Political Betting thread part deux


Legendary member
Got about a grand on Dianne Abbott now - not because I think she will win8, but because I believe the odds are wrong. It's a trading bet. She'll almost certainly make it into the runners and then the odds will shorten to at least 20, maybe 15.

Last £400 was fun ****ing about on betfair to get a fill, but got it now.

Even if she don't win I'll be well up from my laying of David Millipede...

Massively recommend it at prices 40 or better. Most of my fills are better but had to bite bullet with last £250

*Very good chance of her coming second though. I make money political betting so you should listen to me 🙂
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Very good chance of her coming second though

Personally, I doubt she will get anywhere near second because the unions wont back her and she is out of touch with the electorate wanting more of what has just lost them the election.

Any views on Davey Millipedee... He simply shouldn't be anything better than evens... tis ridiculous
Personally, I would like to see either Abbott or Ed Balls win in order to make Labour totally unacceptable to the electorate.

Mind you, the elder millipede also possesses the attribute which alienates people, himself resembling some form of alien creature.
Any views on Davey Millipedee... He simply shouldn't be anything better than evens... tis ridiculous

What do you mean? He is tall; he is good looking; he is sexy.

No, cancel that.

He is tall.....

....er that's it.

What's all this political betting you do that makes money then?
I mean apart from the General Election and this present fiasco, what else is there?

Do you bet on your local elections? Residents Association? Pub Quiz committee?
Must be all go around your way and no mistake. 🙂

Might be fun to open a book on whether the Abbess has sh@gged Portaloo.
Mind you he is supposed to be @llegedly gay @llegedly.
😆 I stayed at work on election night thinking gilts and short sterling opening at 1am... there's an opportunity... in the end all I did (essentially, I lost a few ticks on some pathetic number of lots) was trade betfair that day.

There are always political bets. At the present, the main focus is upon the next labour leader. That contest is leading through to September so plenty of fun to have.

See www.politicalbetting.com
politician themselves can take ur bets as much as possible, manipulate the results .. the most amount bet will lose, and minor bets win overall.. the rest of the money, pocket themselves..
Having now sobered up, I will take some risk off for a loss as that's far too much money to have on relative to my betting bankroll... but I won't be squeezed out at daft prices, so don't front run me either 😉

Might be fun to open a book on whether the Abbess has sh@gged Portaloo.

Mind you he is supposed to be @llegedly gay @llegedly.

Yes I would have put money on that before I learned she was a lezzer... but a black, gay woman running the labour party has to be worth a punt. If you watch that program with Andrew Neil, they look like they are at it like rabbits, promise.

By the by, it is still important to keep an eye out for Asian Bird flu... see picture for the correct procedure for handling an asian bird.


(hat tip: Private Eye)
Yes I would have put money on that before I learned she was a lezzer... but a black, gay woman running the labour party has to be worth a punt. If you watch that program with Andrew Neil, they look like they are at it like rabbits, promise.

By the by, it is still important to keep an eye out for Asian Bird flu... see picture for the correct procedure for handling an asian bird.


(hat tip: Private Eye)

😆 Complete with wife-beater vest. What a charmer 🙂
Dianne Abbot's views on the economy were comedy of the highest order on last weeks Andrew Neil show with Sir Digby Jones who was almost as daft but not quite so funny.

I think she should be shadow chancellor at the very least.