polish day trader on board


Hi everyone. I stumbled upon this forum when looking up details on strategies used in day trading.
I am a day trader from Poland working for a UK-based company. This is already my third year in the business. I trade spreads on Euribor, Sterling, Eurodollar, Gasoil, BrentCrude, Soybeans, and some others but with less success.
Wondering whether there is anyone here from my region [poland/warsaw]?

Looking forward to constructive discussion either here or in any other thread.
Hi everyone. I stumbled upon this forum when looking up details on strategies used in day trading.
I am a day trader from Poland working for a UK-based company. This is already my third year in the business. I trade spreads on Euribor, Sterling, Eurodollar, Gasoil, BrentCrude, Soybeans, and some others but with less success.
Wondering whether there is anyone here from my region [poland/warsaw]?

Looking forward to constructive discussion either here or in any other thread.

Hello danny

Lodz here😉

I wonder if you created some sort of discussion/contact group. Looks like you do not even log here anymore.

Kind Regards,

Piotr - kiedys z Gdanska
Im new to the forum and just saw this when looking around, im not polish but have a polish partner now for three years, often in Poland in Wloclawek. Nice to talk to you
Hi,I live a little bit far away from Warsaw,but I was there several times.Beautifull city and fine people.I am brand new trader and I saw your post by Euribor.Because I'm interested in it ,I ask why do you think you had less proffit tradeing this intrument?Thx 😕