Pope's Indicator Trading Tool

boy said:
Fer instance?

My wife and daughter and all of my wifes, relatives are religious nuts. I'm against all the BS, every time the Pope makes a move, his last Jubilee for instance, and just recently when he was dieing and later did so, and now this new one, everyone goes ape over here, this land is full of chaos, confusion, corruption, pirating, mafia, scandals, crooks all over, and the Vatican is no exception in being involved, they rule Italy and every breath. Wonder how many like living in such a family or being surrounded in an environment and atmosphere with a mass of religious wackos. BTW, you want a decent job in Italy, you better be catholic!
Well, it's all 'up in smoke' now! Let's hope the Germans make good popes. Let's face it they made a right **** up of humanitarian issues last century?
Well, it's all 'up in smoke' now! Let's hope the Germans make good popes. Let's face it they made a right **** up of humanitarian issues last century?
This is just my opinion so don't take some of it to heart if it offends anyone, I don't mean to do so of course.

I think Italians really wanted the new pope as a non Italian. I think it was the best to not elect an Italian (God forbid we don't want another scandal do we!). I think that probably, well, a good percentage realized it's best to not want one mainly because this last one was not Italian and he proved he did a lot of good in influencing the world and also he had no prejudice against races, etc. I mean since when did Christians, Jews and Muslims ever shake hands<grin>. He also always gave out words that the Italians wanted to or like to hear although the rest of the world didn't agree with him on same sex marriages, abortions, birth control, etc. yet the Italians use and practice and do all of that<grin.. . He also went through a hard tough life. When he was first elected many years ago he was very much criticized because he was sports minded, swimming, traveling, mountain climbing, fun, etc, first impression was as if he did not have his mind on seriously being a Pope.. But anyway, if it was an Italian it would have been the same-o-same-political BS and as based in the past, full of scandals. No, I think it was good that Ratzinger was elected, and in fact, this last Pope pretty much recommend him. Ratzinger speaks 7 languages so that makes him eligible to travel and influence other races. I think he is due to visit Germany soon, or someplace up north, in fact this last pope was supposed to and millions of Euros was also already spent in all preparations, so this one will soon travel there since the money has already been committed. The money spent BTW, is not from the church, but from the Italian government, that's way some people are against the country supporting the Vatican. Also, it was this pope who said the services for the one who passed on.

Anyway, there is a lot of politics involved, (since when isn't the Vatican involved in politics). seems the last President of the European parliament (another Italian <g>, guy named Prodi)was one of the Pope's right hand man and they were trying to enter some phrases of Christianity (the word God) into the new constitution. The new constitution is 800 pages and well, who the heck is going to read 800 pages of BS, but they will print it anyway, and of course the people will vote in favor anyway, their not going to read any 800 pages<g>. But anyway, this new pope will try to influence and have the new EU insert in the new constitution some words relating to Christianity in the hope that it will be changed and words of God, etc, will be entered, just like in the American constitution, so such stuff will be entered in the new book. Besides, this new pope is also against the same sex marriages, birth control, abortions, etc. Also, who has more influence over Europe and politics than the Germans? There was some consideration for an American earlier, but then knowing the Italians, they didn't want rumors that Bush or the CIA had anything to do with it<g>. Anyway, you wanna go nuts, live in Italy..

BTW, just of interest, did you know there was a female pope<grin>, but I don't want to get into that. She finally got exposed, because she suddenly delivered while out on the streets of Rome some place. The guy who knocked her up was the Pope's young good looking assistant! <grin>. So, well, after that, as a rule (I'm sure no longer enforced...maybe<grin>), that they made a special chair with a hole at the bottom of the seat, that the new pope elected would sit in the chair, and lift his/her robe and some guy would get under the chair and do a peek or feel at the bottom as the butt is exposed and that way, they would double check that it is not a female again. ..honest..no lie!

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GammaJammer said:
My theory is that the vatican have to sell vast quantities of shares from their U.S. pension fund every time a Pope has some sort of official event (like a funeral) to pay for all the secret Police, fill up the petrol tank in the Popemobile, provide cheese and cucumber sandwiches for 20,000 visiting bishops etc. And it's this that keeps causing the Stockmarkets to tank.

Just a theory ;-)

Hey GJ,

Your theory is as good as anyone else's. This last one, (bless his soul) used to go to America pretty often, fly with three jumbo jets full of support people, TV, etc also to various countries and all on the Italian governments expense, and he would lecture how bad the American way of life is, then people would all feel guilty and drop money in the collection basket, and he would come back to Rome with his saddle bags full of Dollars. Don't forget, originally before he became a priest, etc..he was an actor<grin>. But also unfortunately, he did have a pretty tough hard life in Poland so I feel for him in that respect. . Hope this one can make the market go up.
Well, 115 votes were cast to choose the new pope. (117 were eligible but 2 were too ill).

What's really interesting is, that 115 in not a Fibonacci or a Prime and Gann never touched it.

But it is a Cardinal number.

(I'm sorry...so very sorry...someone had to....)
FetteredChinos said:
you cant pull the Wolsey over our eyes, Brambs..

im sure Steve might have 115 as a special fib number?
Ermm....what's the number midway between 89 and 144 which ARE consecutive Fibs... 😆 😆 😆
No you fool - 116.5 - That's the secret!

It's these 'half a point here' and 'half a point there' that'll kill you FC....
FetteredChinos said:
i didnt get where i am today without a liberal dose of approximation
So much more convenient, you understand, than an approximate dose of liberalism ...
TheBramble said:
Well, 115 votes were cast to choose the new pope. (117 were eligible but 2 were too ill).

What's really interesting is, that 115 in not a Fibonacci or a Prime and Gann never touched it.

But it is a Cardinal number.

(I'm sorry...so very sorry...someone had to....)

Oh, shooott! Them Cardinals do all kinds of inside trading. I used to work for Raytheon and was assigned to Italy on defense projects, I had a brokerage account and my broker in Rome once showed me his "special" separate sales trading books on a confidential bases. That was about 35 years ago, but I said "holy molly"!! "Those are the religious".!!!

One priest had over $7 million in his private account plus there were accounts held by nuns.

But aside from the above; such stuff reminds me (I don't know why it reminds me<grin>) that the so called "vice" accounts or funds, etc, always out perform the other normal investments. The vice funds for instance have done well, one I saw a chart of was VICEX. Hmm, gotta take another look at that one. It's always held up good in market crashes.
vicktor said:

One priest had over $7 million in his private account plus there were accounts held by nuns.

these religious types.

spending all that money on communion wine, fallen women, and evensong. :cheesy:
trendie said:
these religious types.

spending all that money on communion wine, fallen women, and evensong. :cheesy:
Yesterday, April 19, the new Pope took over Command!

Today, April 20th, and after over 4 years in power under a guy named Berlusconi, the Italian government collapsed. A new crises is on, a shuffle of cards is now in order in an attempt to form a new government <grin>

coincidence!!! naw.. Jinxed!! LOL..