Please review new day trading system with 6 monitors.


Junior member
I actively trade the e mini and a few select equities every day on TradeStation platform. I am upgrading from a 100 GB hard drive, 4 GB Ram, 3 monitor system to a trading only system. I developed the build here: Intel Xeon E3-1225 V2, Zotac GeForce GT 640, NZXT Tempest 210 - System Build - PCPartPicker and would appreciate any critics. Do I have the right comments, to much Ram, etc?

I will be using 6 DVI monitors I already have and this system will only be for trading. No internet surfing, etc. I do trade everyday and have about 6 workstations active all day.

Thanks for any in sight.
Chris Tina Bruce
He there chris....

I would recommend at least another 22 screens up ......more screens mean more profits....😎

I actively trade the e mini and a few select equities every day on TradeStation platform. I am upgrading from a 100 GB hard drive, 4 GB Ram, 3 monitor system to a trading only system. I developed the build here: Intel Xeon E3-1225 V2, Zotac GeForce GT 640, NZXT Tempest 210 - System Build - PCPartPicker and would appreciate any critics. Do I have the right comments, to much Ram, etc?

I will be using 6 DVI monitors I already have and this system will only be for trading. No internet surfing, etc. I do trade everyday and have about 6 workstations active all day.

Thanks for any in sight.
Chris Tina Bruce

Are u a brunette or a blonde?Need one more with a webcam to show us live trades.It would make my day.
Hya Chris, Firstly, you can never have to much RAM, But anything over 4gb will be suffice for what you need to run, obv. 6gb is better and so on.

The main component you need to upgrade is graphics card to run the extra monitors. Type multiple monitors or screens into youtube, There is quite a few different setups for you to look at.