Splitlink said:In "The Way To Trade" by John Piper, Pitman Press, he suggests just that. But he says that Options are fraught with all sorts of dangers. In fact, he's put me off! 🙁 I've said that I had tried it a long time ago, not very successfully, and these threads had got my interest started again, but, no, I think I'll pass.
A Dashing Blade said:Yet we havn't had a denial . . . remember that he's been banned at least once for failing to deny . . .
SOCRATES said:We have currently four trades running:~
They are as followe:~
5 June 6025 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 129.5 Trade A
5 June 6025 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 132 Trade B
2 Mar 5975 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 57 Trade C
2 Apr 5925 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 76 Tradfe D
CYOF said:Six actually - I think we should combine for this excercise, what do you think Socrates?
My trades are as follows:
3 Feb 6125 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 54 Trade E
3 Feb 6125 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 53 Trade F
Before you used to say Bulldozer was a cretin and a plonker and a crackpot and I can't remember the whole selection of insults you used to level at him, and sitll do, both on this website and on his own, registering repeatedly under different nicks.Profitaker said:CYOF
I think you'll find those are the trades of Bulldozer, same goes for Soc. It's got his stamp all over it - the size, strike, index market. What a pair of clowns you two really are, posting up bulldozers trades and calling it your own. Jesus.
CYOF said:Six actually - I think we should combine for this excercise, what do you think Socrates?
My trades are as follows:
3 Feb 6125 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 54 Trade E
3 Feb 6125 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 53 Trade F
Yes, that is a good idea actually, you announce your closings and I announce mine, and the aggregate goes to show the writer has the edge of the buyer, as the idea you have is in harmony with the object of this thread, I agree to it.CYOF said:Six actually - I think we should combine for this excercise, what do you think Socrates?
My trades are as follows:
3 Feb 6125 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 54 Trade E
3 Feb 6125 FTSE Index Puts @ written price 53 Trade F
Profitaker said:CYOF
I think you'll find those are the trades of Bulldozer, same goes for Soc. It's got his stamp all over it - the size, strike, index market. What a pair of clowns you two really are, posting up bulldozers trades and calling it your own. Jesus.
Splitlink said:It doesn't matter what he thinks, does it? 😉
SOCRATES said:Yes, that is a good idea actually, you announce your closings and I announce mine, and the aggregate goes to show the writer has the edge of the buyer, as the idea you have is in harmony with the object of this thread, I agree to it.
CYOF said:Split,
BUT, remember, you, or no one else for that matter, can, or will, make a choice for anyone else.
I have gone to great depths to explain that the best way to make a choice, about anything in life, that will have an impact on what one gets in life, is, to, LOOK FOR TRUTHFUL INFORMATION IN RELATION TO THE SUBJECT MATTER IN QUESTION.
Now, the trades that Socrates and I are doing, are indeed TRUTHFUL.
We have told you all in advanace what we are going to trade.
We have even told you our desired fill price.
We then, have even told you, at what price we have been filled at.
We then then, have even even given you an update as to how some of the trades are progressing.
Do you want US to go and hold you hand, or maybe go and wipe your PC screen for YOU, as it appears that you can not see what we are posting 😱
As for the remainder, if ye have nothing TRUTHFUL to say, and if ye persist in trying to create a FOG to mislead people, and mislead them in such a way that they will never act in their own best interests, then I have to inform ye that ye are indeed wasting your time.
People will eventually see ye for what ye are, and the day will come when one brave member will step in and tell ALL what he/she really thinks of all of yere posts.
And when that happens, you just wait and see, the AVALANCHE will indeed gather speed, and ye will be covered so quickly, ye will not know what has hit ye.
I am given ye fair warning, for ye can always do the honourable think like ION, and admit that ye are nothing but INSPIRED.
Do not ever be afraid to admit you are wrong, I done it yesterday to Mr Charts, and I actually felt good in doing it :idea:
A brave man will admit when he is wrong, a cowardly man will continue to try and hide.
But, THE TRUTH will always prevail, and those that realise this have taken the first step to Trading Mastery, or mastering anything in life, for that matter - no other way.
Think about what I say before ye RESPOND again, and maybe it might just be in yere own best interests to write down the words and examine them in detail, before ye commit them to the public domain.
I am here to help ALL, no discrimination, so if any of ye fell that ye need to PM me, then please go ahead, for I will be only delighted to help a fellow man better himself.
Remember, in order to RECEIVE, one must first GIVE :idea:
Marwan2010 said:HEY HEY must say this is a MUST read!!!
Good 4 trading psychology
(Apologies for shouting, but a lot of noise on these threads 🙂)
I don't understand how this proves writers have the edge, since you'd have made similar money buying the calls yesterday. If you're effectively day-trading based on a view of how the market will move, then the time-decay on buying options, particularly those a few months out, is largely irrelevant.
I thought the idea was to hold the short puts position for a decent length of time and show how the value holds up compared to OTM calls. Not sure what this exercise proves other than you made a good call on the market direction yesterday (which in itself is obviously a good thing!) - just that there would have been lots of ways to have made a few hundred quid to exploit that - eg buying 5 FTSE futures yesterday at about the time you made your trade would have made £2500.
Since this is your first post on this thread first of all I am going to ask you please to vote, as to whether in your view, the Writer or the Buyer has the edge in options.Marwan2010 said:HEY HEY must say this is a MUST read!!!
Good 4 trading psychology
Several years ago, when I was on the floor of the LSE, I befriended a Jobber of many years of experience. He gave me some advice I have always used. He told me that profits in some scenarios are like treasure on the sea shore. As there are repeated waves coming in and out, you dont have to stand there and see your treasure being swept away by one single wave. There is nothing wrong with snatching a profit between incoming waves, because after all, the appearance of repeated waves is the very essence of market action. The skill lies in correctly identifying that very specific scenario, which is a very different one to the tide itself coming in or out. That is what I have just done, and the reason why I snatched a profit. Now we have to wait for the next wave and prudently see what next develops.Jack o'Clubs said:QUESTION PLEASE SOCRATES
(Apologies for shouting, but a lot of noise on these threads 🙂)
I don't understand how this proves writers have the edge, since you'd have made similar money buying the calls yesterday. If you're effectively day-trading based on a view of how the market will move, then the time-decay on buying options, particularly those a few months out, is largely irrelevant.
I thought the idea was to hold the short puts position for a decent length of time and show how the value holds up compared to OTM calls. Not sure what this exercise proves other than you made a good call on the market direction yesterday (which in itself is obviously a good thing!) - just that there would have been lots of ways to have made a few hundred quid to exploit that - eg buying 5 FTSE futures yesterday at about the time you made your trade would have made £2500 over the same time-frame.