of technical side of darwinex.
Here is one of my posts you might find interesting: https://www.trade2win.com/threads/portfolio-whatsthatguy-investments.238938/post-3173069
Some traders are also investors in their own darwin.

Sounds like you have good insight, that post you linked was also good. I have been with darwinex since 2015 but I think you have a better grasp on the darwinia side than I do, I gave up on being an investor due to games people can play with VAR and some other things you mentioned in your linked post. I wish you success with your Darwins.
Update on my recommendation about UAE since last Fall:
