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I was told autotrader has made $500 on average in last 3 month, still, $2200 is the price for me, and will increase to $3300 next month. I was told that I only lose $100 on failure trade but makes $190 on successful trade. by over 85% successful rate I was told, it will never lose.They push me so hard, I almost pay them, just do not feel comfort to let someone do the risky investment for me.

BTW: Why some one get $1100 but mine is $2200? I think $1100 is for half payment, will pay rest of $1100 by profit.
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I was told autotrader has made $500 on average in last 3 month, still, $2200 is the price for me, and will increase to $3300 next month. I was told that I only lose $100 on failure trade but makes $190 on successful trade. by over 85% successful rate I was told, it will never lose.They push me so hard, I almost pay them, just do not feel comfort to let someone do the risky investment for me.

BTW: Why some one get $1100 but mine is $2200? I think $1100 is for half payment, will pay rest of $1100 by profit.

Hi Tony99,

In my opinion PGI adjust their pricing model and sales structure in line with demand and results. As an example, when things were not going well last year, they offered half upfront payments and you only paid the other half if you made a really nice profit. No profit you get the system half price. Then things got really bad as a lot of alerts started to fail and threads like this popped up which, provide transparency into the services. Everyone here learnt do not go anywhere near PGI as with the current market climate and with the current systems configuration, people are losing money by the bucket loads.
So in response creative management have devised a system that brings people profit and potentially strengthens there brand - enter the "Auto trader” system. When they started it they had to offer it cheaper as know one new anything about it. As they obtained more data and positive results the price of the system will go up. It started at about $1200 plus $800 in a BOM account.
PGI are heading in the right direction but I personal would recommend more months in the black before you hand over thousands of dollars. If the results are great in 2 to 3 months and the auto trader is $3300, you paid a $1000 for peace of mind.

I’ve been researching PGI and personally kick started this thread 5 months ago and here is my opinion with PGI in terms of any outlay: Markets are settling down and PGI seem to be heading in the right direction HOWEVER, I'd except at least 3 of the 4 months coming up to be in the black before handing over any of your families money.
Pgi and BOM

With the recent changes to BOM it appears the profitability has gone. I have sent an email to PGI regarding this asking if there is another platform to place bets with. Here's a copy of the email which shows how much the profitability using BOM has changed

I was wondering if there has been an alternative found to BOM for trading. As the return is now down to 78% (was 100% a year ago) it now requires around a 92% strike rate just to break even. It used to be profitable but now does not appear to deliver.

To give an example on how much has changed based on a 92% strike rate (which PGI has delivered so far this month for the first time going back as far as May 2009).
***Note here I already sent the email but it is actually 90% this month, 90% last month and 89% in November***
Bet 1 to win 400
Bet 2 to win 800
Bet 3 to win 1750

With Original 100 % return on bet
Bet 1 cost $200
Bet 2 cost $400
Bet 3 cost $875
Losing Bet cost $1475
Profit per 100 bets at 92% strike rate = $7650
Ave profit per bet =$76.50

Change to 6.5% premium on bet
Bet 1 cost $21
Bet 2 cost $426
Bet 3 cost $931
Losing Bet cost $1571
Profit per 100 bets at 92% strike rate = $3747
Ave profit per bet =$37.47

Change to 12% premium on bet (20Jan10)
Bet 1 cost $224
Bet 2 cost $448
Bet 3 cost $980
Losing Bet cost $1652
Profit per 100 bets at 92% strike rate = $444
Ave profit per bet =$4.40

As you can see using BOM is no longer productive to the system. So what other platforms can we use?


I hope they do reply to this as even though they are delivering a better strike rate they are no longer delivering profit with it. It is not PGI's fault but it is affecting them.

I also noticed the new (maybe I just haven't noticed lately) trading results shown which show 2007 and 2008 figures for the FTSE, DAX and CAC. Interestingly they show the Dax (63% and 60%) and CAC (62% and 58%) providing over 60% 1st bet strike rate over a year period. If they were doing that now it would be far better. FTSE has 52% and 54% 1st bet strike rate.
Since May they have been
FTSE 41%,
DAX 52%,
CAC 44%.

With better overall results recently, since November they have been
FTSE 46% (28 alerts 5 losses),
DAX 60% (15 alerts, 0 losses),
CAC 39% (31 alerts, 3 losses).

If not for the losses it wouldn't be bad figures. Interestingly the CAC going down in 1st bet wins.
Got this reply from BOM regarding why the bet prices have changed.

Since the end of December 2009, we have been adjusting our bet prices to
better reflect the current market situation and market risk, specifically for
our boundary bets, which we felt were under-priced.

At the same time we felt that the prices of certain Intraday bets were
slightly overpriced, which we are currently adjusting downwards.

Generally speaking, from time to time, we adjust our bet prices to stay in
line with the market situation and market risk. These adjustments can go
either way.

Still reckon it's profit taking
Re: Pgi and BOM

With the recent changes to BOM it appears the profitability has gone. I have sent an email to PGI regarding this asking if there is another platform to place bets with. Here's a copy of the email which shows how much the profitability using BOM has changed

I was wondering if there has been an alternative found to BOM for trading. As the return is now down to 78% (was 100% a year ago) it now requires around a 92% strike rate just to break even. It used to be profitable but now does not appear to deliver.

To give an example on how much has changed based on a 92% strike rate (which PGI has delivered so far this month for the first time going back as far as May 2009).
***Note here I already sent the email but it is actually 90% this month, 90% last month and 89% in November***
Bet 1 to win 400
Bet 2 to win 800
Bet 3 to win 1750

With Original 100 % return on bet
Bet 1 cost $200
Bet 2 cost $400
Bet 3 cost $875
Losing Bet cost $1475
Profit per 100 bets at 92% strike rate = $7650
Ave profit per bet =$76.50

Change to 6.5% premium on bet
Bet 1 cost $21
Bet 2 cost $426
Bet 3 cost $931
Losing Bet cost $1571
Profit per 100 bets at 92% strike rate = $3747
Ave profit per bet =$37.47

Change to 12% premium on bet (20Jan10)
Bet 1 cost $224
Bet 2 cost $448
Bet 3 cost $980
Losing Bet cost $1652
Profit per 100 bets at 92% strike rate = $444
Ave profit per bet =$4.40

As you can see using BOM is no longer productive to the system. So what other platforms can we use?


I hope they do reply to this as even though they are delivering a better strike rate they are no longer delivering profit with it. It is not PGI's fault but it is affecting them.

I also noticed the new (maybe I just haven't noticed lately) trading results shown which show 2007 and 2008 figures for the FTSE, DAX and CAC. Interestingly they show the Dax (63% and 60%) and CAC (62% and 58%) providing over 60% 1st bet strike rate over a year period. If they were doing that now it would be far better. FTSE has 52% and 54% 1st bet strike rate.
Since May they have been
FTSE 41%,
DAX 52%,
CAC 44%.

With better overall results recently, since November they have been
FTSE 46% (28 alerts 5 losses),
DAX 60% (15 alerts, 0 losses),
CAC 39% (31 alerts, 3 losses).

If not for the losses it wouldn't be bad figures. Interestingly the CAC going down in 1st bet wins.

Mate, I have had a bad week ! 3 losses in a row ! That killed me. Been doing PGI for 19 weeks and after finally doing the strategy properly the last 2 weeks this crap happens. Went from being really happy to depressed in a matter of days. Have e-mailed PGI this morning pretty pissed off and wanting to get some compensation or my money back. My wife has been patient with me the last few weeks but now I think she has had enough as well. I always try everything but 3 losses is too much at $200 a trade.
The results of some alternative trading strategies I have been researching

Based on 382 alerts since 11May09.
Overall Win 84.8%
1st bet win 42.9%
2nd bet win 30.4%
3rd bet win 11.5%
Losing alert 15.2%

I studied various strategies. The basic 3 bet and 6 bet system using 200 and 50 as base bets. I also tried a 2 bet system, a reverse 1st bet plus 1, Reverse bet plus 2 and reverse bet plus 3.
The most profitable system I came up with was a reverse 1st bet plus 2. It is based on betting against the alert for the 1st hour. If the alert wins you lose the bet and stop. If the alert loses the 1st hour then you win your bet and bet with the alert for the 2nd hour, then again the 3rd if required. Difference being that since you won the 1st hour you bet the same instead of doubling for the 2nd hour. This means on a losing alert you would lose $502.25 instead of $1757.25. This takes a lot of the stress off the 3rd hour alerts.

Heres the results I got for all the systems with profit figures for all alerts since June09 and also since November09 for comparison. I excluded May since it was the worst month.

System since June 2009 (336 alerts)
3 Bet System -$24188
6 Bet System -$16803
2 Bet System -$8971
Reverse Single $5819
Reverse +1 $8123
Reverse +2 $11864
Reverse +3 $9767

System since November 2009 (142 alerts)
3 Bet System $3423
6 Bet System $7511
2 Bet System $1130
Reverse Single $4341
Reverse +1 $8236
Reverse +2 $12614
Reverse +3 $13432

All the systems had months that they made money and all had months where they lost. July and October09 all systems lost money (also in May but those losses are not included in above figures)

It should be noted that all systems have made a profit since November09.
Although the Reverse + 3 has been the most profitable system since November I prefer the Reverse + 2 as the losing bet is lower. When there are more losses that go beyond a 4th hour that is when the shorter Reverse systems make a larger difference by not losing as much.

If anyone wants the full results message me. I have it all on Excel.

It looks like you have sussed this out. I am keen to see the excel you put together.
So what I get from your strategy you are assuming that the trades dont go on the 1st hour ?
Re: Pgi and BOM


Mate, I have had a bad week ! 3 losses in a row ! That killed me. Been doing PGI for 19 weeks and after finally doing the strategy properly the last 2 weeks this crap happens. Went from being really happy to depressed in a matter of days. Have e-mailed PGI this morning pretty pissed off and wanting to get some compensation or my money back. My wife has been patient with me the last few weeks but now I think she has had enough as well. I always try everything but 3 losses is too much at $200 a trade.

What were the markets that the alerts failed on? And when did you receive them? I know there was a French alert late on Friday that failed to win on first 3 hours.
Re: Pgi and BOM

What were the markets that the alerts failed on? And when did you receive them? I know there was a French alert late on Friday that failed to win on first 3 hours.

French and UK on Friday. Then yesterday UK. F**king frustrating.
Good afternoon everyone! Thank you all for your interest in Prosperity Group International. We just happened to come across Trade2Win and noticed there has been a lot of interest in our Index Trading platforms. I will endeavor to post helpful and informative material on this unique, yet highly effective trading style. I'm not yet sure if we can post links to our site here, however I will find out shortly as we are posting our trading alert results on our blog for those who may be interested. Best regards, PJ.
Good afternoon everyone! Thank you all for your interest in Prosperity Group International. We just happened to come across Trade2Win and noticed there has been a lot of interest in our Index Trading platforms. I will endeavor to post helpful and informative material on this unique, yet highly effective trading style. I'm not yet sure if we can post links to our site here, however I will find out shortly as we are posting our trading alert results on our blog for those who may be interested. Best regards, PJ.

LMAO all the way FROM the bank
Hi all

Would someone please help me fill in the caps with the below alerts as I have not traded for a while and would like to keep the records up to date. Thanks

26-Jan Spanish Higher Down 11.53 GMT 2
26-Jan Swiss Higher Down 11.54 GMT
26-Jan French Higher Down 12.53 GMT 1
26-Jan UK Higher Down 12.55 GMT
27-Jan French Higher Down 9.53 GMT
27-Jan UK Higher Down 9.54 GMT
27-Jan UK Higher Down 11.52 GMT
27-Jan German Higher Down 11.54 GMT
28-Jan Irish Higher Down 10.56 GMT
28-Jan French Lower Up 11.50 GMT
28-Jan German Lower Up 1.53 GMT
28-Jan UK Lower Up 11.55 GMT
29-Jan Irish Lower Up 10.50 GMT 1
29-Jan UK Higher Down 12.50 GMT 3+
29-Jan French Higher Down 12.53 GMT 3+
29-Jan Dutch Higher Down 12.55 GMT
1-Feb UK Higher Down 11.52 GMT
2-Feb Irish Higher Down 9.53 GMT
2-Feb UK Lower Up 11.54 GMT
2-Feb US Comp Higher Down 15.53 GMT
Hi again

Just need the below alerts to finish the list, Thanks

26-Jan Swiss Higher Down 11.54 GMT
26-Jan UK Higher Down 12.55 GMT
1-Feb UK Higher Down 11.52 GMT
2-Feb UK Lower Up 11.54 GMT
hi bigfoot,

26-Jan Spanish Higher Down 11.53 GMT 2
26-Jan Swiss Higher Down 11.54 GMT 5
26-Jan French Higher Down 12.53 GMT 1
26-Jan UK Higher Down 12.55 GMT 1
27-Jan French Higher Down 9.53 GMT 3
27-Jan UK Higher Down 9.54 GMT 1
27-Jan UK Higher Down 11.52 GMT 2
27-Jan German Higher Down 11.54 GMT 1
28-Jan Irish Higher Down 10.56 GMT 1
28-Jan French Lower Up 11.50 GMT 1
28-Jan German Lower Up 1.53 GMT 1
28-Jan UK Lower Up 11.55 GMT 1
29-Jan Irish Lower Up 10.50 GMT 1 1
29-Jan UK Higher Down 12.50 GMT 3+
29-Jan French Higher Down 12.53 GMT 3+
29-Jan Dutch Higher Down 12.55 GMT 3+
1-Feb UK Higher Down 11.52 GMT 3+
2-Feb Irish Higher Down 9.53 GMT 1
2-Feb UK Lower Up 11.54 GMT 3
2-Feb US Comp Higher Down 15.53 GMT 3+

the second lot are already in the list

hope this helps.
Re: Pgi and BOM

French and UK on Friday. Then yesterday UK. F**king frustrating.

There was also a Dutch alert on Friday that also failed and another on the compq last night, so that makes 5 in the past week. And just when i was starting to get some confidence in PGI......