Pointless, uneducating, rarely trading related Journal. (With porn)

None was taken. Just me being tetchy which you picked up on. The chat room is primarily for horsing around. What also annoyed me is when I got back from the Optician, guess what, support at 1111 as I said and it was tested twice and off it goes for a little run.

So not only have I had a sh1tty month so far, I go lame on taking the BO today and then am not around to take a reversal on a level I know about.

Pub for me I reckon.

Atleast you didn't long 27 in regards to the b/o - Doing nothing is always fine temporarily.
A complaint to the moderators:
Racism on the forum...

' Black Swan ' - He has the word black in his name, this is a breach of the humans right act passed in 1801... How would he like it if i were called ' White Duck '

Fed up of being treated a second class citizen just for being/pretending to be black!!! GRrrrr...
Trading Tip:

Go long Japan ...

This is so that in a years time; if Japanese stocks have risen i can make a thread that tells everyone that i'm still in and i've made loads of money and i'll have this quote as evidence - A bit like Paul71 did recently.... When everyone bummed him and congratulated him for quoting a day trade and pretending to still be in & 70k richer 12 months later.
Don't EVER let me hear you say that word again. 🙁

You disappoint me again.

i Dont want to dissapoint you again Mr MalcombeX.
You're an innovative cat, and i dig reading your posts. I think there's been a gap in the world ever since Princess Diana died, and i think you could be the one to fill it. xx
i Dont want to dissapoint you again Mr MalcombeX.
You're an innovative cat, and i dig reading your posts. I think there's been a gap in the world ever since Princess Diana died, and i think you could be the one to fill it. xx
If i could have one wish in this world; just one...

It would be that you had spelt Malcome X correctly. Thats all i wanted, thats all i frickin' wanted.

Now i'm going to check on google, and i hope to god that i was wrong.

Me and Diana have two things in common and one major difference
1. We are both princesses
2. We both been to Paris

The difference:
1. She was always a princess, even in public.
I'm only a princess when no1 is looking
Buy Japan
Sell US treasury Bonds
(Trade of the decade)
I agree with Japan, particularly in the short-term (6 months), additional quantitive easing + Low interest rates = Rising stock market.
US T.bonds i'm not too educated on.

Weigh + Robster, i can't login to Skype just so you know.

Skype is working again.

An uninteresting story about an event that occured in my life

I never was one to like blueberries, sure, i liked the name as much as the next guy but i never endevoured to devour them. Back in the day, me and the boys use to run a strawberry picking buisness, we needed some money and thought hell, lets go door to door and ask if they want handpicked blueberries & Strawberries and we'd add a premium to the prices we got. We got regular customers, ofcourse it was a seasonal thing but we were rolling in the dosh so much my assumptions were people were suspecting us of the crime of pimping... Now as i said, i never was one to eat them blueberries myself; so i was surprised when i tried a blueberry muffin and i got to say; deliciaso.

Haha. i'm the only person who likes my jokes; which is great because when i'm on my own, in the bath for example; its like a comedy show. Hilarious.
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A random attempt at an informative article


The markets were focused on the special election on the 20th and Obamas banking proposal yesterday... When meanwhile in China; chinese authorities have ordered some banks to HALT lending due to fear of growing asset bubbles and inflation. China has been 'leading' the market through 2009, but recently it has been falling at a much harsher rate than the majority of the worlds indices. This news sparked high volume and a further decline; this adds to last weeks changes from the central bank - forcing the reserve requirements up on all large banks.
The transition from stimulus recovery to sustainable-self recovery is a daunting one.

Douche bag united13.png

Conclusion: Still investing into japan + US growth stocks
DT (A member of the forum) recently described a methodology he used for swing trading and i've decided i'm going to give it a go.
You can read about it here ___ ... As you can see, i'm too lazy to find the link, maybe later.

First off; i need to find a market scanner that can have the required criteria.

I'll post the trades on here and we'll see how i get on;
We can look @
- Diversification
- Portfolio management, maximum allocation of capital to single positions
- Maximum exposure
- Hedging preparations
- Predesignated position size OR stop loss based position sizing
- Volatility consideratiosn into placement of stop loss
- Additional Software expediture
- Using options instead of outright underlying
- Amount to invest in strategy

The one thing i thought limited in DT's explanation was his exit; so i'm going to add my own mechanical exit, which is something i've heavily backtested and used in my own trading effectively for a long time now that i like to call dynamic exits (I don't fancy detailing it).

Cheers y'all.
Nice thread, I'm also the kind to laugh at my own joke. At least it makes one!
Take care!
Well here we are. My last ever post on Trade2Win & on this journal.
I achieved
- Pointlessness
- Uneducational material
- Rarely-trading related posts
However i'm sorry for the absence of porn.

Peace. I feel i've outgrown this site; in that the subject material is on the most part too novice, or based around spreadbetting, full of members looking for miracles & I personally want to view this as a business; not a hobbie, or a doss around - If you want to achieve, you have to take it seriously rather than take it as a 'punt for profits' & a 'hope for the best' and a 'maybe this will work'; You need to formulate a business plan, state what your going to do, execute it and you'll make profit.

Its a business; and any succesful business does not spend the majority of its time being pessimistic about their chances of success/ the financial industry / other traders actions.

Bye folks 🙂

- Give trades room to breathe; don't get stopped out because of normal volatility fluctuations, allow the winners to actually win.
- On a losing trade, don't get out when price is falling ... If your a losing trader; if anything - Your stop loss is a place to go long, try to always get out at the high of the market volatility cycle, even on a loser. (Swing trading)
- In day trading; let your trades work out ... Let them move, limit risk through having lower position sizes; less leverage; daily loss limit.
- If your trading isn't going well; day trade without leverage in the SPY ... Let an average range of a bar be your maximum loss for the day and keep this to 0.5% and just catch a few swings rather than be so demanding on having perfect entries (especially when inexperienced)
- Don't purposefully avoid trying to understand the news, fundamentals and sentiment, just read bloomberg, when your buying a stock look at the recent activities in that stock, when your trade the ES have a look at todays earnings and economic indicators and try understand what might be moving price - Try establish a 'weighting' index behind a directional move
- Don't cut your losers immediately. Let them move. Have a daily loss limit rather than a stop loss if your having trouble (whatever you prefer) and keep it OUT of normal volatility.
- When a trade isn't going to plan, or seems random and uncertain - exit; Don't wait around hoping to win and waiting to lose. Be flexible to exit trades, it doesn't have to hit a TP or SP, sometimes you can just exit.
- If you place all your empathise on having a good entry, so much that a small drop stops you out - You will constantly be getting out stopped out and not giving yourself room to learn from trades and watch them develop. Making it very difficult for yourself - It doesn't have to be like that.

Hope sometime understands what i've said, the above is very much the difference between MY previously unprofitable E-mini S&P 500 trading and profitable trading. Don't focus so much on trying to be too precise on entries and stop losses - Let trades be flexible, don't let a loser lose you money unless there is a genuine move against you. Do this, while controlling your position sizes, leverage and maximum daily loss - You will do well, don't aggressively day trade, if you start focusing on lower returns but consistancy, the experience and confidence will exponentially improve your results.

Its a long-term game, very much so; we all have a different time frame of what is long-term... But; you don't need to make a fortune overnight, and if you have that attitude you won't i suspect. Your aim should be to make low % profits, and consistantly do it - We'll all seen compounding, unaggressive yearly gains can make a fortune.

That is all 🙂

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I'll miss your posts, they were funny, and clever, and random, and made me smile.

Hope it all goes brilliantly for you, GladiatorX, and thanks for the final words of advice.

Take care
I agree, half of the post are not talking about trading here, and other half are done in a random way.

Anyway, best luck to you!!!!

but I believe all forums are the same :

one time boring other time very interesting
one time nowbody there sometime too much emails ( I get once 3657 at one day !)
good frendship no fun and bad postings

so I say : I learn to communicate with the others , whatever they are and what they do

I respect every post and expect nothing , tollerance is the key to heaven ,

have enought patience to reach breakeven and you will be rich rewarded....