Please help me chose a FOREX company

Mr Flibble

Well-known member
Hello all,

I currently use City Index and would like to get a bit more serious with FOREX. I signed up for a MT4 demo account with Alpari but would like something else. I'm hearing many horror stories about stop losses being triggered and strange price action that doesn't show up on other feeds. I love the MT4 platform though and intend to use EAs at a later point (I have some of my own to use).

Can a respected member of this site with over 100 😉 posts point me toward a company that I can use MT4 with that doesn't have a dealing desk and has a variable but low cost per pip rate?

Oops should note I'm based in the UK.
I can't specifically advise you, but, I'm trying MT4 demo with this co.

I was pointed their way via fx500 club and have been informed sb will also be available soon. Demo going ok, reasonable spreads etc. Still not sure about them so must do some more digging, or any other members have any experience of them. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
My top picks for 2010. I also wish to included London Capital Group in my 2010 list as well on the Retail side.

Whatever you do and no matter who you select (do your own homework), stay away from Forex Intermediaries lie to you about whether or not they take the opposite side of your trade. If they do, then they should say so that and admit that fact up front, so that you can decide on your own whether or not you wish to operate under such conditions.

Make certain that your Intermediary is regulated by an independent third-party that has a responsibility to the general public. Do as much research as you can on the history and the background of the Principles that manage the Intermediary. And, make certain that the Intermediary you select, has a healthy respect for and understanding of, Technology and that implements technology for the benefit of you, the Trader.

Try this link:
A Few Forex Intermediary Picks
Thanks guys I will be very careful. I have read some of your posts about FXCM trader. Have you any views on Alpari?
Thanks guys I will be very careful. I have read some of your posts about FXCM trader. Have you any views on Alpari?

None, really. They seem very small scale, offer account funding through PayPal and utilize "fractional lot" offerings, which by definition will mean that the spreads are being manipulate to build-in a commission.

The Alpari Direct Pro offer looks the best, in terms of viewing this Broker as a potential source for Retail FX trading. This offering, however, does look new for Alpari, so it would be nice to see them expand this Currenex ECN type value to its customers. With the Currenex platform, in most implementations that I've seen, you get superior Order Entry flexibility through multiple OE types, which is good for optimizing trade strategy. So, though I don't use them and they are not on my 2010 list, I do give them credit for going with the Currenex theme.

I'd like to see the develop this side of their business, however and move away from the Bucket Shop "look & feel." Currenex can give them the opportunity to do that, if they stick with it and develop it further.
What sort of time frame are you looking to trade? I used them for some short term/scalping stuff. Wasn't too impressed by not getting filled and slippage by a few pts. If you're trading longer term and using orders I guess it's ok. I also didn't like the addition of the extra decimal to their pricing, seemed a bit clumsy.
I trade on a 30 mins chart but will drop down to 5 or so to time my entry. Thanks for all your help. What I'd really like is a company that I don't have to send a fax too or email a scanned release just to withdraw funds. Alpari does this and it seems quite strange. You know Trader you should set up your own Forex firm you certainly have the knowledge.
Dear forum users,

I’m a representative of Currenex. I represent our trading platform and will speak to the advantages of using Currenex technnology. We’re connected to more than 60 global banks and provide direct inter-bank market access for our institutional traders with a prime broker relationship For traders without the capital requirements to establish a prime broker relationship, finding a Currenex partner who uses Currenex’s proven technology provide is an excellent way for you to excel in Foreign Exchange. To start trading Foreign Exchange using Currenex technology, visit our website and proceed to White Label Partners.

Please feel free to post any questions you have regarding Currenex and/or our White-Label partners. I’d be more than happy to address them.

Dear forum users,

I’m a representative of Currenex. I represent our trading platform and will speak to the advantages of using Currenex technnology. We’re connected to more than 60 global banks and provide direct inter-bank market access for our institutional traders with a prime broker relationship For traders without the capital requirements to establish a prime broker relationship, finding a Currenex partner who uses Currenex’s proven technology provide is an excellent way for you to excel in Foreign Exchange. To start trading Foreign Exchange using Currenex technology, visit our website and proceed to White Label Partners.

Please feel free to post any questions you have regarding Currenex and/or our White-Label partners. I’d be more than happy to address them.


Currenex. I'm a big fan... but i dun hav enough money to trade on your platform yet...
