point & figure charts

  • Thread starter Thread starter genti
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Hi everybody,

please is anyone aware of a software who ofers a point and figure charts.

im using share scopes charts for time being , but the p & f charts are not what it should be.

Best wishes
the ig charts are correctly calcualted.however, the problem is with the charts is that the plot area of the chart does not consider the aspect ratio of the "x" and " O " s.there is a simple way round that.it only means,that uneless the aspect ratio is correct,then you cannot plot 45 degree trendlines correctly
prorealtime have the same problem
if you send me a pm.i can go thru the ways of correcting the aspect ratio
hi dentist,
I've been trying to get ig to give me a readable p&f chart and would be interested in hearing your solution. i'm only discovering p&f at the moment, trying to get to grips with box sizes etc.
have you tried using ig charts for futures on a short (say 1/5/10 minute) time frame?
any advice on settings would be much appreciated
ig charts....
it finance provide the charting packeg.pretty good if you know what you are looking at
you need to resize the charts when they look out of sync.ie the"x and o" s are mishapen.u need decently formed x and o to put on 45 degree trendlines
try this out first
then match the box size to give a rough interpretation of a 15 min candle
let me know how you get on
i wondered about the shape of the the 'o' s, they were looking distinctly oval in some charts, i'll try it out in the next few days and let you know.

thanks for the tip
Hi everybody,

please is anyone aware of a software who ofers a point and figure charts.

im using share scopes charts for time being , but the p & f charts are not what it should be.

Best wishes

I use Sharescope...I am bit puzzled by what you say - but the p & f charts are not what it should be.

Could you explain more..??
....Aww...just when I went into archieves and bought out 10 volumes on P & F...ready to answer...!!

...Never mind....Cigar Time...!!
Got interested in point and figure charting a while back, and I have been using the method ever since. I love the way you can use it purely mechanically.

Bull's-eye broker is by far the best point and figure software and with a good price tag http://www.pointandfigure.com

They also have a free book on point and figure that I am reading http://book.pointandfigure.com

Hi i am trying out the demo version of Bull's eye Broker. I am using it for viewing data from NSE(India). I am having trouble in viewing the charts. Since i have amibroker, I tried linking it with Bull's eye in the select data source option(Data- data wizard- "I use amibroker"). But none of the stock names appear (though i select "all stocks" option). Can anyone suggest what could be the problem ?

Curiously, Bull's eye did not ask the path to the folder where i am storing the amibroker data. Shouldn't it be asking ?

I tried to use the downloader which came with Bull's eye to download the free data from yahoo. It gave the message that download is over but the Bull's eye did not show any data.Is there any simple step that i am missing?

I don't find any forum or support link for Bull's Eye broker in their site. Have they stopped the support ?

Thanks for help
Hi i am trying out the demo version of Bull's eye Broker. I am using it for viewing data from NSE(India). I am having trouble in viewing the charts. Since i have amibroker, I tried linking it with Bull's eye in the select data source option(Data- data wizard- "I use amibroker"). But none of the stock names appear (though i select "all stocks" option). Can anyone suggest what could be the problem ?

Curiously, Bull's eye did not ask the path to the folder where i am storing the amibroker data. Shouldn't it be asking ?

I tried to use the downloader which came with Bull's eye to download the free data from yahoo. It gave the message that download is over but the Bull's eye did not show any data.Is there any simple step that i am missing?

I don't find any forum or support link for Bull's Eye broker in their site. Have they stopped the support ?

Thanks for help

have you changed the data source set up ??
have you changed the data source set up ??

Thanks for your reply. Did you mean Direct data source ? I tried that too to set up amibroker as the data source (apart from selecting the same from data wizard). I deleted the sample data also now. Still does not work!🙁
Thanks for your reply. Did you mean Direct data source ? I tried that too to set up amibroker as the data source (apart from selecting the same from data wizard). I deleted the sample data also now. Still does not work!🙁

there is a problem with amibroker
try quotetracker and export the data

this may be a little late, but you might try the new R-package rpnf from here.

It is able to produce Point & Figure Charts (with downloaded data from yahoo or your own data). Additional it identifies sophisticated Buy and Signals like Double/Triple Top/Bottom, Bullish/Bearish Signal for you. Furthermore it can be used to create Relative Strength Charts as well as Bullish Percent Charts.


A PNG-Plot can be seen here.

A text plot looks like:
Point & Figure Plot DAX30 (log) 
 7954.90|                      X
 7648.94|                      X
 7354.75|    X X               X
 7071.88|    XOXO            X X
 6799.88|    XOXO            XOX
 6538.35|    XOXO            XOX
 6286.87|X X XO O          X XOX
 6045.07|XOXOX  OX X       XOXOX
 5812.57|XOXOX  OXOXOX     XOXO 
 5589.01| O O   OXOXOXOX X XOX  
 5374.05|       O O OXOXOXOXOX  
 5167.35|           O OXOXOXO   
 4968.61|             OXO O     
 4777.51|             O         