Pl. correct Amibroker code which distorts chart view.


Junior member
My code has Monthly,Weekly,Daily MTF lines.These MTF lines compress chart view.I have tried various scale options to correct this but theses attempts have failed to deliver desired results.Pl. suggest ways to plot only those MTF lines which are close to(40 pips below/above) current bar only.
_SECTION_BEGIN( "Monthly BB" );

TFm = inMonthly ;

TimeFrameSet( TFm );

ShowBBm9F = ParamToggle( "BB9 MTFm F", "Hide|Show", 1 );
ShowBBm9L = ParamToggle( "BB9 MTFm L", "Hide|Show", 1 );
PMTFm9 = Param( "Periom9 MTFm", 9, 2, 30, 1 );
WMTFm9 = Param( "Width9 MTFm", 1.5, 0, 10, 0.05 );
ShowBBm20F = ParamToggle( "BB20 MTFm F", "Hide|Show", 1 );
ShowBBm20L = ParamToggle( "BB20 MTFm L", "Hide|Show", 1 );
PMTFm20 = Param( "Periom20 MTFm", 20, 2, 30, 1 );
WMTFm20 = Param( "Width20 MTFm", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Mm9 = WMA( C, PMTFm9 );
sdm9 = StDev( C, PMTFm9 );
Topm9 = Mm9 + WMTFm9 * sdm9;
Botm9 = Mm9 - WMTFm9 * sdm9;
Mm20 = WMA( C, PMTFm20 );
sdm20 = StDev( C, PMTFm20 );
Topm20 = Mm20 + WMTFm20 * sdm20;
Botm20 = Mm20 - WMTFm20 * sdm20;


Mm9Fm = TimeFrameExpand( Mm9, TFm, expandFirst );
TP9Fm = TimeFrameExpand( TOPm9, TFm, expandFirst );
BT9Fm = TimeFrameExpand( BOTm9, TFm, expandFirst );
Mm20Fm = TimeFrameExpand( Mm20, TFm, expandFirst );
TP20Fm = TimeFrameExpand( TOPm20, TFm, expandFirst );
BT20Fm = TimeFrameExpand( BOTm20, TFm, expandFirst );
Mm9lm = TimeFrameExpand( Mm9, TFm, expandLast );
TP9lm = TimeFrameExpand( TOPm9, TFm, expandLast );
BT9lm = TimeFrameExpand( BOTm9, TFm, expandLast );
Mm20lm = TimeFrameExpand( Mm20, TFm, expandLast );
TP20lm = TimeFrameExpand( TOPm20, TFm, expandLast );
BT20lm = TimeFrameExpand( BOTm20, TFm, expandLast );
if ( ShowBBm9F )
//Plot( Mm9Fm, "MID BANm9 monthly First", colorOrange, styleLine| styleDashed | styleNoRescale );//styleDots |
if ( ShowBBm9F )
//Plot( TP9Fm, "TOP BANm9 monthly First", colorDarkRed, styleLine| styleDashed | styleNoRescale );//styleDots|
if ( ShowBBm9F )
//Plot( BT9Fm, "BOT BANm9 monthly First", colorDarkOliveGreen, styleLine | styleDashed| styleNoRescale );//styleDots|styleDashed |
if ( ShowBBm9L )
//Plot( Mm9lm, "MID BANm9 monthly Last", colorOrange, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale );
if ( ShowBBm9L )
//Plot( TP9lm, "TOP BANm9 monthly Last", colorOrange, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale );
if ( ShowBBm9L )
//Plot( BT9lm, "BOT BANm9 monthly Last", colorOrange, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale );
if ( ShowBBm20F )
//Plot( Mm20Fm, "MID BANm20 monthly First", colorBrown, styleLine | styleNoRescale );//styleDots |
if ( ShowBBm20F )
//Plot( TP20Fm, "TOP BANm20 monthly First", colorBrown, styleLine | styleNoRescale );
if ( ShowBBm20F )
//Plot( BT20Fm, "BOT BANm20 monthly First", colorBrown, styleLine | styleNoRescale );//styleDots |
if ( ShowBBm20L )
//Plot( Mm20lm, "MID BANm20 monthly Last", colorBrown, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale );
if ( ShowBBm20L )
//Plot( TP20lm, "TOP BANm20 monthly Last", colorBrown, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale );
if ( ShowBBm20L )
//Plot( BT20lm, "BOT BANm20 monthly Last", colorBrown, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick | styleNoRescale );
I have tried following options mentioned in manual.But I have not received desired view.I have to keep adjusting Yaxis values in parameter window otherwise sometimes I can can hardly see candle.(see image)Pl. suggest necessary tweaking options.

Code 1:
mid1 = WMA( C, Period1 );
sd1 = StDev( C, Period1 );
Top1 = mid1 + Width1 * sd1;
Bot1 = mid1 - Width1 * sd1;
minimum = HighestVisibleValue( .99 * Bot1 );
maximum = LowestVisibleValue( 1.01 * Top1 );

HHm = ( TimeFrameGetPrice( "H", inMonthly, -1 ) ) ;
Plot( HHm, "High", colorBlack, styleDots, Minimum, Maximum);

Code 2:

Plot(IIf(HHm< HighestVisibleValue(Top1) AND HHm > LowestVisibleValue(Bot1),LL,Null ) , "HHm", colorBlack, styleLine | styleDots | styleThick );

P.S.I am not able to upload code due to some uploading issue.
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Pl. see image.

Chart on left is a view of my original AFL with styleNoReScale.I have changed yaxis parameters(minimum/maximum values of yaxis) for proper view.

Chart on right is a view of AFL with styleOwnScale.This AFL gives a view which is easy on eye and I do not need to change yaxis parameters for view.

But on close inspection,it becomes apparent that,MTF lines and cloud plots are not positioned correctly with reference to close of candle.

Pl. help


  • LAST TRY.txt
    LAST TRY.txt
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  • view.png
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After all sort of experiments,view of chart has improved to some extent.But I think i should go for "ZOOM RECENT BARS".This feature is available in several softwares/terminals.May I have code for it?