Personality Types: Which one are you?

Which Jung Type are you?

  • ISFJ

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 7 1.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 13 1.9%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 43 6.3%
  • INFP

    Votes: 28 4.1%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 243 35.5%
  • INTP

    Votes: 84 12.3%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 18 2.6%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 100 14.6%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • INXP

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters

I'm a new trader (6 months). This is my first post in fact.

I'm an INTJ too. Are all the NT's meant to be good at trading?

On answering the questions its sounds like I'm a hermit but I like the description on getting the results. Its a bit like the Van Tharp trader type test.

Thanks for introducing me to that website - I'll have to ask my husband to do one now.

If you havent already taken a Jung personality type test before:

The test takes about 10 minutes:

A large percentage of traders tend to be NTs, even though NTs
only represent a small minitority of of the general population:

Some statistics about the types:

Some more facinating reading about the types and how they
cope under stress..

Some more links (by Van Tharp)

Ill post the next few Van Tharp links as they become available..

BTW im an INTJ..
Our old mate Spanish was an ESFP.

Spanish89 said:
I was feeling very bored as theres nothing on tv, im not hungry,
already looked at loads of porn, dont have much alcohol left n cant be bothered to drink much,
i dont wana go out clubbing, and the markets are closed...

(Been quite a waste of a day actually, sleeping for all of it, and now its nightime with a long depressing weekend ahead) :/

So i was surfing forums and saw this, a test that loads of traders were doing to see whatt their personality is-

I did it and im an ESFP it says.

What are all of you gys though??


This makes me look kinda bad and low now..

Since you are all ''master minds'' (INTJs)..., while im just a stupid jester! LOL

This is just demoralising now!!

Most of you are masterminds, JB is the security governor, and im still just the stupid jester!!

i should have taken this test before funding my first account and the many more that followed......

interesting ...the result was the same even after 3 attempts

so now its either fashion merchandising or becoming a nurse ??

any suggestions??.... btw becoming a clergy / church worker is also an option

i should have taken this test before funding my first account and the many more that followed......

interesting ...the result was the same even after 3 attempts

so now its either fashion merchandising or becoming a nurse ??

any suggestions??.... btw becoming a clergy / church worker is also an option

Actually you have a very rounded personality type, not the geeky INTJ/INTP one that most of us have on this board

Possible Career Paths for the ENFP:

  • [*] Consultant
    [*] Psychologist
    [*] Entrepreneur
    [*] Actor
    [*] Teacher
    [*] Counsellor
    [*] Politician / Diplomat
    [*] Writer / Journalist
    [*] Television Reporter
    [*] Computer Programmer, Systems Analyst, or Computer Specialist
    [*] Scientist
    [*] Engineer
It's news to me but I've taken to strutting around with one hand tucked inside my shirt.
All I need is some shiny leather riding boots and a crop!
Another INTJ here. I believe the test is very accurate when viewed in a broader sense. Many,many years ago I took Van Tharp's test. The results were that I would make a poor trader because I was unable to follow a written trading plan. At the time I was young and blew off the thought that I needed help in my trading. In retrospect I wish I would have followed up with Van Tharp.

I find that I am very good at devising winning strategy's but when it becomes time too implement them in real time the urge to fine tune seems to come into play. What would have been a profitable trade soon becomes multiple trades with results that are far less profitable or even loses. Over time my trading account dwindles.

Any other INTJ's have this same problem ? Constructive comments would be appreciated
I think Im the first ISTP to post. Just a thought, but did many of you read the thread before doing the test?

Interesting Thread-

I am an ISTJ-

I am a profitable trader , yes as defined by my three accounts are above what they started at over 12 months ago. However consistency is somthing i`m still working on -
"ISTJs are most at home with "just the facts, Ma'am." They seem to perform at highest efficiency when employing a step-by-step approach. Once a new procedure has proven itself (i.e., has been shown "to work,") the ISTJ can be depended upon to carry it through"
Just out of interest, does anyone feel the degree subject they studied have had an impact on their personality? I study Maths and its almost as if my degree has moulded a few of my characteristics into some of those said for my personality - I doubt it would have been the same pre-studies but I definitely see it to be true of me now. Any thoughts?
i'm an ENFJ, the career choices that were suitable were teacher, psychologist, scientist, management, politician; and interestingly enough i've done all of them except being a politician although politics is one of my top interests.

If it helps with anyone who is compiling research on traders, i've been trading successfully for 15 years and haven't had a wipe out yet (touch wood).

I think what may be useful for research would be a breakdown of the percentages on each code, eg 2 folks with an ENFJ may well have very different percentage weightings and there could be a correlation in the weightings on each individual letter type with traders. For me 2 of mine were over 80% and 2 were under 14% so there looks to be some valuable research that could be done with the raw data not just the overall code result.

Did anyone else have very high percentages on any of theirs? and/or low percentages (the low ones would mean that the opposing scales are quite balanced; high percentages woud mean that it is a definite significant trait.
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Did anyone else have very high percentages on any of theirs? and/or low percentages (the low ones would mean that the opposing scales are quite balanced; high percentages woud mean that it is a definite significant trait.
I've taken this test a couple of time and introduced it to others, most everyone seemed to have at least one definitive trait.

The INTP description by D. Keirsey was incredibly accurate.
Surely we live in the world that says; " Personality types, er, what one would you like me to be? "

Yeah I know, "And don't keep calling me Shirley" 🙂