Pointless, uneducating, rarely trading related Journal. (With porn)

Douche bag united8.png

Short - 4 ticks

Douche bag united7.png

Short + 4 ticks
Finished trading for the day;

I did one more trade that got + 1 tick, but i averaged in and pretty annoyed about the way i managed it because it was anti-direction on the low TF.

Also disappointed that Weighbridge has more ticks than me today. I guess that just shows the power of the energy in caramel latte's.
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I went to sleep @ 6am last night, got myself up @ 10am ... and then made 17 ticks - commisions ...

My body must be struggling hard to keep up this amount of energy.
Got some blood test results today; me and the lady had a laugh on the phone because the words were so 'big'; the problem being i knew each individual word and its meaning so when she said ' only god knows what that means ' and ' Whatever that means ' i had to keep my smart-**** mouth shut from saying ' Its not difficult really, they are quite common words in the medical industry ' ...
Then i got down to the business of trading, which i ended early just before a nice fall for a breakeven day.

At the moment i have what feels like an unlimited amount of energy and a complete lack of tiredness, i think its because i take alot of supplments for working out and recently haven't been commited so much to the 'working out' part.

Anyway; currently working on finalising a few details of the intraday trend identification/trading of the ES to try structure my approach a bit more - That basically means having a few rules of WHAT is a trade and what isn't...

If anyone hasn't seen Avatar in 3D at cinemas; if it is still on - its amazzzing, so take your girl (so she can pay obviously) and be amazed.
Why did you tell Weigh I was 15pts down today when I'd gone to the Opticians you crazy horse?

+ 4pts (stop loss hit this morning pre-market after entry yesterday at 1127)
- 2.25pt (gap stopped out)
Didn't go long at 1127 again today because the little candles didn't look right. You should know, I was talking to you at the time. Strangely didn't think to play the breakout tho'🙄

I think this not sleeping lark is making your whole life a blur. The 15pts was from last Friday where I traded like a completely moron.

You're a week out of whack dude.
Why did you tell Weigh I was 15pts down today when I'd gone to the Opticians you crazy horse?

For potential lulz, which never came.

Well the true reason was to see if you were 'listening' but not typing ... Then Weigh took the bait so i went along with it.

Anyway; i think i detect some genuine annoyance, so just so you know there was no movites to offend you behind it... It was the usual unserious nonsense.

On a more serious note: You ever call me a crazy horse again and i'll tell everyone you went to the opticians ... Oooo... Ooops.
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Hi Glad',
At the moment i have what feels like an unlimited amount of energy and a complete lack of tiredness, i think its because i take alot of supplments for working out and recently haven't been commited so much to the 'working out' part.
Based on the general content of many of your posts, not to mention the title of this thread, I assume that 'working out' is some sort of euphemism?
Anyway; currently working on finalising a few details of the intraday trend identification/trading of the ES to try structure my approach a bit more - That basically means having a few rules of WHAT is a trade and what isn't...
My solution to this problem is a couple of P&F charts to approximate two timeframes (both longer than the timeframe used to take the trades). Look for double top buy signals and double bottom sell signals. When both charts say the same, you're long or short. The beauty of this is that it's clear cut, black and white, mechanical. A simple solution to ensure that you're trading with the trend more often than not. If you want me to clarify what I'm on about, let me know and I'll post a couple of charts.
Hi Glad',

Based on the general content of many of your posts, not to mention the title of this thread, I assume that 'working out' is some sort of euphemism?

My solution to this problem is a couple of P&F charts to approximate two timeframes (both longer than the timeframe used to take the trades). Look for double top buy signals and double bottom sell signals. When both charts say the same, you're long or short. The beauty of this is that's it's clear cut, black and white, mechanical. A simple solution to ensure that you're trading with the trend more often than not. If you want me to clarify what I'm on about, let me know and I'll post a couple of charts.

Working out means doing weights & going to the gym, benching, dumb bells etc ... Why would i take supplements for what you were thinking, that would just be weird ?

I've never looked into P&F but thanks for sharing and i'll read up on them.... Then i'll ask for specific details because my current understanding is too limited.
For potential lulz, which never came.

Anyway; i think i detect some genuine annoyance, so just so you know there was no movites to offend you behind it... It was the usual unserious nonsense.

You're right. I'm down for the month which is annoying me after a splendid 4 month run into Christmas.
You're right. I'm down for the month which is annoying me after a splendid 4 month run into Christmas.
You'll recover, some months just don't suit trading styles.

There was no ill-intention in what i wrote though; i thought you were reading it, was just trying to get you to talk... Otherwise i wouldn't have wrote it in the chat room which you can read any time.... Also, Weighbridge is quite funny to tell things too because hes so serious.

To make up for it; I've made you a Trade2Win custom signature



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You'll recover, some months just don't suit trading styles.

There was no ill-intention in what i wrote though; i thought you were reading it, was just trying to get you to talk... Otherwise i wouldn't have wrote it in the chat room which you can read any time.... Also, Weighbridge is quite funny to tell things too because hes so serious.

To make up for it; I've made you a Trade2Win custom signature

View attachment 73952

None was taken. Just me being tetchy which you picked up on. The chat room is primarily for horsing around. What also annoyed me is when I got back from the Optician, guess what, support at 1111 as I said and it was tested twice and off it goes for a little run.

So not only have I had a sh1tty month so far, I go lame on taking the BO today and then am not around to take a reversal on a level I know about.

Pub for me I reckon.
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None was taken. Just me being tetchy which you picked up on. The chat room is primarily for horsing around. What also annoyed me is when I got back from the Optician, guess what, support at 1111 as I said and it was tested twice and off it goes for a little run.

So not only have I had a sh1tty month so far, I go lame on taking the BO today and then am not around to take a reversal on a level I know about.

Pub for me I reckon.

... Proof that i've got too much spare time:
View attachment MrC.bmp

Sometimes i get carried away on paint; its hard to stop when you've got such talent.

Come on ? Atleast 1% funny/